
Followed by drinks and nibbles, 4.30-5.30pm

Ellerslie Event Centre,Ellerslie Racecourse

80 Ascot Ave, Remuera, 1050, Auckland


Sir John Kirwan, Patron, New Zealand College of Clinical Psychologists- Opening address

Kevin Briggs, USA, Retired policesergeant,member of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) for more than 23 years, with responsibility for patrolling the Golden Gate Bridge.

Title: “The Bridge Between Suicide and Life”

As a member of the CHP for over 23 years, with the majority of those years patrolling the Golden Gate Bridge, Sgt. Briggs discovered early that his job required him to take on an unusual role for a police officer: suicide prevention counselor. As a cancer survivor and survivor of multiple heart operations, Briggs’ familiarity with personal struggle bonds him with suicidal men and women. With simple empathy, an instinct for improvisation and a refusal to walk away, Briggs has negotiated several hundred people from suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge. As he told the SF Chronicle, "I've talked to people from ten minutes to seven hours. I very much despise losing. I do whatever I can to get that person back over the rail. I play to win." Sgt. Briggs retired from the CHP in November 2013.


Sean McCarthy,Regional Suicide Resource Officer, South Eastern Region of the Health Services Executive South, Ireland.

Title: Suicide Prevention. Can Sport Play A Role?

Seán manages the Regional Suicide Resource Office and directs the workings of that office for a region with a population of 500,000. He has worked in suicide prevention since 1998. He is a member of the Irish Association of Suicidology and of the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). He is currently Co-Chair of the IASP Special Interest Group (SIG) on Postvention and Loss and is editor for the SIG quarterly newsletter. He is currently National Lead on the roll out of the Suicide Crisis Assessment Nursing Service (SCAN) a suicide prevention initiative to Primary Care services. He has a particular interest in the development of bereavement support services for suicide bereaved and co-ordinates a bereavement counselling and support service in his area. Sean lost a close family member to suicide in 2000 following his appointment as a Regional Suicide Resource Officer.

Katie Jahnke, Health Promotion Officer, Well South, Dunedin.

Title: "Rural Life: Keeping TheBalance".

Mental health and suicide prevention in rural communities.

Katie Jahnke is the Health Promotion and Projects Coordinator at WellSouth Primary Health Network, based in Dunedin. She has worked in public health and health promotion for the past 10 years and has a Masters of Public Health from the University of Otago.


Dr Shyamala Nada-Raja, University of Otago, Dunedin.

Title: StickabilityOf Web-Based Psycholgical Therapies And Long Term Mental Health Outcomes In TheRID Trial ()

Dr Nada-Raja is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at Otago University. Her research expertise is in the broad area of mental health/well-being, focussing on mental health and self-harm/positive development longitudinal studies based in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (DMHDS) and online psychological interventions (see: to reduce depression, self-harm, suicidality, violence, and increase positive development.

Dr Sarah Hetrick, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Title: Suicide Prevention And New Media

Dr Sarah Hetrick is a clinical psychologist and Senior Research Fellow at Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, Melbourne University. She has expertise in systematic review methodology, is a lead author on a number of systematic reviews about interventions for youth mental health disorders and is an Editor with the Cochrane Depression Anxiety and Neurosis Group. Within Orygen she leads the area of knowledge translation and exchange for youth depression and has a key role in a program of primary research investigating effective interventions for youth depression and suicide.

Dallas Hibbs, Chief Executive, He WakaTapu, Christchurch-based health social services provider.

Title:WhaioraOnline.A Post Discharge Story.

My privilege as CE is to work with people that dedicate their professional and personal lives to improving the health and life prospects of Whānau. We value our taha Māori and Whānau committed to more control over the life they live. I have a weakness for 'hangi', live sport and cheesecake (in that order). Life is good hen our "mahi" and our 'maia' result in something better for whānau.


Dr Gary Cheung, University of Auckland.

Title:Suicide In Older People – What We Know And Is It Preventable?

Dr Gary Cheung holds a joint appointment between Auckland District Health Board as a Specialist Psychogeriatrician and the University of Auckland as a Senior Lecturer. He is the Director of the Academic Programme for the Auckland Regional Psychiatric Training Programme. His current research includes suicide in older people, driving and dementia, screening tools for cognitive impairment, cognitive stimulation therapy and capacity assessment for advance care planning.


Professor Rob Kydd, University of Auckland, Chair, Suicide Mortality Review Committee.

Title: Discussion of goals and aspiration of the Suicide Mortality Review Committee.

Rob is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Auckland and has had previous roles as Head of the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences and Deputy Dean of the faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. He has also been Clinical Director of Mental Health Services for Counties-Manukau District Health Board and Chair of the New Zealand branch of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. He was recently chair of the mental health and addiction service workforce review working group and currently chairs the Suicide Mortality Review Committee.

Dr Steve Duffy, Director, Acute Mental Health Services, Canterbury DHB, Christchurch.

Title: The Zero Suicide Initiative and A NZ Interpretation.

Dr Duffy is the Clinical Director of Adult General Inpatient Services at Hillmorton Hospital Christchurch, he has been a practicing psychiatrist for 15 years with experience in alcohol and other drug, community and inpatient psychiatry. His administrative interests are centred on service development and in particular quality improvement. He recently completed an MBA with a project based on suicide prevention modelled on a Zero Suicide initiative from Detroit.

Corinda Taylor, Consumer advocate, Dunedin.

Title:Protective Factors And Support For Suicidal People: What Families Need.

Corinda Taylor is a research technician in the department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Otago. She is a founder member and Chair of the recently formed Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust in Dunedin. Her primary goal is to speak up and engage communities to be part of suicide prevention initiatives and to ensure that better support is provided to those at risk of suicide and those bereaved by suicide.

Roger Shave, CASA, Whangarei.

Title: Priming Postvention: Timely Transmission Of Suspected Suicide Details To Government Health Agencies

Roger is a Registered Clinical Psychologist. Since 2007 he has worked as Clinical Advisor with the Community Postvention Response Service (CPRS).CPRS supportsany New Zealand community experiencing a suicide cluster or suicide contagion. Roger is also Project Managerof the Coronial Suspected Suicide Data Sharing Service (CDS). CDS notifies regional government health agencies of suspected suicide deaths as they are notifiedto the Coronial Service. CDS works alongside CPRS;both services are delivered by CASA on behalf of the Ministry of Health.

Moira Clunie and Virginia Brooks, Mental Health Foundation, Auckland:

Title: Strengthening The Role Of Family, Whānau And Friends In Suicide Prevention And Postvention.

Virginia Brooks. Virginia is the Suicide Bereavement Service Coordinator at the Mental Health Foundation. Virginia has a background in secondary school teaching and school guidance counselling. Virginia has an academic interest in postvention and lived experience of suicide bereavement, having lost both her son and sister to suicide. Recognising the valuable research into depression, suicide and postvention that has taken place, Virginia would like to see more research happening and as a result of this valuable work, increased practical commitment to action.

Moira Clunie.Moira has worked for the Mental Health Foundation for the last three years, where she manages a range of programmes related to suicide prevention, bereavement support and youth wellbeing. Her focus is on equipping family, whānau and friends with the information and tools they need to support their loved ones. Moira is an experienced project and programme manager, with ten years' experience in not-for-profit management across the disability and mental health sectors. She has a background in public policy, accessible publishing, web development and environmental engineering.

Registration Form

When: Thursday 26 February 2015

Time:9am – 4.30pm

(Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea included)

Venue: Ellerslie Event Centre

80 Ascot Avenue

Remuera, Auckland

Parking:Free parking available at Ellerslie Event Centre

Registration fee (gstinc): NZCCP memberNon member


Please email your registration form by Friday 13 February 2015to Caroline Greig,


and pay your registration fee either by cheque made out to NZCCP and posted to NZCCP, PO Box 24088, Wellington, or by direct credit into the NZCCP BNZ bank account, 02-0865-0271109-05.