Fundraising information and request
Welcome to Capistrano Valley Cougar Track and Field. Your son/daughter has earned the privilege of being a participant in this program. Your athlete will receive many benefits and enjoy some responsibilities in representing our school and program. CUSD provides financial assistance for transportation, and 4 coaches. However, the primary source of financial support must come from you, the families benefitting from and contributing to the program. Your involvement and voluntary financial donations are crucial to our success.
Our overall program funding for this season is $32,000. We are requesting a donation of $250. Understanding that some of you will not be able to give as much and some may be able to give more, no one is required to give anything ; however these donations are crucial to the success of the program,
Here is a basic breakdown of where the money goes and why we need it.
- Assistant Coaches $15,000. (With 200 athletes and many technical
events we need several assistant coaches beyond the 4 provided by CUSD.
-Equipment—$12,500 (this includes, hurdles, shots and discs, starting blocks
training and safety equipment, watches and timing devices and
poles for vaulting, a new Pole Vault Pit is in plans for future)
-2,000 For Electronic Timing at Track Meets
-food, awards, supplies and program for end of year banquet $2500
Please fill out the form below and return, with donation if possible to Coach Jimenez or Coach Schepens
Athlete name______
Parent name______
_____enclosed/attached is my voluntary team donation in full ($250)
make checks to CVHS Track Club
_____I have already made my voluntary team donation in full ($250)
_____I am able to make a voluntary team donation in installments
_____Our family cannot contribute at this time
I understand that our active involvement and support is crucial to team success
I also understand that the requested voluntary donation is based on the proposed budget
listed above
Parent SignatureDate
This must be returned to Coach Jimenez or Coach Schepens by March 3, 2017 It will count towards 20% of your semester Track and Field grade.