Supplementary material:

Follow-up of a CI with Hearing-Preservation Surgery:

[ ]Shows the number of answers to a specific question

1) How satisfied are you with your CI?

Not at all satisfied

Somewhat satisfied

Satisfied [1]

Very satisfied [17]

2) Would you recommend a CI to a person in a similar situation to yours?

Yes [19]


I do not know.

3) How much do you use your CI?

8hours or more per day [17]

4-8 hours per day [1]

1-4 hours per day [1]

Sometime during the week

Never (If you never use the implant, you need not answer any further questions in this questionnaire)

4) When you use your CI, do you at the same time use your hearing aid for your other ear?

No, never [3]

Yes, always [12]

Yes, sometimes [4]

When we now continue asking about your hearing, please, imagine yourself using the aid(s) you use most of the time. For example CI for one ear and a hearing aid for the other ear.

5) How well do you hear with your CI in a silent environment?

Please, compare to your hearing prior to your surgery!

I hear less with the CI than prior to my surgery

I hear just about the same with the CI as I did prior to my surgery

I hear better [2]

I hear much better [17]

6) How well do you hear with your CI in a noisy environment (several persons talking, traffic noise, etc.)?

Please, compare to your hearing prior to your surgery!

I hear less with the CI than I did prior to my surgery

I hear just about the same with CI as I did prior to my surgery [7]

I hear better [3]

I hear much better [9]

7) How does music sound to you with your CI and hearing aid(s)?

I never listen to music

I can listen but it does not sound well [8]

Music sounds well [7]

Music sounds very well [4]

8) Do you hear as well with your CI as prior to your surgery you had expected that you would hear?

I hear less than I thought I would do [1]

I hear just about the same as I thought I would do [3]

I hear better [7]

I hear much better [8]

9) According to your experience now, is the preserved hearing in your operated ear of any benefit to you?

Of no benefit [2]

Sometimes beneficial [1]

Beneficial [5]

Of great benefit [10]

Below, you are invited to add comments or view-points of your choice: