Dieter AA

Appendix 1: Characteristics of Included Native Tissue Vaginal Surgeries

Author, Year / Number of Subjects / Number Recurrent Prolapse Surgeries / Follow-Up (mos) / Person-Time
Jeon, 2008 [1] / 70 / 0 / 36 / 2520
Chene, 2008 [2] / 185 / 0 / 24 / 4440
Dietz, 2007 [3] / 99 / 2 / 22.5 / 2227.5
Hefni , 2006 [4] / 305 / 19 / 57 / 17385
Molsted-Pedersen, 2006 [5] / 61 / 3 / 52 / 3172
Maher, 2004 [6] / 48 / 3 / 24 / 1152
Cruikshank, 2003 [7] / 695 / 53 / 43 / 29885
Nieminen, 2003 [8] / 122 / 6 / 24 / 2928
Hefni, 2003 [9] / 109 / 5 / 34 / 3706
Lovastis, 2002 [10] / 293 / 2 / 33 / 9669
Karram, 2001 [11] / 202 / 10 / 22 / 4444
Lantzsch, 2001 [12] / 200 / 2 / 58 / 11600
Maher, 2001 [13] / 36 / 5 / 26 / 936
Shull, 2000 [14] / 289 / 2 / 14 / 4046
Winker, 2000 [15] / 75 / 3 / 8.5 / 637.5
Hefni, 2000 [16] / 75 / 0 / 15 / 1125
Comiter , 1999 [17] / 100 / 4 / 17.3 / 1730
Meschia, 1999 [18] / 103 / 0 / 43 / 4429
Colombo , 1998 [19] / 62 / 0 / 84 / 5208
Colombo, 1998 [19] / 62 / 1 / 83 / 5146
Penalver, 1998 [20] / 160 / 11 / 40 / 6400
Lo, 1998 [21] / 72 / 0 / 25 / 1800
Paraiso, 1996 [22] / 243 / 11 / 74 / 17982
Benson, 1996 [23] / 48 / 14 / 30 / 1440
Pasley, 1995 [24] / 156 / 3 / 35 / 5460
Peters, 1995 [25] / 30 / 4 / 48 / 1440
Peters, 1995 [25] / 81 / 3 / 37 / 2997
Carey, 1994 [26] / 40 / 1 / 5 / 200
Morley, 1988 [27] / 100 / 5 / 8 / 800
Thompson, 2007 [28] / 32 / 8 / 55 / 1760
Fagan, 2007 [29] / 64 / 2 / 26.5 / 1696
Dandolu, 2006 [30] / 51 / 0 / 82 / 4182
TOTAL / 4268 / 182 / - / 162543


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