Follow the checked boxes below to guide your nutrition towards optimal health and wellness

General Low Carb Diet

  • Per day: <100gm total carbs, at least 80-100 gm protein, healthy fats in moderation

□Ketogenic- “Keto”, or known as Low-Carb, High Fat- “LCHF”, (Protein intake is modeate)

  • FAT: 65 to 85% of calories/day (mostly from healthy saturated or monounsaturated)
  • Protein: 15 to 20% and Carbs 0 to 20%

□Atkins (High Protein, low carb, moderate fat)

  • PROTEIN: 40 to 45% of calorics/day
  • Fat: 30 to 35%, and Carbs 20 to 25%

David Ludwig Phased Diet Plan (see attached information sheet)

Very Low-Calorie Diet, or “VLCD” (Typicall, less than 800 calories per day)

□Paleo (Omits dairy/legumes/grains/processed sugar; Heavy in meat, vegetables, and healthy fats)

□Meditarannean (Eat primarily plant based-foods, legumes, nuts, and grains; Includes meat too)

□Vegan(Only plant-derived foods- no animal products from sea or land, no dairy, no honey)

□Vegetarian(Less restrictive than Vegan; sometimes includes dariy prodicts, or fish/sea animals)

Eliminate this from diet: Gluten Dairy Soy Eggs Beans All grains

Intermittent Fasting, or “Time Restricted Eating” (pairs well with a general low-carb diet)

  • “Lean Gains”: 16 hours fast, followed by 8 hours of eating
  • “Warrior Diet”: 20 hours fasting, 4 hours eating at end of day
  • “Eat Stop Eat”: Fast for a complete 24 hours, 2 non-consecutive days per week

□Carb- Cycling (Eating more carbs on some days, and less on others; generally 5 meals/day)

  • Alternate high/low carb every other day, OR 2 low-carb days then high carb day.
  • Generally 1 to 1.5 gm carb per pound of body weight on “high carb days” and 0.25gm carb per pound of body weight on low carb days

Regular timed eating

  • 5-6 small meals per day, eating every 2-3 hours
  • Pairs with general low-carb diet, aiming for these macro-nutrient goals per meal:

▪20gm carbs or less, 15gm protein or more, and 1 thumb size serving fat.


HYDRATION:Aim towards drinking at least half your body weight (lbs) in ounces of water per day

CONSTIPATION: Can occurw/ abrupt diet chage. 200-800mg magnesium at night can help.

FIBER:Adding unsweetened fiber to the diet is a good way to keep full, and help bowels

Use Stevia or Xylitol for fake sweeteners VS sweet N low, aspartame, sucralose, splenda

When to add salt: Most likely any fatigue, headache, muscle cramping is because of low sodium in the blood due to loss of fluid when changing to a lower carb diet. In order to prevent and treat dehydration due to fluid loss w/ fat loss, it may be necessary to do 1-2 bouillon cubes in water or broth, or eat 1/2 dill pickle to keep water in the body.

PROTEIN POWDER:Very helpful addition for those who eat a low, or no meat diet.

□Supplements: Vitamin D3; B-Complex, Magnesium, Fish Oil, Multi-Vitamin, ______

FASTING BLOOD DRAW: nothing to eat/drink (except water, plain coffee, plain tea) x 12 hrs


□You are due for:

  • Complete Preventative Physical
  • Mammogram
  • Colonoscopy/FOBT
  • Bone Density Scan
  • DRE

□OTHER ______