Biology – Fall 2009 - Mrs. Vohl
C202 * 841-4205 * *
Follow me on Twitter: VohlBiology (for due date reminders and updates)
Course Objective
Biology is the study of all living things and how they interact with their environment. In this class, we will focus on discovering the heart of biology through interactive labs, lectures, activities, and class discussions.
Biology is taught using the state TEKS as a curriculum guideline. For additional information on the TEKS:
Fall Units: Nature of ScienceTaxonomy
Cell StructureRoots, Leaves, and Stems
Bacteria and VirusesCellular Respiration
Class Expectations
All school rules & policies will be enforced. In addition, please take note of the following:
1)Speak respectfully and respect the speaker.
2)Come to class on time and ready to work.
3)Follow directions and stay on task
Safety Policy
Student safety is of utmost importance. Violation of lab safety rules results in removal from lab activities that day and a grade of 0 on the lab with no opportunity to make-up lab.
Everyday you will need:- 1 composition book
- Index cards & book ring
- 1 ½“Binder with dividers
- Pens, pencils, colored pencils, scissors & glue stick
- Graph paper & notebook paper
- Student Planner or Agenda sheet
1st – Box of tissue & roll of paper towels
3rd – Index cards & pack of markers
6th – Plastic cups or plastic baggies
7th – Scissors
8th – Set of colored pencils & glue sticks
*all students are expected to bring a donation
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to practice academic integrity at all times. Copying, cheating, or plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. This includes copying while working in a group as well.
Late Work
All assignments are expected to be turned in on or before the due date. Any assignment turned in late will have 50% of earned points deducted from the grade for up to three days, after that the grade will be a zero.
Make-Up Work
It is your responsibility to find out what you missed while you were gone and make up all work in a timely manner.
If you are absent…
On a day an assignment is due, you must turn in the assignment the day you return
On a day a short-term assignment is given (less than 4 days), you have the number of days you were absent past the original due date.
On a day a long-term assignment is given (more than 4 days), you must turn in the assignment on the original due date.
On the day before a test, you must take the test with the rest of the class.
On the day of a test, you must make-up the test within three school days.
Grading Policy
50% Tests, Major Projects 50% Quizzes*, Labs*, Daily grades
* Quizzes and Labs count twice as much as daily grades.
Grade Improvement
The student may substitute their lowest test grade for the six weeks with their six weeks test grade if it improves their grade. A student may also earn half of all missed points back on a quiz by completing assigned workbook pages when applicable.