Code: B=Beginner, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced, B,I,A=All levelsP=Participatory, L=Listening, NM=Non-musical
SUNDAY 9:45-10:45
Gospel Hour
Brendan Taaffe & Ken Rolston / Jaqua / P / A special mix of harmonies on early American hymns and African-American spirituals.
Fedoras, Vaudeville & Washboards-The Wiyos / Turrell / P, L / A fun exploration of delightful slapstick, amazing juggling, and charismatic international clowning.
Group Songwriting
Claudia Schmidt / RecRm / B,I,A / A collective effort to write one song, while learning, discussing & improving your personal writing skills.
Young People’s Concert
MC: Julie Edelston / Lenape / P, L / The next generation of Getawarians puts on a funtastic show, a biannual favorite. Oy, the talent!
Off the Book
Mike Agranoff / Chapel / A round robin featuring the glories of memorized performance, unencumbered by paper or pixels.
SUNDAY 11:00 – 12:00
Story Slam
Carol TitusKen Galipeau / Jaqua / NM / Tell a 5-minute story to a great audience & kind judges. Topic: Fancy Meeting You Here.
Old Timey Jam – Toby Fagenson / Turrell / P / The hardest-drivin’, funnest-lovin’ Southernish-style, uppish-tempo jam. Y’all come on ‘n’ join us.
Fingerpicking Folkie StylePat Donohue / RecRm / I, A / Explore Atkins, Watson, Travis, etc. to develop tips, tools and techniques for melodies & arrangements.
Swing Uke
Stu Fuchs / Lenape / I, A / Colorful chords and rhythmic strums on Tin Pan Alley favorites and gypsy swing gems.
Low Ropes
Camp / Porch / NM / Meet the challenge. Show your bravery. Thrill the multitudes. Earn the hyperbole. Hold the rope.
SUNDAY LUNCH 12:00-1:00
1:00 / Pack all your stuff. Don’t forget your pot luck dishes and mugs!
2:00 / CONCERT
MC: Mitch Radler Second Vocalotto Stu Fuchs Lucy Kaplansky
4:15 / Turn in your name badge and say farewell.
Or: Help the volunteer staff and the sound crew pack up.
Or: If you’re staying for the Extension tune your guitar and get ready for Round 2.
The Spring 2015
Acoustic Getaway
First-timers: You’ll learn everything you need to know at the Meet & Greet Friday at 7:30. Second-timers:You are especially welcomed. Make friends with those first-timers, and let them know what made your first weekend special enough to come back. Old-timers: We love you. You are why there’s a Getaway – friendship, music and community.
Over 1/3 of Getaway Guests are volunteers whocontribute love, time and effortto make thishappen. Thanks to them all. And if you find yourself in a moment of bliss and gratitude, don’t forget to thank yourself, too. Because you are The Getaway.
Code: B=Beginner, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced, B,I,A,=All levels
P=Participatory, L=Listening, NM=Non-musical
The Big Vocalotto
Deborah Graham
Sign up before Saturday lunch / Dining Hall Vestibule / P / Random winners perform one song at our Saturday andSunday concerts. The drawing takes place atSaturday lunch. Enter in up to three categories:
(1) Three chord songs (2) Songs about trains
(3) Getaway 1st and 2nd Timers.
The Jam Tent / Tent / P / Start your own jam session or join in. Any time.
Lessons by Loy
Jeff Loy / Maple / B,I / Beginning and intermediate private guitar lessons. Sign up in the dining hall vestibule.
6:30 / Potluck Dinner(Dining Hall)
7:30 / Meet & Greet (Rec Room) – for newbies and oldies alike
8:00 / Sabbath Candle Lighting (Chapel) – All are invited.
8:30 / CONCERT
MC: Betsy RoseKate HedmanKen & Pat & HenryPat Donohue
11:00 / Round Robin – Barrett Wilson (Jacqua)
Open Mic–Tom Picard (Chapel)
Songwriters Circle Christine DeLeon (Rec Room)
Problems? Registration/Check in Volunteers Workshops
Mark 201-207-8696 Elizabeth 908-230-2280 Pat 973-479-5816 Robin 908-421-5315
Code: B=Beginner, I=Intermediate, A=Advanced, B,I,A=All levels,
P=Participatory, L=Listening, NM=Non-musical
SATURDAY 9:30 - 10:30
Learn It, Sing It – Brendan Taaffe / Jaqua / P / Learn harmonies from around the world and perform them Saturday night.
Kitchen Sink Ensemble / Turrell / B,I,A / Frank Sole Diane Perry leadthebandin American standards. All instruments invited.
Yoga – Kathy Haynie / RecRm / NM / There’s no place like om. Bring a mat or towel.
Meet the Ukes 1&2 – Erin Girourd / Lenape / B / If you never played or are a beginner, come play. Loaners available all weekend. Cool, huh?
Blues Moves – Pat Donohue / Chapel / I, A / The note combinations, turnarounds and licks of Blake, Johnson, Broonzy & Donohue.
Into the Woods– Mark Kantrowitz / Din Rm / NM / Learn tricks and tips for bird song ID, then hike to see & hear the little dearies. Bring binocs.
Archery– Camp Staff / Porch / NM / Practice the ancient art of shooting arrows, and then defend yourself from big, round targets.
SATURDAY 10:45 – 11:45
Joy of Singing - Claudia Schmidt / Jaqua / B,I,A / A playful approachto singing technique, plus a moderate dose of vocal health.
Holler, Stomp & Sing – The Wiyos / Turrell / P, L / Join in 1920’s & 30’s style blues, ragtime and spirituals & jugband. Bring joy and voices
Live in the Lounge / RecRm / L / Jenny Glenn, Dave Sherman, Christine DeLeon perform an acoustic set for you.
Uke the Beatles – Stu Fuchs / Lenape / B,I,A / A multi-level Fab Four jam session, while learning riffs, melodies, fascinating facts and stories.
Guitar Health – Bill & Sarah / Chapel / NM / Setting up a guitar properly makes itsound better and play easier. Bring yours.
Climbing Wall–Camp Staff / Porch / NM / The supreme test of nerve, skill, strength, and Spidey capabilities. Come defy gravity.
SATURDAY 12:00 - 1:00
Swingin’ YerSingin’ Part 1 –Diane P / Jaqua / B,I,A / Phrasing is the key to great music in all genres. Singing better starts here, and lasts forever.
Between the Songs- Mike Agranoff / Turrell / B,I,A / How introductions, stories, and patter all contribute to a great show and audience rapport.
Hypnosis-Susan Lembo / RecRm / NM / The mind’s power to ameliorate stage fright, lose weight, and improve habits.
DADGAD Guitar – Brendan Taaffe / Chapel / I, A / Melodies and chords the open tuning that changed the world and delighted Irish.
Leonard Cohen Song Swap–Jay W / Lenape / P / Share the music of one of Planet Earth’s greatest songwriters and deadpan singers.
FiL-ly Jam – FiLWisneski / Jam Tnt / P / The jam tent has a leader this hour. Come jam with FiL and friends.
Hiking– Camp Staff / Porch / NM / Walk for peace – the inner kind. Meet at the dining hall porch.
SATURDAY LUNCH 1:00 – 2:00 The Big Vocalotto Drawing
SATURDAY 2:00 – 3:00
Swingin’ YerSingin’ Part 2 / Jaqua / B,I,A / FP Aces Frank & Hank will back up singers. Come perform or come and listen.
Wandering FingersClaudia & Bob / Turrell / B,I,A / Freestyle jamming for beginners with no wrong notes! Dulcimers and Strumsticks provided.
ChordalTherapyMitch Radler / RecRm / B, I / Chord substitutions enhance guitar arrangements. Just ask James Taylor. Or Mitch Radler.
Off the Charts – Jay Wilensky / Lenape / P / Bring that special song we all should know, but never heard. Enlighten us. We’ll thank you.
Don’t Tweet, Speak – Carol Titus / Chapel / NM / Facial expression, physical gestures and emotional tone help you tell a better story.
Sauerkraut – Sauerkraut Seth Travins / Din Hall / NM / This master chef converts veggies into 60,000 pounds of kraut annually. You can, too.
Ultimate Frisbee – Dan Rauchwerk / Field / NM / It’s more than a sport. It’s… it’s… it’s… I guess it’s a sport.
SATURDAY 3:15 – 4:15
Zimbabwean Song&Dance –Brendan / Jaqua / P / Understand and experience the sound, movement and culture of an African village.
Afro-Cuban Uke – Stu Fuchs / Turrell / L, P / The uplifting rhythms of Reggae, Calypso and New Orleans music explored.
Live in the Lounge- Band Edition / RecRm / L / Unamplified and casual performances by Legacy and the Lords of Liechtenstein
On the Charts – Christine DeLeon / Lenape / P / Bringsing pop chart favorites, the songs of your youth, no matter what your age.
Guitar Choosing –Bill & Sarah / Chapel / P / What makes a great guitar? Our friends from the Guitar Parlor inform us.
Dreamcatchers– Camp Staff / A&C / NM / Colored string, tree branches, & inspiration combine for a mystical, artistical miracle.
SATURDAY 4:30 – 5:30
The Road to Lake Wobegon–Pat D / Jaqua / L / The stories & music that eventually led Pat Donohue to Prairie Home Companion and beyond.
Live in the Lounge - Songwriters / RecRm / L / Sing two of your original songs to a loving audience of Project listeners. Sign up in vestibule.
Slide Guitar– Teddy Webber / Lenape / I, A / Learn slide guitar and you, too, will finally sound cool. Slides for sale in the chapel.
Harmonicacophony–Michael Farkas / Chapel / B,I,A / Sound like a voice, fiddle, horn, percussion, freight train, howling dog, and blues master.
Sherm Jam – Dave Sherman / Tent / P / It’s a long Getaway tradition: Jammin’ with The Shermanator,
Candle Making – Camp Staff / A&C / NM / Arts & Crafts building – Be creative, get artistic, have fun, light a fire, melt some wax.
6:30 / Themes In a Hat - Mike Agranoff (Rec Room) A lightning fast game of songs, a laugh riot, and a very,very entertaining hour.
8:00 / CONCERT MC:Frank Sole Learn It, Sing It First Vocalotto Claudia Schmidt The Wiyos
11:00 / Contra–Donna Hunt & The Dukes of Haphazard (Dining Hall)Round Robin –Ed Roffman(Jacqua)Songs & Solos – Mitch Radler(Rec Room)