Folded Spiral Book Project
The Rain Forest
Over the course of the next few weeks, you will create Spiral Books that depict the information you have learned on the rain forest. Using the information you have learned on medicinal uses of the rainforest, animals, vegetation, deforestation, and interesting facts, you will create a Spiral Book. Using both graphics to illustrate and text to explain, you will produce a 5 layer (that is 20 pages) design.
The standards for writing that we will be focusing on are E2c and E5b. You are allowed to present your text using the following methods:
- Diary/journal
- Short story (1st or 3rd person)
- Magazine Article
- Poetry
- Persuasive essay
Once you have chosen the type of writing you want to use, I will give you a rubricand a criteria sheet that specifies what you will need. Remember, you can put yourself into character if you would like. For example, you could write a journal pretending that you are a field researcher like Doc, or you could pretend that you live in the rainforest (maybe as part of a tribe) and are documenting your own adventures. BE CREATIVE!
We have examined several models of Spiral Books in class. You may choose the shape you like. However, you need to connect the shape thematically to the text. I have templates for circles, waves, starburst, spider web, flower, and square.
Before choosing a shape, you must select your topic, and begin your research. Look at the objects and symbols that can be represented well with a Spiral Book. Remember, additions can be added to the outer layers of the book to create asymmetrical designs. Again, I will show you how to create your own unique design.You may work by yourself or in a group with a maximum of 4 people! This is a crucial part of your trimester 2 grade, so choose your partners wisely!
The most exciting part of this project is how your own creativity will recreate something about the rain forest. This book concept allows you to use several different types of materials and mediums to present your information. Your book should reflect the concepts that we have studied about the rain forest.
You may use materials available to illustrate your project. You should begin collecting “stuff” as soon as you can. Bring in any computer graphics, drawings, pictures from magazines, and any other materials you can use. Look for pictures that pertain to your topic. You may also dress up and photograph yourself, or use a scanner to create graphics.Make sure you keep all of these materials in your rain forest folder.
I will supply all markers, crayons, construction paper, white paper, tape, glue, and scissors. You will need to supply 8 pieces of poster board. White poster board is the least expensive and can be bought for about 10 cents a sheet. Colored poster board can be a bit more expensive.
Booksmust be 20 pages long and contain all information outlined in packets. All pictures and text must be completed on a separate paper and glued into the book. Your writing assignment will be completed first!! YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL WRITING, GRAPHICS, AND DESIGNS BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO GLUE ANYTHING INTO YOUR BOOK. You will be required to complete a work journal that tracks your research and progress on the project. Each time you work on the project, you will need to log it in. This includes both in and out of school. I will check these every few days for progress grades.
Due Dates:
You must have chosen your topic and book design by
Rough Draft of writing piece is due on
Final Draft of writing piece is due on
Poster board is due on
All graphics must be completed by
Projects will be completed by
Work Journal is due on
Reflection Sheet is due on
Oral Presentation is on
I will not assign a whole class due date for the construction of the books. I will be working with you individually and it will take several days for you to cut and tape your books together. You will use your work journal for planning and tracking all tasks.
At no time will the books go home for completion. All construction work must be done in school. However, you need to understand that nightly homework should be done in the form of reading, researching material, collecting, and writing text. Since we will all be doing different steps at different times, it will be up to you to stay on schedule.
Since these are big and messy projects to complete, how and where you keep your materials will be important. I will supply each of you with your own bag (labeled) and a storage place in my room. Please be sure to keep all of your things together.
I am sure you will enjoy this project and creating your own books. If you allow your imagination to guide you, each of you will produce a product that represents both newly acquired knowledge and individual talent.
Good Luck