FOI REF263 - Freedom of Information request –
Adult Review & Reassessment Provision
Question 1:
How many reviews/reassessments were conducted during the period 01/01/16 to present by the following?
a)Council employed Social Workers/Reviewing Officers:
01/01/16 to 30/06/17 = 2477
a)Independent Social Workers/Reviewing Officers (not employed directly by the local authority):
b)Reviews/reassessments allocated to 3rd part recruitment agency contractors/contracts:
Question 2:
Can you confirm how many Reviews/Reassessments to be undertaken are older the 12 months and fall outside of Care Act Compliance (Council Backlog)?
- Please note we have recently moved to using a new case management system and do not have (as yet) a report to inform if reviews are waiting 12 months or longer. In order to extract and manually work out waiting times would take us over the FoI time limit for response and charges would need to be applied
- The Review Team, who have recently reviewed all services, do not expect there to be many reviews pending except for service of 10+ hours, where there are currently 3 reviews pending which are 12 months or older.
Question 3:
The Total budget spend on Reviews/Reassessment between 01/01/2016 to present, broken down to include:
- The total council spend on Reviews/Reassessments split between Council employed Social Workers/Reviewing Officers, Independent Social Workers/Reviewing Officers and/or recruitment agencies for the period 01/01/2016 to present
- Cost per Review/Reassessment for Council employed Social Workers/Reviewing Officers.
- Cost per Review/Reassessment for Independent Social Workers/Reviewing Officers
- Cost per Review/Reassessment for recruitment agency Social Workers/Reviewing Officers.
We are unable to quantify, as each review is different and not measured in time or cost.
Question 4:
The Total Review/Reassessment team budget for 2017-2018?
There is no central/team budget for a Review/Reassessment Team – see answer to Q5
Question 5:
Details of the current Review/Reassessment team members by name / job title and number of qualified Social Workers/Reviewing Officers working in your local authority.
115 practitioners who might undertake a review of clients and are made up of the following practitioners: Care Managers; Social Workers; Assistant Care Managers/Social Workers; Occupational Therapists and Assistant Occupational Therapists across all specialties of social care including mental health and learning disability.
Question 6:
Please include contact details for the current Head of Adult Services.
David Vitty
Head of Adult Social Care Services, Borough of Poole (Tel 01202 261132)
Service Director, Adult Social Care, Bournemouth Borough Council (Tel 01202 458707)
Question 7:
Review/Reassessment Team Manager: Betty Butlin, Service Manager, Adult Social Care