Fog Screen is breakthrough technology that allowsprojection of high quality images in the air. It is currentlythe only walk-through projection screen. You can literallyuse the air as your user interface by touching only the airwith your bare hands. The screen is created by using asuspended fog generating device with no frame around,and works with video projectors. The fog they use is dry, soit doesn’t make you wet even if you stay under the FogScreen device for a long time. The fog is made of ordinarywater with no chemicals what soever. With two projectors,you can project different images on both sides of thescreen. It is a display device which is the application ofcomputer graphics.

FogScreen technology is a high-tech version of the technology in a cool air humidifier. Tap water is pumped into the fog tank where it is blasted with ultrasound, turning it instantly into a thick fog made of tiny water particles 2-3 microns in diameter. The tank’s internal design plus 3 sets of fans work together to create a very thin wall of mist about half of an inch thick. One set of fans blows the fog downwards while the other two sandwichs the fog between air curtains so that it becomes a smooth projection screen.

FogScreen's basic patented technology presents an enormous number of possible applications, sizes, forms, technical extensions (3D, for example), and versions. It can be merged with many technologies. For example computer-vision-based finger tracking could enable drawing in thin air, gaming, or a "fog web browser." With interactivity, the FogScreen becomes an immaterial computer touch screen with nearly unlimited applications.


Contents Page No


2)EXISTING SYSTEM...………………..…………………………………………..2

2.1 DISADVANTAGES………………………………….……………………….3

3)PROPOSED SYSTEM…………………………………………………………….5

3.1 FOG SCREEN………………………………………………………………….5

3.2 UNDER THE SURFACE……………………………………………………….6

3.3 FORMATION OF FOG SCREEN……………………………………………...7


3.5 WORKING OF FOG MACHINE………………………………………………9






8)SUCCESS OF FOG SCREEN……………………………………………………..15




Inspired by science fiction movies such as Star Wars, twoFinnish virtual reality researchers created the Fog Screento recreate some of the effects from these movies in reallife.

Fog Screen is an exciting new projection technology thatallows to project images and video onto ascreen of dry fog, creating the illusion that the images are floating inmidair.

Fog Screen is the world’s first immaterial walk-throughprojection screen. Its Qualities, in particular the walk-through capability, set Fog Screen apart from other displaysand thus created a seemingly successful market for itsproducts.

The Fog Screen is an innovative display technology thatallows for projections on a thin layer of dry fog. Imaginethe traditional pull down screen that is found in manyclassrooms today. Instead of a screen being pulled downfrom the ceiling, fog is pushed down and held in place byseveral small fans, allowing for a consistent surface fordisplay.

  1. Existing System:-

A projection screen is an installation consisting of a surface and a support structure used for displaying a projectedimage for the view of an audience. Projection screens may be permanently installed as in a movie theater, painted on the wall, semi-permanent or mobile, as in a conference room or other non-dedicated viewing space such as an outdoor movie screening (open air cinema). Uniformly white or grey screens are used almost exclusively as to avoid any discoloration to the image, while the most desired brightness of the screen depends on a number of variables, such as the ambient light level and the luminous power of the image source. Flat or curved screens may be used depending on the optics used to project the image and the desired geometrical accuracy of the image production, flat screens being the more common of the two. Screens can be further designed for front or back projection, the more common front projection systems having the image source situated on the same side of the screen as the audience.

Different markets exist for screens targeted for use with digital projectors, movie projectors, overhead projectors and slide projectors, although the basic idea for each of them is very much the same: front projection screens work on diffusely reflecting the light projected on to them, whereas back projection screens work by diffusely transmitting the light through them.

In commercial movie theaters, the screen is a reflective surface that may be either aluminized (for high contrast in moderate ambient light) or a white surface with small glass beads (for high brilliance under dark conditions). The screen also has hundreds of small, evenly spaced holes to allow air to and from the speakers and subwoofer, which often are directly behind it.

Rigid wall-mounted screens maintain their geometry perfectly just like the big movie screens, which makes them suitable for applications that demand exact reproduction of image geometry. Such screens are often used in home theaters, along with the pull-down screens.

Pull-down screens (also known as Manual Wall Screens) are often used in spaces where a permanently installed screen would require too much space. These commonly use painted fabric that is rolled in the screen case when not used, making them less obtrusive when the screen is not in use.

Electric screens can be wall mounted, ceiling mounted or ceiling recessed. These are often larger screens, though electric screens are available for home theater use as well. Electric screens are similar to pull-down screens, but instead of the screen being pulled down manually, an electric motor raises and lowers the screen. Electric screens are usually raised or lowered using either a remote control or wall-mounted switch, although some projectors are equipped with an interface that connects to the screen and automatically lowers the screen when the projector is switched on and raises it when the projector is switched off.

Switchable projection screen can be switched between opaque and clear. In the opaque state, projected image on the screen can be viewed from both sides. It is very good for advertising on store windows.

2.1Disadvantages of Existing System:-

  1. Projections can be Obscured

Projections can be obscured by people sitting in front of the projection source. Direct presentation screens, although more expensive, feed the presentation directly from the source-such as a laptop or desktop computer-into the screen, with no projection required.

  1. Storage Space

Whiteboard projection screens require a lot of storage space or take up a lot of wall space if mounted on a wall. Pull-down projection screens, which mount in an extremely small space on the wall, take a lot less storage space.

  1. Sizing Issues and Setup

Fixed-size screens that don't roll down from a wall often don't match up to the height of the projection. They are frequently too high or too short, and the projection source has to be adjusted to accommodate the screen. Pull-down screens can be mounted high on the wall and can be sized big enough to pull all the way to the floor, saving time when setting up the projection.

  1. Damage to the Screen

If a whiteboard projection screen is set up permanently, people can be tempted to draw on it, particularly in a school setting with young children. Drawings done in many types of ink are extremely difficult to clean off. Roll-down screens can be set at a height that limits access.

  1. Health Dangers

Many health officials have protested the use of whiteboard projection screens in schools, claiming that the projection beam can damage students' retinas. Some students and teachers have reported feeling dizzy or dazed after looking at the projection beam or board. Direct presentation screens, which don't require a projector, minimize the potential danger.

  1. Proposed System:-

3.1 Fog Screen:-

It is one type of advanced projecting device which consumes water and electricity to form fogs on which images are projected.Fog Screen is a patented technology, which Rakkolainen,one of the senior researchers and founders behind thistechnology, describes as,”an immaterial projectionscreen that consists of air and a little humidity, and enableshigh-quality projected images in thin-air, as well as manynew applications.´.

Fog Screen is an exciting new projection technologythat allows you to project images and video onto a screenof “dry” fog, creating the illusion that the images arefloating in midair.Fog Screen is a just that, a 2D projectionscreen, but not a common opaque screen like hundreds ofothers in the market, rather animmaterialscreen. Thewordimmaterialin relation to display systems refers tothose that create that sense of imagery floating in mid-air,usually created using water, smoke or fog. Fog screen isone such immaterial screen and uses the method of fog onwhich to project imagery. The Fog Screen is an innovativedisplay technology that allows for projections on a thinlayer of dry fog. Imagine the traditional pull down screenthat is found in many classrooms today. Instead of a screenbeing pulled down from the ceiling, fog is pushed downand held in place by several small fans, allowing for aconsistent surface for display. A user may simply standback and view the material but can also reach or walkthrough the fog. A user may also interact with objectsdisplayed in the fog with the use of an input device like adata glove, a tracked wand, or simply using hands. Currently, there are only nine FogScreens available in the world. Fog Screen is an excitingnew projection technology that allows you to projectimages and video onto a screen of “dry” fog, creating theillusion that the images are floating in midair. You canliterally use the air as your user interface by touching onlythe air with your bare hands. The screen is created byusing a suspended fog generating device with no framearound, and works with video projectors.The fog they use is dry, so it doesn’t make you wet even ifyou stay under the Fog Screen device for a long time. Thefog is made of ordinary water with no chemicalswhatsoever. The Fog Screen is a display technology thatinstead of using a traditional screen uses a thin layer of dryfog as the display surface. The system starts with waterthat is held in a large plastic container or comes from aregular water pipe. This water is drawn through a plastictube via a small engine. Users have the ability to controlthe density and flow of the fog and the strength of thesandwiching airstreams.With two projectors, we can project different images onboth sides of the screen. The Fog Screen is a new inventionwhich makes objects seems to appear and move in thinair! It is aScreenyou can walk through! The Fog Screen iscreated by using a suspendedFoggenerating device; there is no frame around thescreen.The installation is easy: just replace the conventionalscreenwith Fog Screen. We don’t need to change anythingelse it works with standard video projectors. The fog weare using is dry, so it doesn’t make you wet even if youstay under the Fog Screen device for a long time. The fog ismade of ordinary water with no chemicals whatsoever.With two projectors, you can project different images onboth sides of the screen crisp, and protected fromturbulence. . All the important principles of Fog Screentechnology have patentpending. The basic components of the screen are alumina, on-turbulent airflow, and a thin fog screencreated this way, the fog screen is an internal part of thelaminar airflow, and remains thin and turbulence


3.2 Under the Surface:-

As already mentioned, the screen is made up of a layer offog. It is therefore quite unique that such a substancecould allow for clear and undisturbed image projection.The secret lies in how this layer of fog in maintained.Palovuori writes that the Fog Screen creates a largenon-turbulent airflow to protect a dryfog flow insideitfrom turbulence(seeFigure1).Theouter airflow maygetslightlyturbulent, but theinner fog layer remainsthin andcrisp. In asense, theouter air-flowis like aircurtainsthatsandwich thefog flow and maintain itsintegrity


Principle of the Fog Screen

DiVerdi furtherexplainsthat ordinarytap water(dropletsof2-3microns)becomes strapped inside thisinner layer, and that “even though thefog ismadeofwater, it appearsdryto thetouch,just likeair.” Therefore,the technology is, rathersimple in nature, making useofwater and one device located above the screen tomaintain the above mentioned airflow. The Fog Screenworks very much like an ordinary screen in terms ofprojection properties. Fog Screen is best when used forreal projection situations. Distance between projector andscreen should be a minimum of 2 meters.

3.3 Formationof fogscreen:-

  • It is formed by using ordinary tap water anddigital technology like ultrasonic device to create athin layer of dry fog which is sandwiched betweentwo air-curtains.
  • The fog is created by suspended fog generatingdevice.
  • The fog is made up of ordinary tap water with nochemicals

Fog Screen creates a dry´ fog by ensuring that the waterdroplets are in the range of 2-3 microns in size and areelectro statically charged so that they move around andaway from other objects. The fog is made within the deviceusing water and ultrasonic waves. Ifyou hold your hands in the fog flow, the fog feels dry andcool, andyour hands do not get wet.

After the screen is formed, images can be projected onto it.The screen can be translucent or fully opaque. The fog we are using is dry, so it doesn’t make you wet even if you stayunder the Fog Screen device for a long time. The fog ismade of ordinary water with no chemicals whatsoever.With two projectors, you can project different images onboth sides of the screen. The founders of the Fog Screenwere intrigued with the prospect of creating an image thatcould float in the air and that people could walk through(that is the Princess Leia effect). They set out to make aprojected image float in the air by using different mediasuch as dust, water, fog. And then a mist of tiny waterdroplets. They then had to iterate their design repeatedly toensure that people would not get wet and that the FogScreen could operate within a broad range of environmentalconditions. The ultrasonic transducer is used to divide thewater into small and tiny water droplets as the fog whichwe are using here is completely dry and it is light. If wewill take lager water droplets then it will create wet fog which can’t be used in the formation of screen. The fog we are using is dry, so it doesn’t make you wet even if you stayunder the Fog Screen device for a long time. With twoprojectors, you can project different images on both sides ofthe screen.

3.4 Diagram of Fog Screen generation:-

Here in two side air flow is given to make a constant flowof fog for the display of image. Because if the outside airwill enter then it may create disturbance in displaying

theimage. As the fog here we are using are dry and very light.

The fog is made within the device using water andultrasonic waves. If you hold your hands in the fog flow,the fog feels dry and cool, andyour hands do not get wet. After the screen is formed,images can be projected onto it. The screen can betranslucent or fully opaque.

3.5 Working of FogMachine:-

  • Fog Screen technology is a high-tech version of thetechnology in a cool air humidifier.
  • Tap water is pumped into the fog tank where it isblasted with ultrasound, turning it instantly into a thick fogmade of tiny water particles 2-3 microns in diameter.The tank’s internal design plus 3 sets of fans work togetherto create a very thin wall of mist about half of an inchthick. One set of fans blows the fog downwards while theother two sandwiches the fog between air curtains so thatit becomes a smooth projection screen. Fog Screen worksmuch like many screens in terms of its projectionproperties and requires a 2kw power supply. A majordifference is the need for a water supply, with onscreenusing fifty litres of tap water per hour. The Device situatedabove the fog screen enables the purification of the watervia a silver-ion channel and minerals within the tank arecleaned out through regular maintenance. The opacity will depend on a number of factors,mainly fog density, the projector, image brightness, andthe background. It appears to be a very versatiletechnology and can be combined with many methods inorder to achieve the imagery required, such as pseudo 3Ddisplay and mechanisms to allow further interactivity viatracking. The founders of the Fog Screen were intriguedwith the prospect of creating an image that could float in the air and that people could walk through. They set out tomake a projected image float in the air by using differentmedia such as dust, water, fog, and then a mist of tinywater droplets. They then had to iterate their designrepeatedly to ensure that people would not get wet andthat the Fog Screen could operate within a broad range ofenvironmental conditions.

3.6 Fogscreen move thingsforward:-