Spring Term 2 Week 5 Newsletter

Focused, hardworking, happy children!!

Dear Parents / Carers,

New playground arrangements/Access to school

We seem to have been ‘promising’ full access to the school for some time and………………by Monday lunchtime we will be fully accessible to all! The children have been walked around their new access routes and informed as to where they will line up, be dropped off/picked up and which is their designated playground.

So, if we call the top playground, (the one next to the annexe), the ‘Old Yard’, the area where Wates Construction was based, the ‘New Yard’, where Y1 drop off/pick up, the ‘Small Yard’, then that leaves the newly tarmacked area near/under the new building which has lovingly become known as-the ‘Landing Strip’! I apologise for my very ‘simple’ plan below- it ‘may’ clarify things!

Arrangements from Monday 27 March 3.10pm and onwards:-

Reception: NO CHANGES

Year 1: Drop off and pick up on the Small Yard- NO CHANGES

Year 1: Playtimes/Lunchtimes on the Landing Strip

Year 2: Drop off and pick up on the Old Yard- NO CHANGES.

Year 2: Playtimes/Lunchtimes on the Old Yard.

Year 3: Drop off and pick up on the Old Yard- NO CHANGES

Year 3: Playtimes/Lunchtimes on the Old Yard

Year 4: Drop off and pick up in the Old Yard- NO CHANGES

Year 4: Playtimes/Lunchtimes on the Old Yard

Year 5: Drop off and pick up on the New Yard

Year 5: Playtimes/Lunchtimes on the New Yard

Year 6: Drop off and pick up on the New Yard

Year 6: Playtimes/Lunchtimes on the New Yard

There is now full access across the whole site from/to Brackenwood Drive and Chandos Avenue by using either the 3m new path OR around the Walkway. The ‘soil’ areas are to be seeded and fenced off during the Easter break- please can we ensure that nobody walks across these areas.

Please note – children are NOT allowed on the walkway without an adult either before or during school hours.

CISV -Children’s International Summer Villages

CISV Villages are international camps that inspire 11-year-old children to imagine a ‘more just and peaceful world’ The children come together from many different countries to take part in a variety of educational, cultural and fun activities. 6 of our Year 6 children have been successful in their application to join other children from around the world. Sam Cook and Anna Batey are travelling to Ecuador, Ava Lamb to Amsterdam, Ben Langley and Luca Morris to Munich and Libby Whaley Elson to Spain. Congratulations to them all!


Exceptional Absence/Leave- Holiday requests during term time will not normally be authorised - in line with our Attendance Policy. Parents are asked to contact the Head 14 days before the requested date/s using the Exceptional Leave form on the school’s website.

Communication- Communication between parents and school is very important – a letter, quick word in the playground but can we please ask that emails are directed to either the School Office, Mr. Trudgill or Mrs. McCann, who will ensure the message is given to the relevant member of staff

School Council News

The School Council have been busy gaining ideas on how to raise funds for the school. They are now busily putting together some challenges – for example, they are planning a ‘good old bun sale’, a hat challenge and a paper aeroplane challenge! Watch this space!! You can also help by fundraising at home and bringing money raised in to the school council members in your class. Polly Macdonald in 4SB has raised an impressive £56.80 by carrying out a sponsored trampoline bounce! She also made buns and gingerbread men with Grace Jones 4DB and then sold them on Lidgett Hill, raising a further £6.30. Thank you so much girls!

Timestable Rockstars

We are very happy to announce the winner of the Battle of the Bands competition was………..6KW! They will receive their certificate and prize next week. Please watch out for the ‘Red Carpet Event’ coming in June-so children get practising! Congratulations 6KW.

NB, it has come to light that some children’s scores have ‘mysteriously’ improved during some very odd times during the day and night? Remember -Timestable Rockstars is there to improve the children’s times tables and is not for older brother/sisters ………or even parents to complete!

Spelling Bee

Friday was the 2017 Spelling Bee Final, where 15 finalists from Years 3/4/5/6 competed to become the Spelling Bee Champion. Ben Langley, Hibah Saghir, Izzie Piper, Sam Cook, Declan Howitt, Hamerti Egnuni, Jonathan Easton, Rafi Mihov (abs), Ayen Barzin, Jacob Hannah, Katie Langley, Oscar Hesling, Sam Iles, Arran Stirling, Alice Wells and Robert Dixon- were all proud winners before they even started,as they were champions of their individual class and Year group. The final was fiercely contested and in third place was Robert (Y3), second Jacob (Y4) and the winner was ……………Izzy Piper, 6EC. Congratulations to Izzy and all the contestants.

Netball Success

Well done to our Netball team for a great match on Tuesday 21st march against Shakespeare Primary School. A huge thank you to Alison Taft, the coach, who led the team to a momentous 24-2 win! The team are about to join a Leeds Netball League – so there are sure to be more matches and more wins in the future. Well done to the whole team.

1SH Class Assembly

Thank you to all the parents, carers, grandparents and family friends who attended 1SH’s class assembly on Wednesday. The children recited their poem beautifully, spoke clearly about Mothers’ Day traditions and told us how their Mum would like to spend a child free day! Remember 1SH to give your Mum 5 minutes ‘peace and quiet’ this Sunday! Thank you to Mrs. Hilton and Miss Husak (and of course the children) - it was fantastic!

Autism Awareness Week

Have you remembered that Friday 31st March is a non-uniform day? Dress up in your onesie or your favourite Super Hero outfit! (no monetary donations needed).

Red Nose Day- Friday 24th March

Thank you to everyone for another successful Red Nose Day. We raised £365.

Mark Trudgill, Sue McCann, Louise Jeynes, David Bickley

Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined

Tuesday 28 March Reception Stay and Play (1)

Wednesday 29 March Reception Stay and Play (2)

Thursday 30 March Reception Stay and Play (3)

Friday 31 March Autism Non-Uniform Day/School closes for Easter

Tuesday 18 April School Opens Summer 1

Monday 1 May School Closed-Bank Holiday

Tuesday 2 May School Closed- Training Day

Monday 8 May Year 6 SATS Week

Tuesday 23 May Reception Stay and Play (4)

Wednesday 24 May Reception Stay and Play (5)

Thursday 25 May Reception Stay and Play (6)

Friday 26 May School closes for Half Term

Monday 5 June School opens- Summer 2

Thursday 8 June Class Photos by Tempest

Wednesday 14/15/16 June Year 4 Malham Residential- one night ONLY

Saturday 24 June Roundhay Primary Schools Fun Run in Roundhay Park

Saturday 1 July Gledhow Summer Fair goes Carnival

ACHIEVEMENTS 24th March 2017

The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIES
for work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which
is filled with rewards earned by
Individuals or groups. When the jar
Is full, the whole Nursery receives a
RAC / Barney Nield and Robert Randolph
Always Club: Rayan Akhtar / RLW / Elise Dixon and Stanley Copper
Always Club: Grace Harrington
RKJ / Harry Springthorpe and Louis Powell
Always Club: Alfie McMahon / 1AB / Francesca Melling and William Naylor
Always Club: Elijah Alam
1SH / Jack Whiteley and Harry Fryer
Always Club: Finlay Hammond / 1SS / Ava Joyce and Luca Lacey
Always Club: Jonathan Tran
2PG / Lilly Robinson and Tilly Berrick
Always Club: Adam Ghani / 2VW / Florence Wood and Nellie Cooper
Always Club: Ethan Warner
3LF / Max Westerman and Katie Egnuni
Always Club: Emma Louise Woodrow / 3KG / Naomi Cooper and Jessica Fox
Always Club: Michala Quashie
4DB / Ananya Tantry and Liam Bottomley
Always Club: James McGinnes / 4SB / Polly Macdonald and Saba Hussain
Always Club: Phoebe Cooper
5RK / Amelie Hayter-Owen and Ivan Allison
Always Club: Anisa Ali / 5SL / Yusor Al Samak and Mae Russell
Always Club: Isabel Melling
6EC / Ricco Digwa and Hibah Saghir
Always Club: Anna Batey / 6KW / Dylan Branfoot and Ryan Sweeting
Always Club: Daisy Bobo