Northwest Regional ESD

Board of Directors


December 15, 2015


Board:Renee’ Bruce, Karen Cunningham, Earl Fisher, Dave Hollandsworth, Marilyn McGlasson, Lisa Poehlitz, Christine Riley, Ann Samuelson and Connie Green (via phone)

Staff: Rob Saxton, Robyn Bean, Janice Essenberg, Nancy Ford, Rick Wahlstrom, George Winterscheid, Theresa Gartner, Megan Stenberg, Lauren Slyh, Laura Kanter-Fellows, Richard Goldner, Kendra Staley and Margaret Brown


Chair Poehlitz called a work session to order at 5:18 p.m. December 15, 2015.

Superintendent Saxton provided a brief overview and facts on a possible tax initiative that is being supported by “Our Oregon”. At some point, School Districts and ESDs may be asked to weigh in or take a side; if that communication is delivered to us we will bring forth to the Board.

Work session adjourned at 6:00 p.m.


Chair Poehlitz called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. December 15, 2015. Director Bruce led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance


Chair Poehlitz entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda. Director McGlasson moved to approve the consent agenda with the added items of 7a and 7c as presented. The motion was seconded by Director Riley and approved unanimously.


None at this time.


Chair Poehlitz introduced Margaret Brown, Principal of Day Treatment Program, and Mental Health in Life Works NW. Margaret introduced and shared that she nominated Amy Shay Reyes as a Northwest Regional partner in education. She is honoring and thanking Amy Shay Reyes for her outstanding work at Life Works for over 16 years and it is a pleasure to have her as part of the team. Chair Poehlitz and Superintendent Saxton thanked Amy for her years of partnering with a plaque and handshake.


Chair Poehlitz introduced Richard Goldner, Principal of Cascade and Pacific Academy. CasPac is a high school transition program ran by the ESD. Kendra Staley, also shares the role of Principal at CasPac with Richard, and shared how a team comes together at CasPac and charts out a transition and coursework plan for students to graduate with their districts on time, even when they come to CasPac credit deficient, they tend to be able to make it up and graduate on time. Richard shared some of the community and school benefits that the students have benefitted from over the years. He also shared that the students of CasPac receive a wide variety of hands-on learning experience.

Richard shared an email message from a student he recently received “outlook changes everything” thank you for your support and team work.”

Superintendent Saxton asked Richard to clarify; how does a student attend CasPac? Richard shared that a student that has been on an IEP and schools have tried numerous ways help the student, either through multiple interventions and restrictive placements or other measures. Once the district believes they have exhausted their efforts they contract with the ESD in our CasPac program. CasPac has three teachers to ten student ratio and staff are very supportive, students start attending more regularly once they have charted out with their team that ‘yes’ they have a chance to get back on track and graduate.


Superintendent Saxton highlighted the NWRESD Annual Report. He thanked Megan Stenberg for her very hard work on the Annual Report and if any one has any questions, to ask the expert, Megan Stenberg. The Annual Report will be shared with our districts in January.

Superintendent Saxton highlighted the DRAFT NWRESD Strategic Action Plan that the committee has been working on over the past five months. Goal #1; Early Childhood; working on this goal to flesh out the high level activities and metrics that will align with the goal. Goals #2-4 and initial work and further details to all goals will be brought forth to the Board in March as a first reading.

Superintendent Saxton gave a brief legislative update. The new secondary Elementary Act, ESSA; there are a variety of changes that have been made recently on how states are going to engage with a variety of assessment changes.


Director Ford extended an invite to the Board of Directors to the open house for the new Beaverton Early Childhood Center, Wednesday, December of Wednesday of next week Superintendent Saxton thanked Nancy Ford for all of her hard work in opening the center on time with no delays.

Chief Financial Officer thanked the audit committee today coming together to review the Audit that will be presented next month to the Board. Chief Human Resource Officer, Robyn Bean shared that the third Sub Fair was held today at Willamette ESD, a very successful event. Steffanie Frost gets all the kudos! Director Winterscheid thanked Chair Poehlitz for attending the Regional Achievement Committee.

Superintendent Saxton shared a few highlights from his report. Rob shared that he attended the NW ELC Hub meeting today and all members are in agreement of the for the catchment areas; Tillamook, Astoria and St. Helens, all districts agreed that both Washington County Hub and NW ELC Hub that 400-500 preschoolers will receive highly qualified, free preschool program through the hub. Superintendent Saxton shared that today was the first NW Promise Board meeting – was very successful! The meeting was led by Laura Kanter-Fellows, Post-Secondary Pathways - Lauren Slyh is supporting them all, along with Sarah.

Superintendent Saxton also shared with the Board that he recently received an email from Mark Mulvihill, Superintendent of Inter-Mountain ESD, he wrote a really nice note about Kerri Smith and Marghee Mercer and what an incredible job and an great impression they made on ORVED and showcased our work and wanted to thank them and pat them on the back for their good work!

Superintendent Saxton attended the AESA conference the first week of December and attended a session on loan forgiveness program – our ESD, as of today agreed to promote in our region and we signed a contract today (after review with Jeff Condit).

We are applying for the Stem Hub for Columbia and Tillamook counties, Bruce Rhodes is the grant writer, he works for Tillamook School District, and he is also working with Myronda Schiding on the project. Every single person at the ESD is supporting all of this work and they are doing a really good job! Mike Scott, Superintendent of Hillsboro School district is really appreciating all the work and the energy that is going on, he shared with Rob.

Director Hollandsworth attended the AESA conference. Appreciated the opportunity to go.


Chair Poehlitz shared that she will serve on the RAC committee. And Director Riley gave a brief highlight of the NWRESD Foundation report.

Director Hollandsworth attended the AESA conference the first week of December.

Adjourned at 7:21p.m.

Lisa Poehlitz, ChairRob Saxton, Superintendent