Any current year or last year foal by an ATA Stallion or out of an OSB or NATA Stud Book mare (foals do not have to be purebred) is eligible for inclusion in the Fall Breeding Issue of The American Trakehner

To be listed by name, the name must be reserved, or a complete application for registration and fees must have been received by the ATA office. Yearlings must be registered.

Profiles not meeting these specifications will be rejected.

(Please type or print legibly)

Name of Foal (only if name is ATA registered) Color

Date Foaled______Sex ______ATA Reg. No.

By (Breed)

Out of (Breed)

By (Breed)


(include city/state/province/country)

Mare Family if known (OSB Mares)

Comments/Description (Please limit to 50 words - copy will be edited)

Is foal for sale? Yes No Price (optional)

Farm Name Phone

Owner's Name

Mailing Address

(give complete address)

E-Mail ______URL ______

___Include check or money order for $40.00 U.S. Funds for each profile. DO NOT SEND CASH.

___Make check payable to: American Trakehner Association

___Only one horse per form; copy form, if necessary. Mail check, form, and photo to arrive by August 10, to:

Zenda Farrell

82 RT 7N

Milton, VT 05468

___I WISH TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD (we accept Discover, Mastercard and Visa)



Last three numbers on back of credit card _____ (above your signature on back)

Be sure photographs have good contrast; color photographs are acceptable. Photos cannot be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope of suitable size to hold photograph is provided. (Outside the U.S., please include an additional $1 in U.S. funds to have your photos returned instead of stamps on the envelope.) Please label photos on back with horse's name and owner's name and address. Protect your photos with cardboard for mailing. Do not cut up photos or use pen to cross out anything on photo. Professional photos must be accompanied by a written release from photographer. Do not stack photos with wet ink on the back — allow ink to dry before mailing. Color photocopies are not acceptable, neither are copies of prints made on Kodak PictureMaker machines (where a negative is not required). Computer prints must be at high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and on high-quality photo paper. Photos on CD are preferred and must be no larger than 3" x 5" with a resolution between 225 and 300 dpi. Prints made from video stills and Polaroid photos will not reproduce well. Do your horse a favor — send the best photo you can find!