Thursday, April 6, 2017


John Scully, President

Gala Langley, Secretary

Renee Beckham, Treasurer

Also in attendance were many chairs and Coach Eric Littleton

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm

Joe Dmade a motion to approve the minutes from the March 7, 2017 meeting. Karen H.made a second. All approved and motion passed.

Gala reported in Shawn’s absence that the LEF scholarship winners have not been announced at this time.

Noelle presented the nominating committees slate. The nominating committee submitted the following nominees for the 2017-2018 FMHS Boys Basketball Booster Club to fill the officers positions:

President:Mike Richter
Vice President:Derek Downs
Treasurer:David Edwards

Secretary:Karen Hanley

The floor was then opened to anyone who would like to run for an office position. There were no nominees from the floor. Noelle made a motion to vote the officers positions as presented by the Nominating committee. Renee made a second motion. All approved, none opposed. Motion passed and the officers for 2017-2018 were voted unanimously into office.

Renee discussed the financials stating that there are still many large outstanding invoices to come including game day meals, program, banners, and the girl’s concession split.

Gala discussed the need for some volunteers for the audit committee. In addition to Noelle Dworsky and Christine Richter, Todd Mapes and Joe Toeniskoetter also volunteered.

John discussed the 3 vs 3 tournament and opened the floor for suggestions. After much discussion, the decision was made to postpone the tournament until December possibly during the Christmas Break. Coach Littleton will cancel the reserved gyms with school administration.

Coach Littleton made a call for donations for the locker room. He further stated he has a friend that has donated money directly to PPS for locker room items. He also requested someone who could do some drywall work in the locker room. Team summer camps were discussed and Coach Littleton stated he would make a decision on which summer came the varsity team would attend within the next week or so. Spring Guyer League, Metrocrest, team camps, Team Arite and GASO were also mentioned. Coach Littleton stated he still would like the booster club to consider taking over his PRIDE Developmental League.

No New business was brought to the table. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 pm