FMFP2017 PAPER NO. (TNR Uppercase 10 Bold)

FMFP2017 PAPER NO. (TNR Uppercase 10 Bold)

Proceedings of the 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP)

December 10-12, 2018, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India (TNR 10 Bold)

FMFP2017–PAPER NO. (TNR Uppercase 10 Bold)

This (TNR 12 Bold with 1.00 Line Spacing between Two Lines of the Title)

(Every word in the title must be capitalized except for short minor words such as “a”, “an”, “and”, “as”, “at”, “by”, “for”, “from”, “if”, “in”, “into”, “on”, “or”, “of”, “the”, “to”, “with”)

Author name 1 (TNR 11 Bold)
Author Affiliation
with address (TNR11)
Email: / Author name 1 (TNR 11 Bold)
Author Affiliation
with address (TNR11)
Email: / Author name 1 (TNR 11 Bold)
Author Affiliation
with address (TNR 11)



Avoid usage of Symbols, Special Characters, or Math in Paper Title and Abstract. Use Times New Roman (TNR), 11 font-size for the entire manuscript; with a line-spacing of 1. Paper length should not exceed 4-pages. Abstract in less than 150 words in a single paragraph is required. The abstract should have details like problem definition, methodology adopted, significant findings, and primary conclusion(s) of the paper.

Keywords (Italic; maximum 5 separated by semicolon):Fluid-structure interaction; Immersed boundary method; Flexible Invertedplate; Large flow-induced deformation; vortex shedding.

I.INTRODUCTION(Uppercase TNR 11 Bold)

The headings should be bold and in uppercase letters with 11 font size.The sub-headings should be lower case with TNR as the font-type. Use the roman number system (I,II,II etc.,) for the main headings and A, B, etc for the sub-headings. Some representative main headings (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion) are presented here; however, the authors are free to choose their own headings.

The aims and objectives, current status and open questions, motivation and novelty of the present research is expected in the Introduction section. You can refer to earlier relevant studies using numbers in bracket [1,2].

The last paragraph of Introduction is expected to bring out the gaps in the literature and the specific aims of the current work. A brief summary of the main results may also be included here.

II.METHODOLOGY (Uppercase TNR 11 Bold)

Use double column format with moderate margin (you can directly select this option in MS Word). Use one line spacing between the heading and the text.

A.Experimental details (Sub-heading 1, TNR 11 Bold)

Use bold lowercase letters for sub-heading 1, with 11 font size and TNR as the font-type.

The uncertainty in measurement should be reported in the paper.

B.Numerical details (Sub-heading 1, TNR 11 Bold)

The governing equation solved and the numerical method employed can be included in this section. Equations should be numbered.


Validation of results (Subheading 2, Italic TNR 11)

If another sub-section needs to be introduced, use Italic lowercase letters for sub-heading 2, with 11 font size and TNR as the font-type. More than two Subheadings should be avoided.

Validation of results, especially if the study is numerical, is expected.


Since the page size is limited, show the figures and table only for the most prominent, interesting and novel results; however, as far as possible, the other results may be discussed without showing the figures.

Figures and Tables should be numbered with captions and in Arabic number system; and cross-referred as Fig. 1 shows … Table 1 shows … The caption should be at the bottom of a figure and at the top for a Table. The font-size should be 8 TNRfor the Figure and Table; and captions should be bold. Figure and Table should be in the two column format as far as possible.

Nomenclature should be avoided. All symbols introduced should be defined immediately after their appearance for the first time in the running text.

Figure 1: PIV measurements on an impinging jet at Re = 3050 and L/D = 2.

Figure 2: (a) PIV measurements on an impinging jet at Re = 3050 and L/D = 2 and (b) Copy of the same Figure as (a)

Table 1: Number of particles detected

Camera A / Camera B
Time 1 / 38945 / 34578
Time 2 / 35947 / 37814

IV.CONCLUSIONS (Uppercase TNR 11 Bold)

Your manuscript will be peer reviewed and you shall be intimated of the necessary corrections or modifications before acceptance of the manuscript.

Referencing should be done through reference numbers, for example, Patil et al. [1] or [1] (i.e., with or without authors details). A sample reference numbering style for citing content from journal, internet source and text books are provided below.

Acknowledgements (TNR 11 Bold)

If possible, acknowledge in less than 50 words.


[1]N.D. Patil, R. Bhardwaj, A. Sharma, Droplet impact dynamics on micropillared hydrophobic surfaces, Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci.,74 (2016) 195-206.

[2] Mechanism reduction.

[3]A. Sharma, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: Development, Application and Analysis, Wiley & Athena Academic UK and Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. India, 2017.