Floyd Central PTO Renaissance

September 15th, 2015 Minutes

In Attendance: Ms. Whaley, Dr. Voelker, Mr. Cerqueira, Mary Drake, Dawn LaFayette, Heather Parker, Laurie Gillespie, Jolie Jenkins, Ginger Grayer, JettaDunsford, Cathleen Palmer, Missy Nash.

Minutes from August meeting were reviewed and approved b y the board.

Treasurer’s Report: The PTO has collected $8804.00 so far. The board is very pleased with this.

President’s Report: Old Business

The newest order of staff shirts arrived and all have been delivered. All staff should now have their shirt.

The PTO room will have a good cleaning after Walk A Thon. Laurie asked about the TV’s being stored there, not sure whose they are so we will keep for now.

Random Acts of Kindness: The board is still thinking of a way to implement this new program. We will wait and see if money is available after Walk A Thon.

New Business

Laurie sent out a newsletter to all the parents who signed up with the PTO. Will send one out monthly to keep as many people as possible informed on what the PTO is doing for the school.

The After Prom chair position has been filled by Michelle Silliman. The kick off meeting is scheduled for Sept. 21st and the past committee chairs will be present to share their knowledge. Thank You Michelle!

A chair for sports physicals is still needed and Laurie is working on finding someone. The physicals will take place in April.

Century Club members are still coming in and Dawn will send out the thank you letters later this month.

Student of the Month lunch is Sept. 16th and 60 students have been nominated. Chick-fil-A will be served at all lunches now and the students can bring a friend with them.

Success Cards will be handed out on Sept 17th along with candy, Platinum Recognition is Oct. 9th at the football game.

College Day is Sept. 23rd and the PTO will host a lunch for the college reps. Kate will arrange for the food.

Walk A Thon is Sept. 25th and Jolie and Ellen have everything ready. Ms. Whaley will speak with the teachers about not penalizing students who participate.

Principal’s Report

The school has 3 national merit semi finalists, the SAT scores are off the charts and our ACT scores are highest ever.

Next meeting is October 20th at 4 pm and everyone is welcome.