Project Title

Names of the Students in Your Group

Final Report

Last Name / Contribution (%) / WP Responsibility / Signature

Department of Aerospace Engineering

Middle EastTechnicalUniversity

Fall 2010

Your report should include the sections given below. You can include your figures within the text with proper figure captions explaining in detail what the figures are showing. Do not present figures that are not referred in the text. If you present a table, the table caption should be at the top of the table, not below. Also if you present any equations please enumerate them. Also “justify” your text instead of “align left”.

You should avoid direct copying and pasting of text from any published resource (including websites, books, papers, reports, etc) in your reports, that’s plagiarism. If I determine that you have exact same sentences from a resource (and there are software in METU which I can use for this purpose) you will automatically get 0 points for your entire project. If you want to include a figure from another resource, do so by including the appropriate reference in the figure caption. For the text, you should write in your own words and sentences what you understood from the material that you used as a reference, and at the end of that sentence make the appropriate referral.


Acknowledge people who helped your team during this project.


Write a short abstract of your project (300 word max)


Write the table of contents of this report


Write explanations of important symbols that you use in your figures/equations etc.


Write three paragraphs as an introduction for your project. The first paragraph should include some general background information. The second one should include a summary of your literature survey. In the last paragraph specify explicitly the objective of your project and give short info about what you have done to achieve this objective.


Using your Gantt Chart and workpackage planning, show and explain how you planned the project and how you followed your planning. Explain the difficulties that you have encountered during the project planning and application stages.


Describe in detail the methods that you used to achieve your objective. Present equations, sketches where necessary.


Present your results in a logical sequence with all appropriate figures and explanations. Include pictures where necessary.


Write a short paragraph that explicitly presents the outcomes of this project.


Present your references here in the order of appearance in the text. Number them one by one. Do not include references that are no referred in the text. Example:

[1] Volino, R. J. and Hultgren, L.S., 2001, “Measurements in Separated and Transitional Boundary Layer Under Low-Pressure Turbine Airfoil Conditions,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 123, pp 189-197.