Flower Dissection Lab Data SheetName:
Leaf Drawing-Describe the vein pattern / Stem Drawing-Label the vascular bundles, describe how they are arranged in the cross section1. Flower w/ALL of its parts!!!—Label the petals, sepals and any other parts that are visible at this point (can you see stigma? anther? filament? Etc…). Describe color, any patterns you see on petals, any scent. / 2. Flower w/Petals CUT OFF—Label male parts (stamen-filament, anther), female parts (carpal-stigma, style, ovary, receptacle)
3. Stamen—Use a hand lens to get a close up view of the stamen. Draw what the anther looks like and describe the pollen (where is it located in the anther? What color is it? What else do you notice?) / 4. Carpal-Cut away all of the stamens (sorry boys!). Observe the remaining part with a hand lens or under a dissecting microscope. Draw the carpal. Describe how it is shaped, what is at the top, is it “sticky?
5. Longitudinal Section of Carpal-Cut the Carpal lengthwise and look at it under a dissecting microscope. Draw an ACCURATE picture of what you see! Label the ovary and ovules. /
- Seed-Make TWO drawings of the seed. Draw the seed BEFORE you open it and label the testa, micropyle, and helium. Open the seed and draw what you see—label the: epicotyl, hypocotyls, radicle, cotyledon, and plummule
Leaf Drawing-Describe the vein pattern / Stem Drawing-Label the vascular bundles, describe how they are arranged in the cross section1. Flower w/ALL of its parts!!!—Label the petals, sepals and any other parts that are visible at this point (can you see stigma? anther? filament? Etc…). Describe color, any patterns you see on petals, any scent. / 2. Flower w/Petals CUT OFF—Label male parts (stamen-filament, anther), female parts (carpal-stigma, style, ovary, receptacle)
3. Stamen—Use a hand lens to get a close up view of the stamen. Draw what the anther looks like and describe the pollen (where is it located in the anther? What color is it? What else do you notice?) / 4. Carpal-Cut away all of the stamens (sorry boys!). Observe the remaining part with a hand lens or under a dissecting microscope. Draw the carpal. Describe how it is shaped, what is at the top, is it “sticky?
5. Longitudinal Section of Carpal-Cut the Carpal lengthwise and look at it under a dissecting microscope. Draw an ACCURATE picture of what you see! Label the ovary and ovules. /
- Seed-Make TWO drawings of the seed. Draw the seed BEFORE you open it and label the testa, micropyle, and helium. Open the seed and draw what you see—label the: epicotyl, hypocotyls, radicle, cotyledon, and plummule