Flow-chart explaining information exchange and document dissemination under the IPPC

Handout no. 4a

IPP – Preferred tool for Information Exchange

- Nomination of IPPC Official Contact Point

- (Cooperate in the-) exchange of information

- Updating Contact Point information

- Reporting obligations under the IPPC

(Description of NPPO,Points of entry

Lists of regulated pests,

- IPPC publications, ISPMs Emergency measures, Phytosanitary restrictions,

- Development of ISPMs Requirements and prohibitions,

Official contact points)

- Technical assistance (FAO TCPs)- Other reporting under the IPPC

- Expert identification (Non-compliance,

- ICPM Organizational arrangements of plant protection,

Pest status, Rationale for phytosanitary requirements)

- Exchange information on import regulations

(phytosanitary requirements, restrictions and prohibitions)

- Identify points of entry (measures + actions)

- Report occurrence, spread and outbreak of pests

- Nomination of IPPC Official Contact Point- Supply lists of regulated pests

- Notify pest interceptions non-compliance & report results

- (Cooperate in the-) exchange of information- Report emergency action

- Describe organizational arrangements for plant protection

- Respond to requests concerning pest status

- Provide rationale for phytosanitary requirements

- Provide technical biological information for PRA

- Describe special provisions for research, education, etc.

- Consult on possible disputes

- Coordinate regional participation- Identify points of entry

- Expert Working Groups members- Supply lists of regulated pests

- Information exchange:- Report emergency actions

gather and disseminate information

- Promote the development and use of ISPMs

- Encourage inter-regional cooperation in

promoting harmonized phytosanitary measures for controlling pests and

preventing their spread and/or introduction

The International Phytosanitary Portal(IPP) is the official website of the IPPC( health part of IPFSAPH (International Portal on Food Safety, Animal & Plant Health:

IPP-Preferred tool for Information Exchange: corresponding information

AIPPC Secretariat -> NPPO

- IPPC publications, including ISPMs, and Standards Committee and TC reports

- Development of ISPMs

- Technical assistance (FAO TCPs)

- Expert identification

- ICPM documents and report

BNPPO - IPPC Secretariat

Reporting obligations under the IPPC

(Pest reports, Description of NPPO, Points of entry, Lists of regulated pests, Emergency actions, Phytosanitary restrictions, Requirements and prohibitions, Official contact points)

Other reporting under the IPPC

(Non-compliance, Organizational arrangements of plant protection, Pest status, Rationale for phytosanitary requirements)


- Exchange information on import regulations

(phytosanitary requirements, restrictions and prohibitions)

- Identify points of entry

- Report occurrence, spread and outbreak of pests

- Supply lists of regulated pests

- Notify pest interceptions & non-compliance & report results

- Report emergency action

- Describe organizational arrangements for plant protection

- Respond to requests concerning pest status

- Provide rationale for phytosanitary requirements

- Provide technical & biological information for PRA

- Describe special provisions for research, education, etc.

- Consult on possible disputes

DIPPC Contact Point -> RPPO

- Identify points of entry

- Supply lists of regulated pests

- Report emergency action

ERPPO-> IPPC Contact Point

- Coordinate regional participation

- Expert Working Groups members

- Information exchange: gather and disseminate information

FRPPOs <-> IPPC Secretariat

- promote the development and use of relevant international standards for phytosanitary measures

- encourage inter-regional cooperation in promoting harmonized phytosanitary measures for controlling pests and in preventing their spread and/or introduction.