Research Program Committees (RPC)Policy Grid

RPC Purpose / The Research Program Committees (RPC) will consider applications requesting funds for pilot or limited scope research projects that address a clinical problem.A well-designed, clinical/translational research project, with an identifiable hypothesis within a realistic timeline will receive a favorable review. RPC priorities include:
  • Collaborative projects between Clinical Staff and Basic Science Staff.
  • Pilot funds for junior clinical investigators to accomplish a 1-2 year research project, with the future goal of seeking external funding (should include plans for extramural funding).
  • Senior clinical investigators changing their line of research, in need of pilot data to seek external funding (should include plans for extramural funding).
  • Projects that intend to utilize the M51 Clinical Research Unitare given priority and strongly encouraged; proposal will be reviewed jointly by RPC and CRU Advisory Committee.

Principal Investigator Credentials / All Professional Staff members are eligible to be PI if they hold a primary or secondary appointment from a Clinical Department at the Cleveland Clinic that will provide the matching funds for the project. Residents, fellows, medical students, and allied health professionals are eligible to be PI with an identified Staff Sponsor, who holds a primary or secondary appointment from a Clinical Department at the Cleveland Clinic that will provide the matching funds for the project. The Staff Sponsor must submit a letter outlining the mentoring plan.
Completeness of Application / Complete applications consist of the On-line Submission, 5-7 page research protocol, PI Biosketch, Staff Sponsor Biosketch (if PI is non-Staff), Transfer of Funds form, and PI Signature sheet. (Documents requiring signatures must be uploaded and received by the submissiondeadline).Failure to submit ALL documents before 11:59pm EST of submission dateconstitutes an incomplete RPC application. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Project Length / Proposed projects should be able to be completed within a one-year time frame.
Maximum Award Request / $25,000 maximum total, consisting of a 50/50 match: RPC funding (50%) and sponsoring clinical department Treasury Fund funding (50%). Investigators are strongly encouraged to develop realistic budgets that match project needs. Budget requests are reviewed and may be modified for the final award.
Submission / Review Cycle / Information, submission dates, policy grid, and forms are at:
Re-Submission after Disapproval / Proposals will be reviewed and either Approved or Disapproved. All applicants receive feedback from blinded peer reviewers. Disapproved projectsthat reviewers determined could benefit from revision are put back into DRAFT status in the system and the PI is informed of the opportunity for revision and resubmission; these projects may be revised and re-submitted two additional times within 12 months of the original submission date. Projects in DRAFT status for greater than 12 months (i.e., never re-submitted) will be Closed.
No-cost Extension / Renewal /
  • If a project will not be completed in one-year, a formal No-cost Extension/Renewal Request must be submitted through the RPC on-line system
  • It is recommended that Renewal Requests be submitted30 to 60 days prior to the project’s end date.If no Renewal Request is submitted within six months of the project’s end-date, the project becomes ineligible for Renewal and is Closed, and remaining budgeted funds are forfeited.
  • An Approved Renewal will extend the project’s end date by one year. The maximum number of No-cost Extensions/Renewals per project is two (consisting of the initial year, and up to two one-year extensions, for a maximum total of three-years). After three years, projects are ineligible for renewal and will be Closed; any remaining budgeted funds are forfeited.

Multiple Awards / MULTIPLE AWARDS
  • A PI holding a Professional Staff appointment can be awarded only one (1) new RPC Award per calendar year. PIs can hold no more than two (2) active RPCs concurrently. Professional Staff PIs who have not submitted timely Renewal requests or Completion reports for previously awarded RPC projects are not eligible to submit for new RPC funding until those obligations are met.
  • A Non-Staff PI (those with a Staff Sponsor) may only submit a new proposal after completion and closure of a current RPC award.
  • A person may only be named Staff Sponsor on a maximum of 5 awarded RPC projects at any one time.

Completion of Project / At the close of a project, the PI must inform the RPC Office via the on-line system. A final report summarizing the results of the project, publications, presentations, and submission for external grant applications are required. Failure to provide this completion report will disqualify the PI for future awards.
Re-budgeting /
  • Funds may be re-budgeted within the activity account’s Awarded budget categories only. RPC approval is needed to re-budget into non-awarded categories.
  • Budgeted RPC funds may never be transferred to another RPC project, activity account or research project. This is a violation of accounting policies of the Cleveland Clinic.

Reviewers / Reviewers may be nominated by their departments or Institutes, or by self-nomination. Names and contact information should be forwarded to the RPC Office. Previously funded RPC Principal Investigators may be called upon as future reviewers.
Change of Principal Investigator /
  • A change of PI must be formally requested through the RPC Office () and approved by the RPC Council. Include IRB and/or IACUC documentation of the change in PI.
  • If the Principal Investigator leaves Cleveland Clinic, award transfer to another institution is not allowed. Projects that are not approved for a change of PI will be Closed.

RPC Budget Requests – Allowable Budget Items

Animals, and care / Yes
Bioinformatics Charges / Yes, justify and verify costs with Research Informatics
Books, Subscriptions / No
Biostatistics Charges / Yes, justify and verify costs with Biostatistics
Clinical Research Unit Services / Yes. See for available services
Computers, Laptops / No
Consultative Services / No external consultants
Core Services, LRI / Yes, justify and verify costs with LRI Core Manager of desired service
Equipment / Minor equipment (under $5,000) with justification that the equipment is not available at Cleveland Clinic and is essential to the project. Capital equipment ($5,000 and greater) is not allowed.
Expenses in Obtaining a Visa / No
Graphics, photography charges / Yes
Indirect Costs / No indirect costs are allowed on RPC funds
IRB Fees / No. RPC funds are internal Cleveland Clinic monies and no IRB fees are applied to RPC projects.
Lab Tests – Clinical / Yes. Contact Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Institute’s Client Services
OR the LRI Laboratory Diagnostic Core at
Laptops, Computers / No
Malpractice Insurance / No
Membership Dues / No
Office supplies, general / No
Overhead Fees, Costs / No
Parking Fees / Only as part of research participant remuneration for participation
Patient Care, Hospitalization, Diagnostic LabTests / Yes, if well justified, for research-only purposes (no standard of care charges), budget at CC chargemaster rate (with current research rate); must provide CPT code if coded service
Payment/Remuneration of Human Subjects / Yes, as approved by IRB
Patient/Participant Recruitment / Yes, for IRB approved advertising
Personnel Recruitment / No, not for personnel related to the conduct of the study
Principal Investigator (PI) Salary/Fringes / No
Co-PI Salary/Fringes / No
Staff Sponsor Salary/Fringes / No
External non-Cleveland Clinic employee / No
Technical support personnel (study coordinator,lab tech, nurse, procedure tech, student) /
  • If the Principal Investigator holds a Professional Staff appointment in a Clinical area requiring Patient Care duties, he/she can request budget support for non-staff employees. Typical non-Staff support personnel are: nurse, data manager,technician,or student. The request (percent effort; cost) is considered in the review process. Justification must include name, employee number, job title, number of hours they will work on the project, and the assigned research tasks.
  • If the Principal Investigator has a Staff Sponsor, budget support for non-staff employees cannot be requested. Carrying out the project is part of the research learning experience. They can request budget to pay for support services – e.g., data management, lab fees,but not direct salary support for personnel.

Postage; Overnight shipping related to project / Yes
Publication Costs and Reprints / Yes, if described and justified
Receptions and Meals / No
Scientific Meeting Fees and Expenses / No
Service Contracts for Equipment Maintenance / No
Services purchased from service areas within Cleveland Clinic / Yes, if described and justified
Software packages / Yes, if unavailable and essential to the project
Space Alterations and Renovations / No
Stipends for Medical Students, Graduate Students, Post-Docs, or any other Trainee / Not allowable use of RPC award
Supplies, disposables / Yes, provide detailed justification
Telephone Long Distance related to project / No
Travel — Domestic or Foreign / No
Tuition Costs / No
Uniforms, Wearing Apparel / No
Visa fees / No
ANY NON-LISTED ITEM or CATEGORY / Please contact the RPC Program Office

RPC Program/Policy Grid Rev 12/17/20126