Florida Physical Therapy Association



Orlando, Florida


Sheila Nicholson

Lee Roberts

Steve Musco

Ken Jacobs

Paul Hughes

Blair Burton

Margaret Nonnemacher

Vicki Lee

Bob Rowe

Diana Ickes

Jeff Berner

Lisa Roberts

Kathy Swanick

Mary Connors

Ellen O’Bannon


Bruce Anderson

Ben Escorpizo


Craig Crosby

I. Meeting Called to order at 1001 by Sheila Nicholson President

a.  Quorum – Secretary

II.  Introduction of Guest(s) present – President

III.  Adoption of Agenda – President

Moved by Ken Jacobs Second Lee Roberts Passes

IV.  Minutes – approval of last meeting’s minutes – Secretary

Moved by Ken Jacobs Second Steve Musco - Passes

  1. BOD meeting 9/10/09 (may be done prior to meeting)
  2. BOD meeting 9/12/09 (may be done prior to meeting)

V.  Reports from Officers:

A. President - Sheila Nicholson (2009 – 2011)

1. Posted

2. Reminder next meeting – January 31, Sunday 0800 to 1300.

Combined with State Advocacy. Executive Committee

Meeting on Saturday January 30, from 1500 to 1700.

3. Regional Directors Reports- please turn in reports

4. Update articles due on the 15 of the month.

5. ACHA home health rule – PT/PTA supervision

Sheila will send proposed rule changes to members who do

Home health and get their input.

6. Districts need to calendar of meeting to Sheila as she would

Like to try attend districts meetings this year.

7. Meeting with Gene and Martha to discuss RFP

MOTION 11 – 14 – 09 #1 I move that our legal firm research if there is Federal and State Laws by which the State Attorney General can do to remove physician ownership of PT Practices. Moved by Jeff Berner Second by Paul Hughes – Passes

B. Vice President – Lee Roberts (2009 – 2011)

1. Executive Committee Report – posted

2.  District Leadership Conference calls – posted

3.  STP Update

MOTION 11 – 14 -09 #2 I move that the BOD approve the additions under Membership1 (6) (a) to the Strategic Plan. Moved by Lee Roberts,

Second by Vicki Lee Passes

MOTION 11 – 14 – 09 #3 I move that BOD approve Membership 1 (7) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) to the Strategic Plan. Moved by Lee Roberts, Second by Ken Jacobs, Passes

MOTION 11 – 14 – 09 #4 I move that the BOD approve Membership 1 #8 (a) and (b) to the Strategic Plan. Moved by Lee Roberts, Second Mary Conners – Passes

MOTION 11- 14 -09 #4A - I move to amend membership 1 #8 to read PTA CE Course(s) offered during 2010. Moved by Mary Conners, Second Lee Roberts,


MOTION 11 – 14 -09 #5 I move that the BOD approve Membership 1 #9 addition to the Strategic Plan; Moved by Lee Roberts, Second Vicki Lee Passes.

MOTION 11 – 14 -09 #6 I move that the BOD approve Membership 1 #11 to the Strategic Plan. Moved by Lee Roberts- Passes.

MOTION 11 – 14 – 09 #6A I move to refer Membership 1 #11 to the Conference committee and remove from the Strategic Plan with a report due back at the January BOD meeting; Moved by Ken Jacobs Second Lee Roberts - Passes

MOTION 11-14-09 #7- The Executive Committee moves to remove proposed Membership Goal 4 from the Strategic Plan and place it under BOD activities to be undertaken. Passes

MOTION 11-14-09#8 The Executive Committee moves to move the proposed Membership Goal 5 under Membership Goal 1 with budget allocations already there to support this proposal. Passes

MOTION 11-14-09 #10 The Executive Committee moves to keep exhibitor booth rates the same for the coming year at $650. Passes

MOTION 11-14-09 # 11 The Executive Committee moves to increase conference registration for all Full PT/PTA and Pre Con PT/PTA by $25.


C. Treasurer – Steve Musco (2008 – 2010)

1. Report of all accounts (last month/this month) – posted in report

a. Short term - $332,970.73

b. Long term - $325272.49

c. Legislative Account – $24234.73

d. Money Market Account - $637,764.94

e. Checking - $130,000.00

F: Total - $1,426,018.14

2. Budget for the year (P & L) – posted in report

a. Net Profit - $216,521.41

3. 2010 proposed budget - posted

4. Program 140 - 140 -7882 –student services

Member travel at $10,000

2 grants at $1250 to National Student Conclave

$300 per school at 25 schools.

Sheila will call the Department Chairs at all schools to explain the process of having student assembly reps. The students will also be expected to attend District Assembly meetings.

Student Reps will have their own section at the assembly.

5.  Increased expenses this year for HOD with increase of reimbursement

Combined May meeting and HOD meetings.

6. The 2010 Budget has$2500 net revenue.

MOTION 11 – 14 – 09 # 12 I move that the Executive Committee earmark $8000 for the purpose of creating a student services grant program. Moved by Steve Musco Second Vicki Lee – Passes

MOTION 11 – 14 -09 #13 I move as a member who voted in favor of the original motion, reconsider the original motion 09- 10 – 09 #4 Moved by Lee Roberts Second by Blair Burton Passes

MOTION 11 – 14 – 09 #14 I move to amend 09 – 10 -09 #4 to limit HOD reimbursement up to $1400 per delegate. Moved by Lisa Roberts Second By Ken Jacobs. Passes - Ken Jacobs votes no with in response to the amendment following.

MOTION 11 – 14 - 09 #14A I move to amend #14 to allow an “exception process” to the $1400 delegate limit. Moved by Bob Rowe Second by Jeff Berner.

Passes. Ken Jacobs voting against the amendment.

MOTION 11-14-09 #15 The Executive Committee moves to earmark $40000 from excess funds at the end of the fiscal year for legislative/reimbursement issues.

Moved by Jeff Berner; Second by Bob Rowe; Passes

MOTION 11-14-09 #16 I move that the proposed 2010 budget, with amendments, be approved. Moved by Steve Musco: Second Ellen O’Bannon; Passes.

D.  Secretary – Ken Jacobs (2008 – 2010)

1. Web page update – posted

2. School Assignments – BOD members review forum posting

And make corrections. Also need names for schools currently

Not covered. BOD members may reply via BOD forum

E.  Speaker of Assembly – Ellen O’Bannon (2008 – 2010)

1. FA 34-08: Electronic Voting - posted

2. Upcoming Assembly Representative meetings deadlines – posted

FA will be due May 2010, date to be set.

3. Bylaws have been sent to Dr. Stackpole to review.

F.  Chief Delegate – Bruce Anderson (2008 – 2010)

1.  RC deadlines –ideas for next year

2.  Southern Caucus meeting – posted

3.  Delegate report - posted

G.  Physical Therapist Assistant Director – Mary Connors (2009 – 2011)

1. Report Posed.

H.  Cultural Diversity Director – Reuben “Ben” Escorpizo (2008 – 2010)

1. Report Posted.


J.  Regional Directors:

1.  Southeast – Lisa Roberts (2009 – 2011)

1. Last meeting was in October

2. Student Conclave held last weekend

3. Webinar was done at 3 sites.

2.  East Central – Jeff Bremer (2008 – 2010)

1. District Gala held at Tracey Estoks’ during PT month

PAC donation made from the Gala.

3.  Northern – Robert “Bob” Rowe (2008 – 2010)

1. Report Posted.

4.  Northwest – Vicki Lee (2008 – 2010)

1. Trying to have a meeting in Panama City

5.  West Central – Diana Ickes (2009 – 2011)

1. Report Posted

2. 12 WCD members interested in attending State Advocacy


6.  Southwest – Kathy Swanick (2009 – 2011)

1. Webinar held on site.

2. Social at the End of October. $200 rose of which

$100 will go to PAC.

K.  Directors at Large – Will work on Job Descriptions for Jan BOD meeting.

1.  Paul Hughes (2008 – 2010)

2.  Blaire Burton (2009 – 2011)

3.  Margaret Nonnemacher (2009 – 2011)

VI.  Executive Vice President of FPTA – Craig Crosby

1.  FA 28-08: Non-dues revenue programs - posted

2.  FA Davis contract – Gene’s version

Referred back to Executive Committee to finalize. Will

Follow up on Gene Adams comments and bring back to

January BOD meeting for approval.

VII.  Panel Reports:

  1. Finance Panel – Coordinator is Treasurer

1.  Committee on Financial Planning and Budget - posted

2.  RFP for Broker/Investments status – posted in report

Responses due back by the end of November. Currently

There are 3 responses to the RFP. If needed an interview

Process can be held at the Jan BOD meeting.

3. Members of the RFP group are:

Sheila Nicholson, Ellen O’Bannon, Paul Hughes, Steve Musco,

& Craig Crosby.

  1. Legislation – Governmental Advocacy – Coordinators Ken Jacobs/Ellen O’Bannon

1.  Federal – posted

  1. Articles submitted to Update

2.  State - posted

  1. Status of Legislative Infomercial – posted

MOTION 11 – 14 – 09 #17 I move that the BOD approve opening the 486 practice act, securing Senate and House Sponsors , and using all means to pass legislation. Move by Ken Jacobs Second Steve Musco – Passed

3. Sheila will try to set up a meeting with Rep. Ed Homan (R- 60)

Along with Gene and Martha.

4. Districts to have Social Meeting in January or February to update

All licensees in Florida on Updates with 486. Bulk mailing to go

Out to all licensees with a bulk mailing. Each district needs to

Have a date, time and location of the meeting back to the FPTA

Office by December 1st. Deadline date to be set in early January

And a power point presentation and possible video to each

District to keep the message the same.

  1. Membership – Coordinators Kathy Swanick/Mary Conners/Ben Escorpizo

1.  Publications (Program 105) – no report

2.  Membership Committee (Program 106)

  1. FA 29-08: program re new licensees in the state
  2. Webinar

3.  Conference Committee (Program 107) – Chairperson – Kathy Swanick - CE Workshops (Program 108)

  1. Home study courses

4.  CE Procedures (Program 109)

5.  Student Services (Program 140)

6.  Leadership & Mentoring committee

  1. Professional Practice – Coordinator Bob Rowe
  1. Reimbursement – Coordinator Jeff Berner

1. Reimbursement Task Force – report handed out at meeting

Met Oct 24th and reviewed STP about reimbursement specialist.

Determined that they may need a person who can work with

Legislation and legal issues as more of benefit vs. a specialist.

2. Recommendations:

a) Talk with Jodi Chase and obtain 3 names the committee can

Have an initial consultation.

b) Create a liaison between the Reimbursement Committee and


c) Provide on-line education program and insurance forum to

Meet the 2006 FA.

d) FPTA to join 3 state insurance associations- Private, HMO and

Florida Self Insured.; Have booths at these association


e) Assign duties of a member referral network to an FPTA staff


f) Prove membership with useful information that will draw them

To the Reimbursement committee button on the FPTA web

Page. Provide a link to a message board for members to share


g) Create a specific PAC for Insurance Reimbursement issues.

VIII.  Committees:

  1. Ethics Committee – Chair – given at meeting
  2. Executive Committee – Vice President – under above report
  3. Nominating Committee – Chair (Christina Petti (2007 – 2010) -
  4. PAC – Chair - posted
  5. PAC Trustees – Paul Hughes (President 2009 – 2010)

Working on Project with Catherine for 2010

  1. Ultrasound machine auctioned for $3,000.
  2. Current PAC balance is $47,553. This includes last years unused

And this years current contributions.

  1. Bylaws – Bruce Anderson – posted
  2. Committee on Past Presidents - Catherine has not heard from other Past

Presidents, but plans to have some more information for the January BOD


IX.  Task Forces:

  1. Policy & Procedure
  2. Wellness – Blaire Burton

Looking for a member to apply for a Physical Therapist to be appointed

To the Governors’ Council for Physical Fitness.

X. SIGs:

A.  Pain – Lee Roberts

B.  Acute Care/Hospitals – Kathy Swanick

C.  Private Practice – Jeff Berner

D.  FCCE – Lisa Roberts

E.  Students – Margaret Nonnemacher/Kathy Swanick

1. Scott Ward and Connie Hauser to Speak at Student Meeting.

F.  Wellness & Fitness – Blaire Burton

G.  PTA – Mary Conners

H.  Fellowships/Internships – Bob Rowe

XI. Board of P.T. Practice Report – liaison to Board – Ellen O’Bannon - posted

XII. Strategic Plan Update – Vice President – Lee Roberts

2.  Priorities/budget 2010 – Lee and Steve Musco

XIII. FAs not specified elsewhere:

A. FA 30-08 – re contact with PT/PTA programs – Ken Jacobs

B. FA 09-06 – State Advocacy Training Day in Tallahassee 2009 4 members/district – Ken Jacobs

C. Motion 01-17-09 #9 – Reimbursement Panel to develop guidelines, goals, & performance expectations for the hiring of a Reimbursement Specialist with report back to BOD spring 2009 – Jeff Berner

D. Motion 01-17-09 #12 – PASS summit report - Will ask Vannie Jones and

Arie Van Dujin to resubmit their reports.

E. Motion 01-17-09 # 13 – Reports of grantees to be within 3 months

XIV. Unfinished Business

A. Job Descriptions – President’s report – all other board members are to

Review their Job Description and submit any changes before the January

BOD meeting.

XV. New Business

XVI. Meeting adjourned at 1514.
Secretary’s Signature Date