Open Positions for the 2018-2019 Board of Directors

¨  President

¨  President- Elect

¨  Treasurer

¨  Reporter

¨  Area Directors 2, 4, 6.

Section B: Duties

The duties of the officers of the Association shall be as follows:

·  President: The president shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board. The President shall perform the usual duties of a presiding officer. The President shall serve as the Association’s representative to the Florida FFA Association Board and at the Region 5 and NAAE Conferences. Additionally the President shall:

o  Annually, by October 1st, submit a letter of support to the FACTE Executive Director. The letter must state that FAAE supports FACTE’s endeavors and will only accept unified dues.

o  Appoint Committee Chairs as he/she sees fit.

o  Mentor the president elect concerning the NPS (National Policy Seminar).

o  Secure rooms/registrations/travel for Region 5 and NAAE conferences.

o  Address members at the Advisor meeting of the FFA State Convention.

o  Coordinate with State FFA Executive Secretary concerning matters of the State FFA Convention.

o  Forward state winning applications to the NAAE as well as provide certificates of recognition for those state winners at the state FFA Convention. In addition, the President shall provide plaques to state winners at the Annual meeting.

o  Complete the Professional State Association Award Application and submit it to the NAAE Region V Vice-President with a postmark no later than September 1.

·  President–elect: The President-elect shall serve as coordinator for all committee work and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President. He/she shall automatically become President the year following his/her election and serve as Chairman in the absence of the President. He/she shall chair the Nominating Committee and be responsible for coordinating the FACTE auction item(s) and the NAAE Disaster Relief donation effort. He/she shall represent the association at the National Policy Seminar. He/she shall be elected annually. He/She shall also attend meetings of the FFA alumni board. The President-Elect is responsible for providing a plaque to the outgoing President at the Annual Meeting.

·  Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and disperse the funds of the Association. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of receipts and expenditures and shall report the financial standings at all regular meetings and when requested by the Executive Committee. He/she shall maintain the records of membership and disburse dues to FACTE, NAAE and ACTE in a timely manner. The Treasurer must register FAAE as not for profit and have 501c3 papers filled with appropriate agencies. The treasurer will also be responsible for filing taxes. The treasurer will also be responsible for submitting applicable expenditures to the Agriculture Education/ FFA license tag committee for auditing. He/she shall be elected to serve a two year term.

·  Reporter: The Reporter shall be responsible for creating and disbursing news about the association. He/she shall produce a minimum of four newsletters to be distributed electronically to the membership. Additional Reporter duties shall include updating the Association’s social media and designing FAAE’s booth at the annual State FFA Convention. The reporter shall also be responsible for keeping information on the FAAE website current and accurate. He/she shall be elected to serve a two year term.

·  Area Director: Area Directors shall serve as the coordinator of activities for their respective areas. Area Directors are responsible for communicating the Association’s business to the members in their areas, and follow up with a report at each board meeting from their area. Each director shall make contact with teachers in their area of representation prior to the 1st quarter board meeting. Every director will provide content from their areas for the FAAE quarterly newsletter. All area directors will work with the New teacher Representative to follow up with Mentor/ Mentee pairing in your area. Each Area Director will be responsible for recruiting officer positions. The Area Directors shall be elected to a two year term on an alternating schedule as follows:

1, 3 and 5 – Odd years

2, 4 and 6 – Even years

Officer Removal Policy

If a member of the board is not fulfilling the duties of their office, the board member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the executive committee. In order to be removed from office, a board member will have not fulfilled the duty of their office by (any of the infractions listed below):

·  Missing two or more board meetings

·  Missing one or more general meetings

·  Failing to make contact with the teachers in their area by COLT Conference

·  Missing two or more submissions to the newsletter

Florida Association of Agricultural Educators

Officer/Board Application


Home Address:

Home phone:

Home email:

School:______FFA Area:

School Address:

School phone:

School email:

Position you are most interested in serving

Other Positions you are interested in serving

Why do you wish to serve the FAAE in this officer position?

What goal do you have for serving as an FAAE board member?

What activities would you like to see FAAE participate in?

Any other comments about serving FAAE?

To be completed and returned to:



Buddy Coleman

Turkey Creek Middle School

Turkey Creek Road, Plant City, Florida, 33567

Florida Association of Agriculture Educators


The Florida Association of Agricultural Educators (FAAE) is a professional organization for agricultural educators at all levels of instruction and leadership. Membership includes classroom teachers at elementary, intermediate, secondary and postsecondary levels of instruction, teacher educators of agricultural education and state supervisors of agricultural education. Priorities include agricultural education program development and improvement, governmental relations and federal legislation, professional/agriculture/agribusiness relations and member service/recognition. The FAAE is governed by an elected Board of Directors.

The President and President Elect are elected for one year terms by delegates attending the annual association business meeting at the FACTE conference.

Serving on the FAAE Board of Directors requires the understanding, support, cooperation and commitment of the school administration, Board of Education, parents, students and the community over a two year period of time for directors and a three year term for president-elect. Service as an officer of the FAAE requires time away from the school and community to represent the interests of agricultural educators at the state level. Representation includes attending meetings specified by the FAAE. The local school district will pay costs of the substitute teacher(s) whenever the representative is from that school district. The FAAE will strive to keep time away from task at a minimum by scheduling travel and meetings on Saturdays and Sundays whenever possible and scheduling meetings in June, July and August whenever feasible. Serving as a state FAAE officer is more than an "honor." It requires leadership, representation and commitment. It gives the local school and community visibility nationwide and enhances the opportunity for professional growth for the local teacher, agricultural education department, school and the community.

We have read this Memorandum of Understanding, support the concept and pledge our cooperation during the term of office of:


(Candidate/Officer) ______

(Chief Administrator)______

(School Official) ______

(Date) ______

Officer candidates are required to complete the Memorandum of Understanding and submit it to the FAAE Nominating Committee prior to running for office.