US Missiles Defense – Space War in Action
By Dave Webb
The High North and International Security Conference
Kiruna Sweden, 27-29 June 2013
Missile defense is just part of the overall strategy of the US military to develop global hegemony through space power – the development and use of space technology to dominate and control. At the core of many of the US military space activities is Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs which houses the US Space Command who proudly proclaim themselves to be “Masters of Space”. The activities of this and other military space establishments is monitored and challenged by the local group “Citizens for Peace in Space”, members of which helped found the Global Network some 21 years ago.
I am sure that we are all aware that the use of space has grown dramatically. There has been an enormous increase in the number of earth satellites since 1957 when a 58 cm (23 in) diameter polished metal sphere named Sputnik 1, was launched into a low elliptical Earth orbit by the Soviet Union and scared most of the United States to death! Since then thousands of satellites have been blasted into space. Some have crashed back into the atmosphere; others have escaped Earth’s gravity and are flying off into deep space. But most are still up there orbiting the Earth. The US Space Surveillance Network has tracked over 24,500 objects larger than about 10cm in space and is watching about 8,000 of them currently in orbit.
Most of these objects are useless space junk but the US Union of Concerned Scientists has compiled a Satellite Database which lists over 1000 operational satellites currently in orbit. Of these, almost half, close to 450, are operated by the US and over 100 have a military or dual use. Russia appears to have less than 100 satellites in total and China just over 50.
Not only has the number of satellites increased but so has the number of nations and government consortia operating in space – there are now around 60. Sweden sent its first satellite (Viking) into orbit in 1986. Sweden’s non military space activities are coordinated through the Swedish National Space Board which was created in 1972 and is responsible for national and international activities relating to space & remote sensing. Of course, remote sensing is of major importance to the military too and it can be difficult sometimes to tell whether the projects are entirely non military. Often there are dual-use interests and cooperation. There are a growing number of Swedish companies involved in space technology in one way or another and – a quick and simple internet search reveals around 30-40 companies:
- Acreo AB, Göteborg, Hudiksvall, Norrköping; - Development in electronics, optics + communication solutions
- Aeroflex Gaisler AB, Goteborg; - Digital hw design for terrestrial + space applications
- Brockmann Geomatics Sweden AB, Kista; - Development + application of remote sensing + GIS
- Carmenta AB, Göteborg; - Develops s/w for digital maps and positioning data
- C2sat Communications AB, Sollentuna; - Development of stabilised antenna systems
- DST CONTROL AB, Linköping; - Stabilised Electro-Optical Sensor Systems; Light-weight and high performance gyro stabilised gimbals for mission critical applications
- ECAPS, Trollhättan; - Development of green propellants
- Forsway Scandinavia AB, Skövde; - Development of satellite broadband modems
- GKN Aerospace Sweden, Trollhättan; - Production of combustion chambers and nozzles for Viking (Ariane 4); Development of nozzle and turbines for Vulcain (Ariane 5); - Technology programme in pump systems, nozzles and combustion
- Gotmic AB, Gothenburg; - Highly integrated MMIC chips, MMIC applications in the frequency range <100 GHz
- Imego AB, Gothenburg; - Applied sensor Research
- IRnova AB, Kista; - IRnova develops + supplies high quality, high performance infrared detectors + related components to infrared module, camera + system manufacturers all over the world.
- Jirotex Furudahlsgruppen AB / Furudahls Plast AB, Sandared; - Sound absorption materials for Ariane 5
- Metria Kiruna, Kiruna; - Production + delivery of geographic data
- Metria GeoAnalys, Stockholm; - Delivery of data, systems + support for geographic information
- NanoSpace AB, Uppsala; - Miniatyrised propulsion system
- OHB Sweden, Solna; - Development + delivery of complete satellite system incl. ground control systems, such as: Odin, SMART-1, PRISMA; - Development and delivery of subsystems for satellites such as: Control Systems (AOCS) and Propulsion Systems (propulsion)
- Omnisys Instruments AB, Västra Frölunda; - Scientific instruments for space reserach (RF/microwave area)
- Polymer Kompositer AB, Mölndal; - Metallized carbon fibre structures
- Rockwell Collins Sweden AB, Stockholm; - Production of portable uplinks
- RUAG Space AB , Göteborg; - Spacecraft systems; - Computers and data handling; - Sensor system mechanisms; - Spacecraft structures; - Flight control systems for sounding rockets; - Microgravity payloads; - Small satellites; - Microwave antennas; - Microwave electronics and fibre optics
- SSC , Solna; - Launch of sounding rockets and balloons; - Reception of data from remote sensing satellites; - Performs TT&C ops on polar orbiting satellites; - Telecommunication-services; - Airborn Maritime Surveillance System; - Small satellites, instruments for sounding rockets, balloons; - Microgravity payloads
- SES Astra AB, Kista; - Owns + operates 3 communications satellites
- Spacemetric, Sollentuna; - Software for production of satellite images
- Spaceport Sweden - Europe's first place for commercial spaceflights
- Spectrogon AB, Täby; - Optics for scientific instruments
- STARCS, Bromma; - Aerodynamics; - Wind Tunnel Tests; - Structure Dynamics; - Acoustic Analysis
- Sweco, Stockholm; - Services for structuring, analyzing + presenting large amounts of information, e.g. Earth observation, through GIS
- TeleWide AB, Skellefteå; - Development of a groundbased multisatellite antenna
- Umbilical design, Stockholm; - Design for space environments
- Wasa Millimeter Wave AB, Göteborg; - Was Millimeter Wave - develops and manufactures compact high power, high efficiency multipliers for frequencies > 100 GHz
- YoYo Technology AB, Stockholm; - Equipment for in-flight and Earth-based resistance excercise
- ÅAC Microtec AB, Uppsala; - MEMS/MST systems
It is probably worth investigating their activities and following links to others.
In fact the military, and the US military in particular, depend a great deal on satellites for a number of purposes. These include surveillance, communication, global positioning, missile guidance and targeting and new weapons systems (such as drones). Almost anything that utilises a Global Positioning System, imaging, video and radio communication will use satellites and an increasing number of engineering and technology companies are becoming involved.
Sweden has three major established companies that assist in these activities …
1, The SSC or Swedish Space Corporation, has a U.S. based independent subsidiary called the Universal Space Network, Inc. (USN) it has a prime customer in the US Department of Defense. The USN also makes use of PrioraNet - a huge worldwide network of ground stations that provides daily global tracking data and support to several DoD and European missions (including MUSIS, a European Space Based Imaging System servicing the military of a number of European countries). In addition, SSC has acquired LSE Space, a German space engineering company, in 2004. LSE 's main operations are in Oberphaffenhofen and Darmstadt Germany and it is also present in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates.
2. RUAG Space AB was formerly known as Saab Space and supplies advanced equipment for satellites and launchers (including to Lockheed Martin, one of the world’s largest defence contractors).
3. The Volvo Group is also a supplier of various types of military vehicles to Sweden, France and the US and Volvo Aero (which was recently acquired by GKN) develops and manufactures components for civil and military aircraft engines and for rocket engines for the European Ariane and Vega launchers.
As well as this, the SSC also runs the North European Aerospace Test Range or NEAT. The 24,000 sq km of NEAT is Europe´s largest war training area and consists of two ranges – the Esrange Space Center outside Kiruna and the Vidsel Test Range. Esrange is the world´s largest satellite receiving station while Vidsel has a 216 mile long testing area, which makes it possible to test long range missiles and drones. In July 2010 the US Air Force was allowed to train its bombers there and the RAF was allowed to use the area for most of 2011. NEAT brochures describe and sell the facilities and its capabilities (including its use as a testing ground for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or drones). However, the military use of NEAT is perhaps not that well known despite the fact that in July 2011 around 170 international peace activists invaded and occupied Vidsel to draw attention to what goes on there.
The Kiruna Satellite receiving station is located not far away from NEAT. Local operations and maintenance there are delivered by SSC and is of growing importance to military and commercial satellites. Its geographical situation in the High North means that Kiruna can provide visibility for 10 to 12 of the 14 daily passes made by polar orbiting satellites that are often used by military because of their ability to sweep over much of the Earth’s surface in 24 hours.
Left: Various types of satellite orbit; Right: a satellite in polar orbit will see the Earth turn beneath it as it travels from pole to pole in the 90 minutes or so it takes to complete one complete orbit.
Over the course of 24 hours a polar earth orbiting satellite will be able to sweep the Earth’s surface as the world rotates beneath it - as shown above
Kiruna station is extensively used by the European Space Agency (ESA) and routine operations are fully automated and controlled from the ESTRACK Control Centre (ECC) at the ESA European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany. The GPS Tracking and the Data Analysis Facility from the Galileo Experimental Sensor Station (GESS) at Kiruna Station both deliver continuous measurements to ESOC’s Navigation Facility.
Many of these operations, supported or provided by Swedish companies and the Swedish government, help to support the hegemonic interests of the US and NATO. The US projects its military power globally through over 800 foreign military bases, most of which are linked by space technology, to exert a massive grip around the world. And the US military seems to have no shame in dividing the world into sectors which it seeks to command and control. It sees the world in terms of 6 geographic - United States Northern Command (NORTHCOM); United States Africa Command (AFRICOM); United States Central Command (CENTCOM); United States European Command (EUCOM); U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) and U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) - and 4 functional - U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM); U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) and U.S. Transportation Command (TRANSCOM) and United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) - combatant commands. STRATCOM coordinates the activities of all the other commands from Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. It is charged with the missions of Global Command & Control through its 5 missions:
- Space Operations;
- Information Operations;
- Integrated Missile Defense;
- Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance;
- Global Strike; and Strategic Deterrence.
I would like to focus on just one - the ‘integrated missile defense mission’.
The current ideas on missile defense originated from President Ronald Reagan’s famous Star Wars speech in 1983. He envisioned a space based system that would protect the Continental United States from missile attack and the Strategic Defense Initiative Organisation (SDIO) was established in 1984 to develop the technologies to achieve this. It soon became apparent that it would be impossible to construct such an umbrella over the US to shield it from hundreds or thousands of missiles that might form an all out attack from the Soviet Union. However, it is extremely difficult to stop the military industrial complex in its tracks – especially in an extremely militarised culture - and so the whole operation was scaled down to develop a system to protect against a limited nuclear strike from so-called ‘rogue states’ (i.e. Iran and North Korea) or terrorists, which was also useful as the Cold War was ending and new threats and enemies to be scared of had to be found. The SDIO therefore morphed into the Ballistic Missile Defense Organisation in 1993 and changed again into the Missile Defense Agency in 2002. A new “Star Trek” type logo was adopted by the Agency in 2010.
The trajectory of a long range missile is in three stages (see figure below) – the boost phase when the launch rockets are still firing, the middle or mid-course phase, when the missile moves in a ballistic (unpowered) fashion and the terminal or final phase as the target is approached. In order to achieve such a long range it will need to go beyond the atmosphere into outer space during the mid-course phase and here it may release multiple independently targetable warheads which will travel on to their different targets. The job of interception requires many ground and space based components and billions of dollars have been directed to developing different systems to attempt the interception at each phase of the missile’s trajectory.
Missile defense systems have always been extremely controversial – as they can form an essential part of a nuclear first strike strategy. This was recognised during the extraordinarily dangerous nuclear situation during the Cold War when the US and Russia gripped the world in a state of mutually assured destruction. If one side were to initiate a nuclear attack the other would respond and all would be destroyed. If one side were to field an effective missile defense system then it would enable them to strike first without fear of retaliation. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, signed by the US and Soviet Union in 1972 was a way of preventing such a potentially devastating advantage from being obtained – it prevented either side from deploying new missile defense systems. However, George W Bush unilaterally withdrew from the Treaty in 2002 in order to pursue his missile defense programme.
40 years later the US Ground based Mid Course Defense (GMD) system consists of 26 silo-based interceptors at Ft Greely, Alaska (another 14 are due to be added in 2017) and 4 more at Vandenberg AFB, California. Ground based early warning and tracking radars in Alaska, at Thule in Greenland and Fylingdales in the UK have been upgraded for the missile defense role and a $1 billion sea-based X-band radar has been developed to track, discriminate and assess targets from a mobile semi-submersible platform in the Aleutian Islands. Very recently the House Armed Services Committee narrowly passed an amendment to the Defense authorization bill to direct $140 million toward a third missile interceptor site on the East Coast. Republicans have urged for such a site to be established by 2018 at an estimated cost of at least $3.6 billion.
Contracts for the development of the GMD system are extremely lucrative –around $8-10 billion is spent each year on missile defense projects and the first 27 years of spending are estimated to cost around $150 billion in total – roughly the same amount that was spent on the entire Apollo project. Major benefactors therefore are Boeing (the prime contractor), Orbital Sciences (for the ground based interceptor), Northrop Grumman and Raytheon (for battle management command, control and communications systems) and Raytheon (for early warning, identification and tracking radar systems).
The Ground Based Interceptor carries the Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle which would eventually be released to intercept an incoming missile and destroy it through kinetic energy (it does not carry an explosive charge). The first generation of GBIs had an intercept test record of 3 successes out of 5. The last 1st generation intercept test was carried out in 2008 and the second generation has not yet had a successful intercept test. Each Ground Based Interceptor is estimated to cost $80 million dollars. And the last 2nd generation intercept test was in 2010. Ground Based Radars are needed for early warning, tracking, targeting and identification. Solid state phased array radars operate around the coast of the US and in Greenland and the UK. High powered X-band radars are used to discriminate between actual and decoy warheads. A forward based X-band system has been deployed in Turkey and Japan has agreed to host another (with North Korea in mind). The US has also supplied a system to Israel (citing concerns about Iran). The mobile sea based system can be positioned in the Pacific as and when required.
Decoys are a major problem for missile defense - hundreds could be deployed with the warheads at the mid course of their trajectory in outer space. Here inflatable decoys would be indistinguishable from real war heads - or if balloons are deployed it will be extremely difficult to tell whether they are empty or contain warheads. X-band radars are an attempt to obtain high resolution images to help differentiate between them. Other forms of counter measure might be to develop missiles/warheads that can travel at hypersonic speeds or make manoeuvres in the final stages of their flight to avoid interceptors. For this reason a major focus has been on enabling intercepts to take place as early as possible in the trajectory– before warheads are deployed. Billions of dollars have been spent on developing Space or Air-borne lasers for this purpose but these programmes have been shelved or scrapped as being too expensive or too difficult. Further assistance in achieving this goal is to deploy mobile systems as close to launch sites as possible.
In the UK we have been campaigning against the radar at Fylingdales (situated in North Yorkshire) for many years. In the early 1990s the old mechanically steerable radars were replaced by the large phased array radar - a three-faced truncated pyramid-shaped structure about 32 metres high set on a 7 metre high building and 36 metre long on each side. The peace movement knew then that it was going to be used as part of the US Star Wars project but this was denied by the US and UK. However, in 2003, almost immediately after withdrawing the US from the ABM Treaty, George W Bush asked the UK government for permission to use Fylingdales for US missile defense. The UK government quickly agreed.