Florida Artist Blacksmith Association

Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2012

Yearly Conference @ Pioneer Settlement in Barberville, FL

Board members in attendance: Jerry Wolfe, John Watson, Dorothy Butler, Jim Labolito, Ralph Nettles,Jordan Thomas,Mark Stone, Ron Childers, Lisa Anne Conner, Rex Anderson.

Board members absent:Will Manning.

Guests:Kirk Sullens, David Reddy, John Butler, assorted onlookers.

I. President Jerry Wolfe called meeting to order at 5:30PM.

II. Call made for additional agenda items:

1. Jerry Grice Scholarship–

2. John Watson Sponsorship of those financially unable to attend Annual Conference.

III. Call to approve Minutes of 7-26-2012meeting.

Motion Made by:Ron Childers

Seconded:John Watson

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

IV. Old Business:

1. Improvement of forge ventilation in Barberville barn w/Jordan Thomas – Done and working fine! Many thanks to Mike Berry and several others who helped. Entire job finished with no money spent and all materials and labor donated by members.

2. Enhancements to web site with President Wolfe – While seeking help to liven up the web site, Michael Krummer, out of the South West, has offered to help using a program called Wordpress.

Motion Made by: John Watson

Seconded: Jim Labolito

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

3. Panhandle Pioneer settlement with John Watson – Still working on the acquisition of funds. There is an item that is going to be raffled and Willard Smith is donating another. John has asked for all the regions to make something for the raffle and help get the museum finished in approximately 4-5 months.

3. Advertizing in the Clinker Breaker – While President Wolfe broached the subject, it was Dot Butler, with help from Ron Childers and Clyde Payton,who did the legwork with the proper authorities. To summarize: The recommendation of the committee; there is not enough interest or financial gain to justify the added work and cost of added pages. We will keep the sales ads for members who are selling and looking for blacksmith related items and the CB editor will use his/her discretion on size and content as room arises. President Wolfe makes statement to the effect: “All advertisers should be members.” Motion was then made to include in the minutes a statement that any person placing an ad in the Clinker Breaker will be a member in good standing.

Motion Made by: Jim Labolito

Seconded: John Watson

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

4. Southern Blacksmith Association Meeting – President Wolfe makes announcement about meeting May of 2013. Theme is the 4 Elements: Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. There is to be a large base item that will be added to by the7 chapters. Each region will be expected to make a plaque to be added to the art piece. President Wolfe suggested a one person coordinator and Jordan Thomas stepped up and volunteered. He will be seeking help and Ideas.

Jerry Grice Scholarship – The Scholarship committee is needing more applicants to enter the running by December 31st of 2012. Talk this up at your monthly meetings, Regional Trustees and Coordinators.

V. President’s Report: President Wolfe has received callsconcerning training in the Art of Blacksmithing.

VI. Treasurer’s Report: Dot’s reports, for July to September, were passed around to the Board Members, to give all parties a chance to look them over. There were additional deposits made after her report was generated. Motion to accept reports as submitted.

Motion to accept as submitted made by: John Watson

Seconded: Ron Childers

Passed: Unanimously by those in attendance

*Point of interest – It has been brought to the attention of the Board that, due to non-membership participation in our “Iron in the Hat” and “Buck in the Bucket” type raffles, we will need to register with the State of Florida revenue office. Our treasurer, Dot Butler was assigned the task and she will see it taken care before the end of this year.

VII. 2012 Conference update - Mark Stone reported that he appreciated the help in setup along with all the teachers and demonstrators. Only negative was that since last year there was a tarp missing. There was much discussion about how to remedy this for next year. Motion was made to spend a maximum of $600 for the purchase of another tent (at the committee of one’s {Kirk Sullens} discretion ) to be ready for next year’s conference.

Motion to accept as submitted made by: Dot Butler

Seconded: Rex Anderson

Passed: Unanimously by those in attendance

1. Compensation for anvil shoot – After a small amount of deliberation, the board makes the following recommendation: The program chair is asked to compensate, in the amount of $100 to be offered to whoever performs the anvil shoot

Motion to make this recommendation made by: Jerry Wolfe

Seconded: John Watson

Passed: Unanimously by those in attendance

VIII. Clinker Breaker Update: Will Manning – Though not present, Will Manning, will be doing the November Clinker Breaker and responsibility for the December CB will be in David Reddy’s capable hands. David made mention of some software he had to purchase and a motion to reimburse him for the $80 he spent to get underway was made.

Motion to accept as submitted made by: Mark Stone

Seconded: Jordan Thomas

Passed: Unanimously by those in attendance

IX. Trustee Reports:

NE – Jordan Thomas – NE doing good with many showing up at their meetings. NE coordinator mentioned the desire to know the new members and be able to personally greet new members at the meetings.

NW – Ron Childers– Good attendancewe have seen some new members through teaching classes outside of the usual one Saturday per month meeting. Good enthusiasm all around.

SE – Ralph Nettles – At present there is a transitioning to Ed Aaron, the new SE Board Member and interest shown in going out to the Fair Grounds with the prospect of more people seeing blacksmiths in action.

SW –Lisa Anne Conner –Pretty much the same folks and still looking for more places to have meetings. Offered a big thanks to all who went to their yearly Birthday party/annual meeting.

X. Recognition of Board Members and Regional Coordinators – John Watson made a Motion for said Board Members and Regional Coordinators to receive a $75 stipend and other amenities.

Motion submitted made by: John Watson

Seconded: Rex Anderson

Discussion ensued. Motion was modified to those Board Members and Regional Coordinators who leave, after serving their full term, unless providentially hindered, as determined by the Board, to receive a Letter of Appreciation and the following year’s conference fee and a Tee Shirt from that year.

Passed: Majorityof those in attendance

Results of the 2013 Election is as follows:

Treasurer – Gary Kemp

Newsletter Editor – David Reddy

Program Chair Person – Kirk Sullen

Northeast Trustee – Jordan Thomas

Southeast Trustee – Ed Aaron

The Board would like to recognize four members leaving the board at the end of this year:

Treasurer: Dot Butler – 3 Years

Program Chair – Mark Stone – 5 years

Clinker Breaker – Will Manning – 1 year

South East Trustee - Ralph Nettles – 5 years

XI. New Business:

1.Ed Aaron has had trouble with Fair Grounds personnel. Although there was little concrete resolution to the problems, there were several good ideas put out and we hope to see what and if any are implemented along with a future report of the progress and increases to membership. If anyone is traveling in the direction of the South East, you might consider making a stop at one of their monthly meetings and doing a demo to give of your talent.

2. A motion is proposed for the Regional Trustee and Coordinator to issue a fee free pass to the annual conference along with camping privileges. This being designed to be used by someone that the regional leadership believes would like to attend but due to financial hardship is unable.

Motion submitted by: John Watson

Seconded: Jim Labolito

After a short discussion the Board voted to table this motion until the January meeting.

Vote to table: Unanimously by those in attendance

XII. Next meeting: Teleconference @ 6 PM on Thursday, January 17, 2012

XII. President calls for motionto adjourn meeting.

Motion to accept as submitted made by: John Watson

Seconded: Lisa Anne Conner

Passed: Unanimously by those in attendance

Respectfully submitted by Jim Labolito - State Secretary, FABA