August 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes
West Florida Regional Planning Council
(Designated staff)
Santa Rosa County Board of County Commission Chambers
6495 Caroline Street
Milton, FL
Members Attending:
Councilman Charles Bare, Chairman City of Pensacola
Councilman Gerald Wingate City of Pensacola
Commissioner Steven Barry Escambia County
Commissioner Grover Robinson Escambia County Commission Gene Valentino Escambia County
Commissioner Bob Cole Santa Rosa County
Commissioner Don Salter Santa Rosa County
Commissioner Jim Melvin Santa Rosa County
Commissioner Jayer Williamson Santa Rosa County
Others Attending:
T.R. Eagan AGI
Greg Vaughn Atkins
Marie Kamerdiender Citizen, CAC/BPAC
Jonathan Stanford Citizen
Buzz Morley Citizen, Lillian, AL CAC/BPAC
Jonathan Owen Citizen
Mathew Wickline Citizen
Nancy Model City of Gulf Breeze
Ryan Novota City of Pensacola
Elizabeth Schrey City of Pensacola
Sherry Meyers City Of Pensacola
Herold Humphrey ECAT
Tonya Ellis ECAT
Diane Hall ECAT
David Forte Escambia County
Colby Brown Escambia County Traffic
Christy Johnson FDOT
Peggy Kelley FDOT
Jim DeVries FDOT
Romi White Navarre Press
Andrea Kvech Pensacola International Airport
Dan Deanda rideOn/WFRPC
Roy Andrews Santa Rosa County Attorney
Brittany Ellers TPO Staff
Gary Kramer TPO Staff
Jill Lavender TPO Staff
Mary Bo Robinson TPO Staff
Mary Beth Washnock TPO Staff
Brandi Whitehurst TPO Staff
Brian Youpatoff TPO Staff
Chairman Bare called the meeting to order and led the invocation. He asked Commissioner Valentino to lead the pledge.
Councilman Bare presented Commissioner Valentino with a certificate of appreciation for his service as TPO Chairman. Commissioner Cole complimented working with Commissioner Valentino.
Commissioner Robinson moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Valentino seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Councilwoman Sherry Myers spoke in regards to issues with the Bayou Boulevard and 12th Avenue intersection. She explained that she sent a letter to Secretary Barfield requesting funds already allocated for the area remain to alleviate the safety concerns even though the project funded will not be executed. Brief general discussion ensued. Commissioner Robinson requested that the issue go through the TCC and BPAC and recommendations be brought before the board. Mr. DeVries informed the board that FDOT will be presenting on the issue at the September meeting.
Councilwoman Myers also spoke on her concern that sidewalks on Innerarity Road are not ADA accessible. She recommended halting adding more sidewalks until they are designed to be more accessible.
Ms. Barbara Mayall spoke further on concerns regarding safety issues with the intersection of Bayou Boulevard and 12th Avenue. She was glad to hear about the support of safety improvements to the intersection. She also thanked the board and FDOT for the work they have done in the past to improve safety. Ms. Mayall invited everyone at the meeting to her church for a back to school prayer for the children in the community.
Mr. Jonathan Stanford expressed his concern with the protection of animals being more of a concern than humans. He also took this opportunity to thank the board for their time and effort to alleviate issues in the area.
1. Approval of June 11, 2014 Meeting Minutes.
2. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-13 Authorizing Execution of Transportation Planning Funds Joint Participation Agreement
The Transportation Planning Funds Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) outlines the TPO's responsibilities for receipt of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Metropolitan Planning (PL) funds to complete transportation projects contained in the TPO's Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The most notable change to the agreement since 2010 is that the Department is required to reimburse the MPOs for PL funds within 15 days of receipt of billing.
Commissioner Robinson moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Valentino seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
1. Consideration of Resolution 14-29 to Adopt the Main Street Corridor Management Plan (CMP) and Endorse Implementation of Transportation Strategies and Projects Identified in the Plan
Mr. Youpatoff presented this item to the committee. He explained that the purpose of corridor management planning is to identify low cost strategies and projects to improve traffic flow and safety for all modes of travel along a corridor. The Main Street CMP covers the segment of Main Street from Barrancas Avenue to Clubbs Street. The project is conceptual; however it will be brought back for further discussion closer to construction. Councilman Wingate expressed his concern with the City of Pensacola City Council not being informed of things like this. Mr. Youpatoff explained that staff would be more than happy to present at the City Council meetings.
Commissioner Valentino moved to authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution 14-29 to adopt the Main Street Corridor Management Plan (CMP) and endorse implementation of transportation strategies and projects identified in the plan. Councilman Wingate seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
2. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-30 Authorizing $150,000 Per Year for Completion of Corridor Management Plans
Mr. Youpatoff presented this item to the committee. He explained that with a resurgence of projects Corridor Management Plan (CMP) funding, previously moved in for funding construction, is being requested to move back to planning. There was general discussion regarding the submitted studies for these funds. Staff suggested the studies be discussed in the next item.
Commissioner Cole moved to authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 14-30, authorizing up to $150,000 per year for completion of Corridor Management Plans. Councilman Wingate seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
3. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-31 to Adopt the Ranked List of Corridor Management Plans
Mr. Youpatoff presented this item to the board. The City of Pensacola has proposed three CMP studies be completed in the ranked priority order of #1 West Cervantes Street from "A" Street west to the Pensacola city limit; #2 Cervantes Street/Scenic Highway from Bayou Texar Bridge to E. Gonzalez Street; and #3 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/Davis Highway from Cervantes to Texar Drive. The TCC recommended approval with the removal of #3 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/Davis Highway from Cervantes to Texar Drive, and the addition of Detroit Boulevard from Pine Forest Road to Cody Avenue. There was lengthy discussion regarding the projects and how they were ranked and the possibility of adding Bayou Boulevard to the list. Mr. Youpatoff explained that the ultimate decision is up to the TPO board; however the list of projects was ranked and submitted by the City of Pensacola. At the TCC meeting representatives from the City of Pensacola and Escambia County made the request for the removal of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and the addition of Detroit Boulevard. Ms. DeVries informed the board that Bayou Boulevard could be added; however it will likely be funded sooner with safety funds as most of the issues with the section are safety and ADA-related. Staff from the City of Pensacola and Escambia County spoke in regards to their requested changes.
Commissioner Robinson moved to authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 14-31 to adopt the ranked list of Corridor Management Plans with the TCC recommended changes to remove Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/Davis Highway from Cervantes to Texar Drive study and add a study for Detroit Boulevard from Pine Forest Road to Cody Avenue as well as adding a study for Bayou Boulevard from Carpenter Creek to east of 12th Avenue as #4. Commissioner Valentino seconded the motion.
Commissioner Cole asked if the board could table this item for staff, the City of Pensacola and Escambia County to bring further clarification of a ranked list of Corridor Management Plans to include the TCC recommendation and to add Bayou Boulevard. Staff agreed to do so. Commissioner Robinson withdrew his motion and Commissioner Valentino withdrew his second.
Commissioner Cole moved to table action on Resolution FL-AL 14-31 until the September TPO meeting. Councilman Wingate seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
4. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-28 to Adopt the Evaluation of Alternative Corridors and Identification of Viable Alternatives for Capacity Improvements to State Road 292 (Perdido Key Drive) from the Alabama State Line to the Intersection of Innerarity Point/Gulf Beach Highway, referred to as the State Road 292 (Perdido Key Drive) Corridor Plan
Ms. Peggy Kelley, with FDOT introduced Mr. Greg Vaughn, with Atkins to the committee. Mr. Vaughn then gave a presentation of the evaluation process and what will come after adoption of the study. Due to the impact the project has on the critical habitat of the endangered Perdido Key beach mouse there are delays in moving the project forward expeditiously. There was brief general discussion for further details. Chairman Bare allowed public comment. Mr. Jonathan Stanford expressed to the board his concern that the habitat of the Perdido Key Beach Mouse is being considered more important than the safety of the people who use the roadway.
Commissioner Valentino moved to authorize the TPO Chairman sign Resolution FL-AL 14-28 to Adopt the Evaluation of Alternative Corridors and Identification of Viable Alternatives for Capacity Improvements to State Road 292 (Perdido Key Drive) from the Alabama State Line to the Intersection of Innerarity Point/Gulf Beach Highway, referred to as the State Road 292 (Perdido Key Drive) Corridor Plan. Councilman Wingate seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
5. Northwest Florida Regional TPO Roster - Appointment of Alternates
Ms. Washnock presented this item to the board. TPO staff is asking both the FL-AL and O-W TPO to review their membership and alternates to fill existing vacancies for the Northwest Florida Regional TPO. There are no voting member vacancies from the Florida-Alabama TPO; however there is a need to fill open alternate positions. Having official alternates assigned, per the RTPO's bylaws will make the possibility of establishing a quorum for the meetings more likely. After elections in November the TPOs will again be asked to address the RTPO members to fill any vacancies that may result. There was general discussion and the results were as follows:
Councilman Gerald Wingate will be the alternate for Councilman Charles Bare; Councilman P.C. Wu will be the alternate for Councilman Andy Terhaar; Commissioner Lumon May will be the alternate for Commissioner Steven Barry; Commissioner Grover Robinson will be the alternate for Commissioner Gene Valentino; Councilman J.B. Schluter will be the alternate for Mayor Beverly Zimmern; Commissioner Jayer Williamson will be the alternate for Commissioner Lane Lynchard; and Commissioner Bob Cole will be the alternate for Commissioner Don Salter. The alternate for Commissioner Jim Melvin will be decided after elections.
Commissioner Valentino moved to approve the discussed Northwest Florida Regional TPO appointment of alternates. Commissioner Robinson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
6. Approval of Appointment of a Transit Agency Member to Serve on the TPO as a Voting Member
Ms. Washnock presented this item to the board. During the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) certification process in June of 2014 it was clarified that an Escambia County staff person working with ECAT would not qualify as the required public transit provider representative. The representative must be an official from ECAT; which would be Mr. Harold Humphrey, General Manager of ECAT. The maximum number of members for an MPO or TPO has been increased from 19 to 25, allowing for the new member to be added. Mr. Cole expressed his concerns with the potential for a conflict of interest for the General Manager as a voting member on the board.
Commissioner Robinson moved to approve appointment of a transit agency member to serve on the TPO as a voting member. Commissioner Valentino seconded the motion and it was passed with Commissioner Cole opposed.
7. Consideration of Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Membership Application for Ms. Catherine Barnett
Ms. Whitehurst presented this item to the board and explained that Ms. Barnett was present at the BPAC meeting and acclimated nicely to the members of the committee. The BPAC recommended approval of Ms. Catherine Barnett as a member.
Commissioner Robinson moved to approve the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Membership Application for Ms. Catherine Barnett and add her to this advisory committee membership. Councilman Wingate seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
8. Determination of General Planning Consultant (GPC) Selection Committee Members
Ms. Jill Lavender presented this item to the committee. She explained the time line for the General Planning Consultant (GPC) selection process. She informed the board that included in the agenda was a draft ad for the General Planning Consultant. Councilman Bare volunteered to be on the GPC Selection Committee, and Mayor Zimmern was elected as the alternate. The TCC recommended Mr. Tommy Brown with Ms. Nancy Model as the alternate, to represent the TCC. The CAC recommended Mr. Jim Hunt, with Ms. Becky Washler as his alternate, to represent the CAC. There was discussion of a possible conflict of interest for Ms. Model. Staff agreed to further explore the issue. Mr. Shawn Ward volunteered to be the alternate in the case that Ms. Model cannot participate.
Councilman Wingate moved for the General Planning Consultant (GPC) Selection Committee be comprised of Councilman Bare with Mayor Zimmern as the alternate to represent the TPO; Mr. Tommy Brown and Ms. Nancy Model (given there is no conflict) as the alternate to represent the TCC; and Mr. Jim Hunt with Ms. Becky Washler as the alternate to represent the CAC on the General Planning Consultant (GPC) Selection Committee. Commissioner Valentino seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. DeVries, FDOT, informed the committee that District 3 FDOT is focusing on a feasibility study on Bayfront Parkway for possible lane reduction. The project will also look at the Gregory Street ramp. Due to very little use of the ramp it is going to be looked at for removal. He also mentioned that Scenic Highway will be down to one lane due to an area of concern impacted by the flood of April 2014. There was further discussion regarding the lane closure and the possibility of a detour allowing the project to be expedited.
1. Review of Draft Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 Project Priorities