FEBRUARY 11, 2014




4081 E. Olive Road, Suite A, Pensacola, Florida - February 11, 2014

Members Attending:

Mack Thetford, ChairmanBlackwater Heritage Trail

Don Christian III, Vice ChairmanEscambia County

Hugh Ed TurnerPensacola Resident

Joyce KammerdienerCitizen

Larry BrownCitizen

Barbara MayallBPAC/CAC

Mike KilmerBPAC

Anne B. BennettPerdido Watershed Eco-Tourism Project

Bill JeffriesCity of Orange Beach, Alabama

Griffin PowellCity of Orange Beach, Alabama

Sharon HolleyCity of Milton

Tommy BrownEscambia County Traffic

ZakkiyyahOsuigweEscambia County

Buzz MorleyCAC/BPAC

Lloyd MengelPensacola Freewheelers Bicycle Club

Shawn WardSanta Rosa County Transportation

Others Attending:

Wiley PageAtkins

Jim DeVriesFDOT

Stanley RuddFDOT

Orvind JohnsonCitizen

Alan GrayCity of Pensacola

Vikki GarrettTPO Staff

Gary KramerTPO Staff

Brian YoupatoffTPO Staff

Howard VanselowTPO Staff

Jordan RockwellTPO Staff

Mary Beth WashnockTPO Staff

Ellie RobertsTPO Staff

A.CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Thetfordcalled the meeting to order.

B.APPROVAL OF AGENDA: This item was not addressed by the BPAC.

  1. PUBLIC FORUM: Chairman Thetfordcalled for speakers.

1.Mr. Orvind Johnsongave a visual presentation of the Cantonment redevelopment area. He commented that Riverfront in Milton has no sidewalks or bike paths. He stated that a development plan requires sidewalks. Milton had the plan for sidewalks but they are still lacking.

Mr. Johnson stated that he is also looking at trolleys for improving our society. The trolley would connect with Bagdad and could have a covered bridge.

2.Mr. Mike Kilmer stated that he has to leave the meeting early. He said his dad is disabled and they have been having issues with Pensacola Bay showing up late or not showing up at all. He said they are hoping that ECAT will take over the system.

Ms. Vikki Garrett offered to get with Mr. Kilmer before he leaves the meeting. She introduced Mr. Howard Vanselow who is somewhat new to staff and works with the transportation disadvantaged program.

3.Mr. Jordan Rockwell announced that there are a few new members on the BPAC but they are not in attendance today. Mr. Rockwell said he will make contactwith them and request that they are in attendance at the next meeting.


  1. Approval of December 10, 2013Meeting Minutes. Chairman Thetford called for the motion.

Mr. Turner referred to page K-20 of the agenda, Item G-1, and questioned "M.P.H." He commented that he presumes it is "miles per hour" because it is not usually abbreviated that way.

Ms. Washnock confirmed that M.P.H. is miles per hour.

Chairman Thetford called for further questions. There were none.

Mr. Turner moved for approval of the consent agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morley and unanimously approved.

  1. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-01 to Approve the Scope of Services for the Florida-Alabama TPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update (tabled in December) - Enclosure A. Mr. Gary Kramer, TPO staff, presented. Mr. Kramer referred to the Scope of Services that was presented in December and the modified Scope that staff is requesting approval of today for February.

Mr. Kramer said this item was tabled at the last meeting. The TPO wanted Gulf Breeze and the City of Pensacola comments incorporated into the Scope even though they were received after the deadline.

The staff responses in the enclosure indicate how their questions were addressed in the Scope of Services and reference page numbers. That is the reason why there are separate attachments.

Mr. Kramer reviewed information as reflected in the agenda.

Mr. Kramer stated that the TCC and CAC recommended approval.

Mr. Kramer said there is a steering committee that is identified in the Scope and staff will be asking each of the advisory committees to appoint members to the steering committee so they can review the products. The adoption date needs to be November 2015, which is a five-year requirement between adoptions.

Mr. Kramer called for questions.

Ms. Mayall said a very good job was done on the comments.

Ms. Mayall moved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 14-01 to approve the Scope of Services for the Florida-Alabama TPO 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update. Ms. Bennett seconded the motion.

Chairman Thetford called for comments or questions.

Mr. Turner referred to page A-10, TPO staffs comments, and commented that the first paragraph starts with "I"; he asked who "I" was.

Mr. Page explained that that was a comment submitted by Rhonda Grice, former WFRPC staffer.

Chairman Thetford called for further comments. There were none. The motion was unanimously approved.

2.Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-03 to Adopt Amendments to the FY2013-FY2014 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) - Enclosure B. Ms. Vikki Garrett, TPO staff, presented. Ms. Garrett referred to Enclosure B of the agenda and stated that TPO staff is asking for a recommendation for the TPO to sign and approve the UPWP amendment, which is going to allow staff to include two additional public transportation studies. One is a Transit Amenities Assessment Study and also a Regional Transit Authority Feasibility Study.

Ms. Garrett asked the BPAC for their support. She stated that the TCC and CAC recommended approval of this item.

Mr. Larry Brown asked if this also continues to support having a ferry to the new dock on Santa Rosa Island and the City of Pensacola.

Ms. Garrett said no; that is a separate study that staff is going to bring up. The National Park Service is going to be meeting with the city and county and Santa Rosa Island Authority. The study is 85% complete with their study for a connection between Fort Pickens, Pensacola Beach and downtown Pensacola.

Chairman Thetford called for questions. There were none. He called for the motion. Mr. Kilmer moved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 14-03 to adopt the amended FY2013-FY2014 Unified Planning Work Program. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mayall and unanimously approved.

Ms. Mayall introduced Ms. Kammerdiener as a new member of BPAC. Chairman Thetford welcomed her.

3.Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-02 to Adopt the Congestion Management Process Plan (CMPP) Minor Update - Enclosure C. Mr. Jordan Rockwell, TPO staff, presented. Mr. Rockwell gave a PowerPoint presentation on the minor update to the Congestion Management Process Plan. He stated that a major update is done every five years in conjunction with the Long Range Transportation Plan. He explained that the purpose of the plan is to rate the performance of transportation facilities in the TPO area, which includes both roadways for automobiles, bicycle facilities, pedestrian facilities and transit facilities.

Mr. Rockwell explained that the method of rating those facilities across the area is using what is called Level of Service.

Ms. Bennett commented that north of the Interstate on Davis Highway there is a bicycle lane on the side, a turn lane and they have the bicycles in the middle of all that traffic.

Mr. Rudd commented that the A, B, C is not like being back in school when A was a great thing and F is failing. It is based on numbers and availability of services in the area.

Mr. Rockwell said safety data for 2012 will be received in March or May.

Mr. Ward said, regarding the ftp site, you have to provide your e-mail address. After providing your e-mail address it will let you through the firewall.

Chairman Thetford asked Mr. Rockwell to explain the bicycle pedestrian threshold changes and what it entails.

Mr. Rockwell said that from his analysis, he applied the new formulas and standards that FDOT adopted to the existing network. There are a few new statistical formulas that are required to be implemented within the table. If you look at the generalized Level of Service tables for 2012 as compared to 2009, the volume of vehicle traffic changed to determine Level of Service for bicycles and pedestrians. He said he saw an overall trend while doing the tables in bicycle pedestrian facilities. There were more decreases in Level of Service than increases.

Mr. Rockwell stated that TPO staff discussed with the TCC and CACabout changing the segment for a roadway segment that does not have any transit service.Currently we useN/A (not applicable) but the TCC thought it would be a good idea to use No Service (N/S).

The CAC was also on board with using No Service (N/S).

Ms. Washnock stated that the BPAC could make it a part of their motion; that is what the TCC and CAC did.

Mr. Larry Brown asked if the traffic counts are accurate.

Mr. DeVries said the traffic counts are accurate.

Mr. Turner said he is confused by this county road description at old Palafox Highway is from Pensacola Boulevard to Nine Mile Road.

Mr. DeVries said it is from Nine Mile Road north all the way up to Cantonment.

Ms. Washnock introduced Stanley Rudd from FDOT.

Mr. Larry Brownmoved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 14-02 to adopt the 2013 CMP Planand change the descriptive for the lack of transitservice from N/A to N/S. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bennett and unanimously approved.

4.Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-04 to Adopt the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Prioritization Criteria - Enclosure D. Mr. Jordan Rockwell, TPO staff, presented. Mr. Rockwell said this item was brought to the TPO and advisory committees in December. A draft was created and comments were received. The comments are included in the agenda.

Mr. Rockwell provided background information on the program; it combinedfunding pots for Transportation Enhancement, Recreational Trails and Safe Routes to School programs.

Mr. Rockwell said TPO staff is soliciting applications due April 1 from local governments and other eligible entities. Eligible entities to apply for TAP are school districts, transit agencies and local governments.

Mr. Ward said he does not know if a non-profit can submit; it is the agency that does the work that must be LAP certified by the State of Florida in order to do that work.

Mr. Rockwell thanked all staff who submitted comments.

Mr. Ward said Santa Rosa County provided a list of comments on this. Santa Rosa County has been very successful in the Transportation Alternative Program. There are currently eleven projects in the list and seven of those are basically Santa Rosa County projects.

Mr. Ward said the TCC voted unanimously to table this item in order to have a workshop to further review the criteria. The applications can still be submitted in April.

Mr. Ward moved to table this item so a joint workshop can be held to work out the details. Mr. Christian seconded the motion.

Chairman Thetford called for further discussion.

Mr. Ward stated that it was mentioned that FDOT requires that the MPOs and the TPOs adopt criteria. He asked that the Planning Council staff reach out and obtain some of those criteria examples of what other MPOs around the state are doing.

Chairman Thetford said he would like to provide support for what Mr. Ward is talking about. He stated that when he first started on this committee, it was this committee that looked at those applications and rated them based on criteria that was established by this committee. He stated that now criteria is coming from staff and he does not think necessarily reflects what the citizens who make recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian projects, would consider as most important. Chairman Thetford commented that he thinks that a workshop is an opportunity for the BPAC to sit down with those involved in the technical aspects of this, as well as the Citizens' Advisory Committee, and bringthe BPAC's collective knowledge to them. He said that he thinks the BPAC needs more input on this.

Chairman Thetford said he does not see much reflection for some of the specific funding sources that were in the earlier slide that showed what these projects are that are being combined. He commented that it is very broad and generic, which concerns him.

Mr. Rudd commented that there is only one funding source.

Chairman Thetford suggested taking some of those applications from the last five years and look at the old criteria tosee how they were scored, develop new criteria and see if the criteria that the committees develop are doing what we as a TPO want.

Chairman Thetford stressed the need of having a workshop. He said that is the most important thing that could be done.

Chairman Thetford called for the vote. The motion was unanimously approved.

5.Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 14-05 Amending the Florida-Alabama TPO and Advisory Committees By-Laws Regarding Elections and Advisory Committee Membership - Enclosure E. Ms. Mary Beth Washnock, TPO staff, presented. Ms. Washnock explained that this item has two parts: one is housekeeping and the other part has never been in the by-laws.

Ms. Washnock reviewed the resolution and stated that the naming of nominating committees ks being moved to April. It is giving flexibility to all committees and the TPO. If a nominating committee is not set up, that can be done at the June meeting.

Ms. Washnock stated that part two has to do with not allowing an elected official on the advisory committees due to obvious conflicts.

Ms. Washnock stated that the Citizens' Advisory Committee and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee are made up of a mixture of citizens and technical folks and the TPO consists of elected officials.

Ms. Washnock said TPO staff is recommending that the TPO approve this change to the by-laws and asked that the BPAC recommend approval of this change.

Mr. Kilmer moved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 14-05 amending the Florida-Alabama TPO and advisory committees by-laws to change the wording that in the event there is not a meeting in April, the appointment of a nominating committee shall take place in the previously scheduled meeting and if a nominating committee is not formed or is formed and does not meet for any reason the TPO can make nominations at the scheduled meeting and elect a chairman and vice chairman directly. In addition, the by-laws will be amended to add language stating an elected official cannot be on an advisory committee as a member or an alternate. The motion was seconded by Ms. Mayall and unanimously approved.

6.Confirmation of TPO Members to Serve on the Northwest Florida Regional TPO (RTPO) - Enclosure F. Ms. Mary Beth Washnock, TPO staff, to present. This item was not addressed by the BPAC.


•Mr. Jim DeVries, FDOT Urban Liaison, presented.Mr. DeVries said that he has one item to present to the BPAC todaythat he will be presenting to the TPO. Every five years the TPO adopts a Long Range Transportation Plan and in the past that plan stayed as adopted for a five-year period. Due to changes in policy there are projects now requesting that the Long Range Plan be amended quite often.This is not something the Department is pushing but is necessary because of the needto make sure that all of the plans, whether theyare state plans, county plans or TPO plans, are all consistent, especially in the transportation realm.

Mr. DeVries said the State of Florida has a system called SIS (Strategic Intermodal System Plan). The SIS is the backbone of transportation for the State of Florida. It includes interstates, major highways and north-south connectors. It also includes ports, airports, major transportation and freight hubs. The State of Florida has updated or endorsed a new SIS Cost Feasible Plan.

Mr. DeVries said that as they updated their plan last year they were able to bring a number of projects forward into their Cost Feasible Plan, thus moving those projects up in the Long Range Transportation Plan.

Mr. DeVries said he has several projects, three of them on the InterstateSystem that do not show up in the Cost Feasible Plan. All of them were addressed in the Needs Plan. FDOTnow must make sure they show up in the Cost Feasible Plan; without that the projects cannot get federal funds.

Mr. DeVries reviewed the projects: (1) I-10 from Escambia River to Avalon Boulevard; (2) I-10 US29 Interchange Phase 1; (3) 1-10 from Pine Forest Road to US29; (4) SR10, US90A, Nine Mile Road from Mobile Highway into Pine Forest. Mr. DeVries addressed questions.


7.FDOT Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Update on Cost Feasible Plan and Impacts on Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) - Enclosure G. Mr. Chris Edmonston, FDOT, to present. This item was not addressed by the BPAC.

8.Update on Major Re-Evaluation of Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for Nine Mile Road (Mobile Highway to Pine Forest Road) - Enclosure H. Ms. April Williams, PE, FDOT, to present. This item was not addressed by the BPAC.