Date Submitted:9/28/2015

Section 1: Your Contact Information

Submitted by: Brad Garber

Your School Site: Copper Basin K-8

Your position : Teacher

School Phone Number : 480-888-7500 Extension:

Your Emergency Contact Number: --

Are you designated the trip leader? YES NO

If no, who is the designated trip leader?

Phone Number for designated trip leader: --

Section 2: Activity Dates/Location/Specific Travel Information

Type of Activity: Out of State Travel In-State Travel (More than 75 miles)

Date(s) of trip: March 9, 2016 through March 11, 2016

Destination of trip: Anahiem, CA

Date of departure: March 9 Time of departure: 12:00 Midnight

Date of return: March 11 Time of return: 10:00 p.m.

Purpose of trip: Science and Tollerance

Briefly describe trip activities: Students will learn how things like kinetic energy and speed are used to create mind-blowing attractions at Disney California Adventure Park. Studets get an understanding of the real-world applications of physics in a Theme Park setting. Students will also take The Tolerancenter/Holocaust Exhibit Tour at the Museum of Tolerance.

This 3-hour tour is recommended for students ages 12 and above. Students engage in the state-of-the-art interactive exhibits that expose the dynamics of prejudice and discrimination historically and today. Witness history as you journey through the Holocaust exhibit and receive a photo passport card of a child whose life was changed by the Holocaust.

Name/Address of Site: Name: Project Exploration

Address: 1701 East Elwood St

City/State Phoenix, AZ Zip Code: 85040

Contact Person at Site (Non-School Personnel): Jenny Stephan

Phone Number of Contact Person: 602-448-4800

Means of transportation selected: Private Charter District Provided Buses Parent Provided

In general, describe the route to the destination:I-10 to Anahiem, CA

Number of Students Participating:

Number of Chaperones:

Estimated total cost of activity trip:

Estimated cost per student participant: $300-$400 depending on the number of students attending

Section 3: Parent Permission Slips/Emergency Medical Release Forms

Permission slips/medical release forms have been collected from all students?


If NO, who is responsible to collect these documents prior to departure?

Permission slips will be collected prior to departure date

Trip leader has copies of parent permission/medical release forms that will be accessible during the trip? YES NO

If NO, who is responsible for making these copies?

Copies of the parent permission/medical release forms have been left at the school site office? YES NO

If NO, who is responsible for making copies for the office?

Principal has reviewed all documents and approved the Activity Trip recommends sending Agenda Item to the Governing Board? YES NO

Name of Principal: Jim Bock

Will Requestor be present at Governing Board Meeting to respond to questions? YES NO

Please provide any other pertinent information:

Section 4: Chaperones/Contact Phone Numbers

List of Chaperones and Phone Numbers:

1. Brad Garber Position: Teacher Phone Number: --

2. Position: Phone Number: --

3. Position: Phone Number: --

4. Position: Phone Number: --

5. Position: Phone Number: --

6. Position: Phone Number: --

7. Position: Phone Number: --

8. Position: Phone Number: --

Section 5: Activity Trip Exposure Analysis Checklist

Is the location of the activity indoors or outdoors? Indoors Outdoors Both

Are special clothing needs such as shoes, jackets, or gloves required? Yes No

Does the trip location include exposure to insect or animal bits, falling rocks, puncture wounds from plants, or eye irritation from dust or other airborne particles? Yes No

Does the trip require climbing above or below the ground floor? Yes No

If yes, are walkways well marked? Yes No N/A

Do they include hand or guardrails? Yes No N/A

Are they maintained in good condition? Yes No N/A

Have extraordinary exposures been included on the Activity Trip Permission Form to provide an informed consent from parent or guardian? Yes No N/A

Are first aid services available at the trip location in the event of an injury or illness?

Yes No

Are food and water available at the trip location? Yes No

If not, will the students bring their own food and water? Yes No N/A

Are facilities available to safely store food and water? Yes No N/A

Has the travel route been planned in advance? Yes No

Will transportation make stops traveling to or from the trip location? Yes No

If yes, have stops been planned to maintain student control and safety? Yes No N/A

Is adequate parking available for safe vehicle loading, unloading, parking, and turn around? Yes No

Does the learning experience involve direct contact with plants or animals? Yes No

If yes, have students been questioned about potential allergic reaction? Yes No N/A

Is prior evidence of liability insurance protection required by the trip location owner to allow use of the facility or property? Yes No N/A

If trip includes residence at a camp facility, does the owner require proof of student accident insurance? Yes No N/A

If the trip includes a wilderness program, have special arrangements been made for emergency or medical evacuation? Yes No N/A