Florence Area Democratic Club April 1, 2017 Meeting Minutes

  • Chair Karin Radtke called the meeting to order in the Bromley Room of the Library at 11:00 am with 70 people in attendance.
  • Pat Reno introduced Sandy Fleetwood a nurse working for Peace Health. After contract negotiations have failed, they are now in mediation. Nurses are leaving the Florence area because the pay and benefits are better elsewhere. A community meeting will be held at the Senior Center April 4th at 6:00 pm. Please come to show your support. An open letter to Peace Health Vancouver asking them to please negotiate in good faith with our nurses, was available for us all to sign.

Announcements were emailed to members and written copies were on the reverse side of the agenda.

Candidates: The May 16, 2017 Special Election in the Florence area has 25 candidates running for non-partisan positions. The following candidates had asked to speak to FADC, and provided handouts detailing their backgrounds and goals. At the Florence Events Center on May 3rd from 4:00pm to 7:00pm there will be another chance to hear from these and more candidates. Ballots will be mailed out April 27th, but you might want to wait until our next meeting on May 6th to decide how to vote.

Crystal Farnsworth Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue Board Position #1

Ron Green Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue Board Position #2

Larry Farnsworth Western Lane Ambulance District Director Position #4

Mark TiltonSiuslaw Public Library District Board (we can vote for three)

Matt Keating Lane Community College Board of Directors Zone 3

Melanie Kuenzer Lane Community College Board of Directors Zone 1

Bill FleenorPort of Siuslaw Commissioner Position #5

Shayne Burnem Port of Siuslaw Commissioner Position #1

Sandy Wantz whose name will be on the ballot has decided not to run and asked us not to vote for her, but vote for Melanie Kuenzer instead.

Port of Siuslaw Commissioners meet every third Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the Port Office. Meetings are open to the public and time is allotted for anyone wanting to speak.

Business Meeting

Minutes from March were approved

Beth Hatcher gave the Treasurer’s Report

Committee Reports

Everyone is welcome to attend any committee meetings. Just check with the chair for time and place.

Community Involvement report was given by Pat Reno

  • Siuslaw Schools, and Boys and Girls Club are asking for new or gently used hardback or paper books. Check the list of desired books. Or send a list of books you would like to donate to Pat Reno . She will check if they are wanted. Bring books to the May or June meeting.
  • April 8th at 6:30 pm in the Bromley Room will be another showing of the film “Now is the Time, Health Care for Everyone”.

Political Awareness and Action Committee report was given by Maureen Miltenberger

  • One committee member Lou Ures is having medical challenges, but still wants to be part of the political conversation. You can email him at .
  • The Rapid Response Team has been busy keeping members updated on current events and opportunities to communicate our ideas. More members are needed. You can choice which issues and what actions you want to take.
  • An educational session is being planned. It will be open to everyone wanting to improve skill for letter writing, phoning, lobbying etc.
  • Postcards were available so we can get our feelings known.
  • Karin Radtke referenced to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s message to stay focused. This can be seen on YouTube .

Environmental Team, part of the Community Involvement Committee, report was given by lead Dina Pavlis.

It’s goal is to support the community through environmental issues.

  • The committee is concerned about the large amount of plastic bags and Styrofoam found along Hwy 126. This could be accidental trash blown out of cars. They are supporting a city ban on plastic bags. Maureen Miltenberger encouraged us to come to the Environmental Advisory Committee’s meetings at 2:00 pm in the Florence City Hall every third Thursday. Also we can show support when the City Council takes their vote on the ban.
  • FADC is now using biodegradable cups and spoons. Members can also bring their own coffee cup or water containers to meetings.
  • FADC will participate in Power of Florence on July 15, 2017 by picking up trash on the west end of Old Florence next to the Human Society Thrift Store.
  • Environmental Team will have a poster at the July 4th Table in Old Florence.

New Business

Pat Reno made a motion to participate in Power of Florence. Dina seconded it and all voted in favor.

Nancy Rickard made a motion to change the by-laws to add a member at large. We will proceed to revise the By Laws and add the job description for approval at the next meeting.

Next Meeting will be May 6th at the Senior Center.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm.

Submitted by Sue Jones, Secretary