Floranada RTI Flow Chart
If there is a behavioral concern or a student A student’s issues are severe and clearly
has not reached academic benchmark beyond the classroom teacher’s ability to address.
Parent’s permission is obtained.
Teacher collaborates with team leader to identify Teacher works with Merisa Lavere and submits
differentiated strategies/activities that may help the referral to RtI team in BASIS for consideration
student begin to succeed at expected level. Teacher of Tier II intervention process, or determination of
begins to document supplemental Tier I strategies at this next steps.
time onto BASIS.
Merisa Lavere conducts RtI team meeting. The teacher
- Tier I strategies are successful provides all necessary data for the first meeting and meets
- Problems persist with appropriate RtI team members. Teacher completes the
Initial meeting notes on BASIS
If problems persist, teacher seeks input from
Terri Chelton or Merisa Lavere and tries new strategies A Tier II record is developed during a RtI team meeting
to meet the student’s needs. Teacher continues to document and documented onto BASIS. The plan is communicated to
Strategies on BASIS. the necessary teachers and parents. A “Follow-up” meeting
is scheduled.
- Tier I strategies are successful
- Problems persist Plan implementation (6-9 weeks):
Merisa Lavere works with teacher to implement
If problems persist, the parents are notified prior to interentions, progress monitoring every two weeks, data
Proceeding to Tier II. RtI meeting with full team. analysis, and graphing. Teacher follows up with
Merisa Lavere regarding data every two weeks and
Tier II interventions are successful. Interventions Information is documented onto BASIS.
are continued and/or weaned off as appropriate.
Follow-up meeting is held: Full RtI team meeting
If showing success, interventions continue. If not, new
interventions are planned. Progress and plan are communicated
to teachers and parents, regardless.
Plan implementation (6-9 weeks): Full RtI meeting.
Follow plan implementation procedures as listed above
and enter in BASIS.
Insufficient Progress: Full RtI team, teachers, and parents
Student moves to Tier III. Repeats steps above using intensive
Interventions and consults with special services staff.
Communicate plan and involve parents in decision-making.
If insufficient progress persists, determine necessity for referral
for Special Education Services.