- Mission Statement
The School’s Governors & Lettings Sub-Committee in recognising their duty to effectively manage the school premises, agree in principal that applications for the use of premises out of school hours should be considered individually. Having considered the potential advantages of providing facilities for use by the local community and the extra income generated from such lettings, it has been recognised that there are considerable difficulties in accommodating most types of functions due to the layout of the premises and other administrative commitments. However, it is felt that the way forward would be to consider applications to use the premises for a trial period as set out in this policy.
- Types of Lettings Acceptable/Not Acceptable
2.1 Acceptable
Bookings for location filming.
Aerobics classes
Sports/ Weights classes
Rehearsal space for theatre groups/singing groups(but not groups that rely on loud musical accompaniments).
Martial Arts & Self Defence Classes
2.2 Not Acceptable
Parties or functions involving loud music.
Craft Classes
Summer schools
Using the playground as a general public car park
Car Boot Sales, regular sales would require planning permission.
2.3 Referable To The LEA
All bookings that would require an Entertainment’s Licence.
Lettings granting sole use of part of the premises.
Any letting that would breach Planning Regulations e.g. letting of a classroom for use as an office.
Lettings in school hours.
2.4 Accommodation Available For Hire/Maximum Capacities
Hall120 persons seated, 100 standing (fewer if tables are used)
Main KitchenFor washing up or preparing ready made food.
Main KitchenFor cooking providing member of Eden Catering staff is
present at function. This will incur a charge.
Permission is also required from Eden Catering Section
if hirer wishes to use crockery. (Tel: 020 8753 3597)
2.5 Priority of Users
Use of the premises for elections and civic emergencies takes priority over all lettings, and then as follows:-
a)Use by Education or other Council Departments.
b)Use by Community Learning & Leisure Service
c)Use by Voluntary Groups
d)Private bookings.
Times Available For Hire
Monday - Thursday 4.30pm - 9.30pm in Term Time
Occasional Weekend by arrangement
Bookings for inside use of the school will not be accepted during school holiday periods, apart from filming requests.
Use of the playground is bookable over school holiday periods.
- Charging Policy
3.1 Private Lettings
Charges for hiring facilities are based on a seasonal, hourly charge. The current charges are shown in Appendix AA10, which will be reviewed by the school on a yearly basis.
Prices include a charge for electric, gas, Site Manager’s overtime, cleaning, maintenance and profit for school.
3.2 Concessionary Prices
Concessionary charges, as shown in Appendix AA11, are used for bookings made through the Community Learning & Leisure Service, Voluntary Groups and use by Council Departments.
3.3 Charges for Location Filming
Charges for this type of letting should be negotiated on an individual basis with film/tv companies, as budgets vary considerably between different companies and between different types of productions. Appendix AA12 gives guidance to the amounts that could reasonably be charged for this type of letting.
3.4 Anti - Poverty Strategy
As part of the Borough’s Anti - Poverty Strategy Campaign, Concessionary rates may be applied to certain other users; at the discretion of the Headteacher, e.g. Single Parents.
3.5 Deposits
A deposit of 50% of the total booking fee should accompany an application for use of accommodation, to secure booking. The balance of payment should be received within 2 weeks of the date of letting.
3.6 Cancellations
10% of the deposit will be deducted for cancellations of up to three clear days before the date of booking, for handling charges. Cancellations of less than three days will result in the whole deposit being forfeited.
3.7 Value Added Tax
Where applicable 20% VAT will be added to the total cost of letting. This applies to all bookings that are non-educational e.g. parties.
- Income from Lettings
Income generated should be banked in the Council’s bank account and then credited back to the school through the GINA system.
- Insurance
Public Liability insurance must be obtained by the hirer to cover their function, guests and damage to council property. This should be obtained from a reputable insurance company and cover should be for at least £1,000,000 for any one accident. Administrators of the lettings functions should receive a copy of this insurance.
- Alcohol
Alcohol is not permitted on the premises
- Entertainment’s Licence
Public functions require licensing. All such requests - that the school is interested in holding - should be referred to the Lettings Section at the LEA. Functions are public if they involve music, dance, exhibitions or the showing of films; that the general public are allowed to attend. This does not include functions attended by students, former students, parents, friends or members of a club or similar organisation or their guests, which are deemed private functions.
Further guidance can be found on page 9 of the LEA’s booklet “Use of School Premises Outside of School Hours, Policy & Guidance Notes”.
- Conditions of Use
All hirers should be given a copy of the main Conditions of Use, appendix AA13.
Administrators of the lettings function should be aware of the full Conditions of Use of school premises as listed in appendix C in the “Use of School Premises Outside of School Hours, Policy & Guidance Notes” booklet.
Appendix AA13
Conditions of Use
Permission to use school facilities is given on the understanding that the conditions listed below are observed and adhered too by the hirer. Failure to comply with these conditions can result in the letting being terminated with immediate effect:-
General Regulations
a)The premises must be vacated by the stated time agreed on application.
b)Car parking facilities are generally not available except for film crews who can park on the premises during holiday times only.
c)Alcohol is not permitted on the premises.
d)The school may close the accommodation for such periods as may be necessary from time to time for the carrying out of maintenance work to the premises. Whenever possible advance notice will be given by the school and a reduction will be made in the charges in proportion to the period of closure. Alternatively, bookings can be re-arranged for a different date/s.
Safety Regulations
a)The hirer entering into the agreement with the school for the use of accommodation is required to take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of those present. Care must be taken not to impede the means of escape from the premises.
b)Smoking is only permitted in the playground.
c)The use of microphones and electrical musical instruments is prohibited.
d)No alterations or additions to the electrical installations may be made without prior consent from the school.
e)Details of fire exits, First Aid and emergency telephone will be provided to hirer at the time of booking.
Loss and Liability
a)The school/council does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss of or damage to the property of the hirer or persons attending the hirers function save as provided for in (c) below.
b)To the extent permitted by the UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS ACT 1977, the hirer shall save the School and Council harmless* and keep them indemnified from and against all actions, claims, demands, costs, losses and expenses which may be brought or made against them or sustained or incurred by them howsoever arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the permission to use the accommodation in respect of any of the following matters:-
- the death of or personal injury to any person
- loss of or damage to any property of the School/Council
- loss of or damage to any property belonging to the hirer
- loss of or damage to any property belonging to any person other than the hirer or the School/council
- any other loss or injury which may be incurred or suffered by the hirer or by the School/Council or by any other person and shall not make any claim against the School/council in respect of any of the above matters.
* The term “save harmless” is used to relieve the School/Council from liability in respect of any claim the person giving the indemnity may have against the School/council as a result of or in connection with the granting of use of accommodation.
c)The School/Council shall indemnify and keep indemnified the hirer for the time being against any injury to, or the death of any person, or loss of, or damage to any property including property belonging to the hirer to the extent that it may out of the act of default or negligence of the School/Council, its employees or agents against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect hereof or in relation there to.
d)The hirer must obtain public liability insurance for their function and guests. This should extend to cover damage to Council property and have a limit of indemnity of at least £1,000,000 for any one accident. Such insurance should be effected with a reputable insurance company.
The school reserves the right, for any reason which the Headteacher considers adequate, to withdraw permission to occupy the accommodation on any particular date or dates or for any period. The withdrawal of such permission shall not entitle the occupier to make any claim whatsoever against the school, but any payment made to the school for the period involved will be refunded.
Application Form For Use Of School Accommodation
Name, Address & Phone No ______
Nature of Event ______Number attending______
Admission Charge (if any)______
What will the proceeds be used for? ______
Date(s) accommodation is required ......
Times required From ...... To ......
(Please include preparation time in above times)
Accommodation Required
Hall ...... Playground......
Other (specify)......
Toilet facilities will be available for every booking of the building. Please note that drinking water and catering facilities are not available unless specifically booked.
Is Heating Required ......
No. of Tables required ...... No. of chairs required ......
Any other furniture ......
Please list any school equipment you would like to use ......
Do you wish to serve or sell alcohol ......
Please give details of your insurance cover for the event......
All bookings are subject to the Conditions of Hire attached. If permission is granted for this booking to take place, such permission will be effective only so long as the Conditions of Hire are duly observed and performed.
I/We, the applicants, confirm that a copy of the Conditions of Hire has been received and agree to perform and observe all of these conditions.
Signature of Applicant/s......
A deposit of ...... is payable when making booking. 10% will be deducted from the deposit amount, for handling charges, if booking is cancelled at anytime up to 3 days before the booking date. Full deposit is forfeited for cancellations of 3 days or less before booking date.
Enquiries to: Mrs S Birch Woodcock
Telephone: 020 8748 2566
...... Date:......
I am pleased to inform you that your application to use the accommodation and facilities listed below has been approved. Permission is granted subject to the Conditions of Hire and the conditions referred to on the application form and is operative only so long as these are observed, and provided that the sum stated below is paid at least two weeks before the date of use.
Date(s) of Use......
Times: From:...... To:......
Accommodation Booked:......
Equipment Booked:......
...... Hours @...... = ......
...... Hours @...... = ......
Other Charges =......
VAT = ......
Less Deposit...... =......
Total Payable =......
Payments must be made at least 2 weeks in advance of the date of use. Cheques should be made payable to London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and sent to the Headteacher at the address shown above. A receipt will not be provided unless specifically requested.
A handling c charge of 10%, for administration, will be deducted from the deposit for cancellations of up to three clear days before the letting date. The whole deposit will be forfeited for cancellations of 3 days or less.
Yours sincerely,
Contact Person for Lettings:Mr M. Woldeamlak
Accommodation For Hire:Playground
Hall for up to 120 seated, 100 Standing.
Washing-up facilities:See attached floor plan.
Times available:Monday - Thursday 4.30pm - 9.30pm
Occasional Weekends By arrangement
School Holidays Only outside areas.
Prices:See enclosed tariff.
Toilets:See attached floor plan.
Disabled Access:
Car parking Arrangements:
First Aid:
Emergency Telephone:
Nearest Tube Station:RavenscourtPark - District Line
Bus Routes266, 267, 27, 391, 190.
To ......
...... Date: ......
Thank you for your enquiry to use facilities at FloraGardensSchool for ...... , on ...... Unfortunately, it is not possible to accept this booking due to;
We are fully booked on that date.
We do not accept bookings for this type of function.
The accommodation is not available on that date due to circumstances listed below.
We do not take lettings for use of ......
Additional information ......
If you have any queries please contact: Mrs S Birch Woodcock
Telephone: 020 8748 2566
Yours sincerely.
Charges for Location Filming
For Filming Inside & Outside the School / 1/2 Day Letting / Whole Day LettingFeature Film
Major TV Company
Some Pop Promotion
Videos (dependent
on artiste)
TV Drama
Dramatised Documentary
Documentary (with less than 10 crew) / £500 - £750
£400 - £600
£300 - £400
£200 / £1,000 - £1,500
£700 - £1,000
£500 - £ 700
Exterior Only
Feature Film
Major TV Company
Some Pop Promotion
Videos (dependent
on artiste)
TV Drama
Documentary (with less than 10 crew) / £400
£ 90 / £700
Minimum charge should be for half a day. The above hire fees are for a standard 9.00am - 5.00pm day but they do not include Site Manager’s overtime or a charge for electricity. It should be ascertained whether an electricity supply will be needed and what this will be used for. Most companies will bring their own generator and just require use of electric for kettles, irons etc. If electricity is required for filming, lighting or for any equipment that would not be considered as general domestic appliances,
A meter reading should be taken before and after the event and charged accordingly.
As part of the negotiations for charging, it should be decided whether any additional charges need to be added to the above for Site Manager’s overtime and electric. As a rule it is probably feasible to wave these charges for companies paying the higher rate of fees and add to companies paying the lower rates.