List of Australian Government Bodies and Governance Relationships as at 1 October 2009



A. Departmental Bodies / 13
A1.Department of State / 1
A2.Functions with Distinct Branding / 2
A3.Ministerial Councils / 0
A4.Joint Commonwealth-State Bodies / 0
A5.International Bodies / 0
A6.Advisory Bodies / 10
B. Departmental Bodies Recognised in Legislation / 19
B1.Statutory Authorities, Statutory Committees and Royal Commissions / 10
B2.Statutory Office Holders / 9
B3.Business Operations / 0
C. Prescribed Agencies under the FMA Act / 1
D. Commonwealth Authorities under the CAC Act / 7
E. Statutory Corporations
(that are neither Commonwealth Authorities nor encompassed in an FMA Act Agency) / 1
F. Commonwealth Companies under the CAC Act / 3
F1.Limited by Guarantee / 3
F2.Limited by Shares / 0
G. Other Companies / 6
G1.Limited by Guarantee / 4
G2.Limited by Shares / 2
H. Other Entities / 2
H1.Partnerships and Joint Ventures / 1
H2.Incorporated Associations / 1
H3.Trusts / 0
TOTAL / 52
Department of Defence (the Department)
Creation Date: / 1903
Established By/Under: / Australian Constitution, also Administrative Arrangements Order
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 63 of the Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act)
GFS Classification: / GGS
Materiality: / Material
ABN: / 68 706 814 312
Web Site: /
The Department is responsible for defence policy and the defence of Australia, including international defence relations and co-operation, defence scientific research and development, defence procurement and purchasing, and defence industry development and co-operation.
Departments of State are recognised under section 64 of the Constitution, the Administrative Arrangements Order, the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 (FMA Act) and the PSAct.
Members of the Australian Defence Force, the Australian Navy Cadets, theAustralian Air Force Cadets and the Australian Army Cadets are assigned to the Department for the purposes of the FMAAct.
TheSecretary of the Department shares administrative responsibility with the Chief of the Defence Force for the members of the Australian Defence Force under section 9A of the Defence Act 1903.
Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)
Creation Date: / 1 July 1974
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
DSTO delivers expert advice and innovative solutions, applying science and technology, to protect and defend Australia and its national interests.
The Chief Defence Scientist is the head of DSTO.
See also the DSTO Advisory Board (Section A6).
Young Endeavour Youth Scheme (YEYS)
Creation Date: / 25 January 1987
Constituted By: / 8 members, including 2 Defence representatives
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Scheme was established in 1988 to provide young Australians with experiences whichwould increaseself-awareness, develop teamwork and leadership skills, and create a strong sense of community responsibility.
YEYS receives funding from the Australian Government through the Royal Australian Navy and accepts private donations through the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme Public Fund.
The Public Fund is listed as a deductible gift recipient for the purposes of section 30.227 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
Australian Defence Force Financial Services Consumer Council
Creation Date: / 15 September 2006
Constituted By: / 6 members
Appointed By: / Chief of the Defence Force (CDF) appoints the Chair and independent member. Other members are representatives from each Service and the Australian Public Service.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Council provides independent financial education to all ADF members and their families. The Council also advises the CDF and Service Chiefs on related matters and specific projects.
Australian Defence Human Research Ethics Committee
Creation Date: / 1989
Constituted By: / 10 members
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Committee promotes and encourages health research on militaryrelated matters. It was known as the Australian Defence Medical Ethics Committeeuntil 2001.
The Committee provides a compliance report to the Australian Health Ethics Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council (see Health portfolio, Section C) each financial year.
Australian Maritime Defence Council (AMDC)
Creation Date: / 25 February 1982
Constituted By: / 18 members. The Deputy Chief of Navy is the Chair.
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence appoints Defence representatives to the Council
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Council meets twice a year to provide a forum in which senior Defence and industry stakeholders can exchange information on trends and matters of national maritime interest.
The AMDC was formerly known as the Australian Shipping and Defence Council.
Capability Development Advisory Forum (CDAF)
Creation Date: / June 1998
Constituted By: / Two co-Chairs from Defence, being the Chief, Capability Development Group (CCDG) and the Head, Industry Division Defence Materiel Organisation (HID DMO), and approximately 15 rotating CEO-level industry representatives
Appointed By: / Chief Capability Development Group – Defence
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Forum meets as required to discus Defence and Defence industry issues.
Industry representatives are selected by CCDG and HID DMO depending on the contemporary environment issues. Members include the CEOs of companies with business common to all environments, selected large, medium and small enterprises, and industry advisory groups.
Defence Families of Australia
Creation Date: / 1986
Constituted By: / 1 National Convenor, 9 National Delegates and 1 National Communications Officer
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
Defence Families Australia was formed to improve the quality of life of Defence families and make recommendations and influence policy that directly affects families. The Department provides funding support to Defence Families Australia.
Defence Procurement Advisory Board
Creation Date: / March 2004
Constituted By: / 8 members
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence and Minister for Finance and Deregulation
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Board reports to the Minister for Defence and the Minister for Finance and Deregulation on the implementation of the recommendations from the Defence Procurement Review.
Defence Reserve Support Council
Creation Date: / 15 October 2000
Constituted By: / 29 members, including 7 Defence representatives
Appointed By: / Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Council comprises volunteers who promote the benefits of employing members of the Reserve.
The Council has committees in each State and Territory and in larger regional centres, such as Townsville.
Council members comprise representatives from the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the Australian Industry Group, the Council of Small Business of Australia, the Defence Reserves Association, the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, the education sector, themedia, the Returned and Services League of Australia, NationalCouncil of Women of Australia and a youth representative.
Defence Science and Technology Organisation Advisory Board
Creation Date: / 21 November 2008
Constituted By: / 7 members
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Board advises the Chief Defence Scientist (see the DSTO, aseparate entry in Section A2) on strategic issues relating to the effective development and application of science and technology in Defence related matters.
Forces Entertainment Board
Creation Date: / May 2004
Constituted By: / Members of the board are community members who are chosen for their ability to advise on suitable entertainment and entertainers for deployed forces
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Board is responsible for fostering relationships with the entertainment and arts industries, and the media, with the aim of identifying, promoting and securing suitable entertainment for Australian Forces.
Joint Education and Training Advisory Board
Creation Date: / 18 March 2009
Constituted By: / 14 members
Appointed By: / Secretary of the Department and Chief of the Defence Force
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Board advises the Commander of Joint Education, Training and Welfare on issues related to the Joint Education, Training and Welfare Command and the AustralianDefenceCollege.
Australian Army
Creation Date: / 1903
Established By/Under: / Defence Act 1903, section 31
Constituted By: / The Regular Army and the Army Reserve, headed by the Chief of Army
Appointed By: / GovernorGeneral appoints the Chief of Army
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department
Web Site: /
The Australian Army's mission is to provide a potent, versatile and modern Army to promote the security of Australia and to protect its people and interests.
Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Authority
Creation Date: / 19 June 1973
Established By/Under: / Defence Force Retirement and Benefits Act 1973, section 8
Constituted By: / 5 members
Appointed By: / GovernorGeneral appoints the Commissioner for Superannuation as the ex officioChair. The other 4 members are appointed by the Minister for Defence or the Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, one of whom is the Deputy Chair and the other 3 are nominated by the Chief of the Air Force.
Annual Report Tabled: / No
ABN: / 39 798 362 763
Web Site: /
The Authority is assisted in the administration of the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme by ComSuper (see Finance and Deregulation portfolio, Section C). The Scheme was closed to new members on 1 October 1991.
Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal
Creation Date: / 1903
Established By/Under: / Defence Force Act 1903, section 58G
Constituted By: / A President who is a presidential member of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, a person with industrial relations experience and a person who was formerly a member of the Permanent Forces
Appointed By: / Governor-General
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Tribunal inquires into and determines the salaries and relevant allowances of members of the Australian Defence Force. It also inquires into and makes determinations on prescribed matters referred to it.
Under the Administrative Arrangements Order, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations is responsible for the Tribunal through sections 58F to 58Q of the Defence Act 1903 (see also the Education, Employment and Workplace Relations portfolio, SectionB1).
Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (DIGO)
Creation Date: / 8 November 2000
Established By/Under: / DIGO is part of the Department and is not created under a separate statute
Constituted By: / Director and staff made available to assist the director
Appointed By: / Secretary of the Department
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
DIGO provides geospatial intelligence, from imagery and other sources, to support Australia’s defence and national interests.
DIGOwas formed by amalgamating the Australian Imagery Organisation,theDirectorate of Strategic Military Geographic Information and the Defence Topographic Agency.
On2December2005, the functions of DIGO were recognised in section6B of the Intelligence Services Act 2001.
Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO)
Creation Date: / 1 July 1990
Established By/Under: / DIO is part of the Department and is not created under a separate statute
Constituted By: / Director and staff made available to assist the director
Appointed By: / Secretary of the Department
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The DIO provides intelligence assessment, advice and services to support the planning and conduct of the Australian Defence Force.
DIO is recognised in section 29 of the Intelligence Services Act 2001, for the purposes of subjecting it to the review of certain matters by the Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (seeSection B2 of Part 1 - Parliamentary Bodies).
Defence Signals Directorate (DSD)
Creation Date: / 4 November 1977
Established By/Under: / DSD is part of the Department and is not created under a separate statute
Constituted By: / Director and staff made available to assist the director
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department
Web Site: /
DSD provides foreign signals intelligence products and services to key stakeholders in the Australian Government and the Australian Defence Force.
The functions of DSD are recognised in section7 of the Intelligence Services Act 2001.
Office of Reserve Service Protection
Creation Date: / 6 December 2001
Established By/Under: / Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Regulations 2001, subregulation4(1)
Constituted By: / Director and Deputy Director
Appointed By: / Assistant Chief of the Defence Force (Reserves)
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: /
The Office provides advice and assistance to reservists, their units, and employers, in dealing with the provisions of the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001.
Principal War Gratuity Authority
Creation Date: / 5 March 1990
Established By/Under: / War Gratuity Regulations 1945, regulation 4
Constituted By: / A single person
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Authority may confirm, vary or reverse a decision of a WarGratuity Officer (appointed under the War Gratuity Regulations 1945, regulation 5) who has adjudicated a war gratuity claim made under the War Gratuity Act 1945.
Decisions confirming that a person is entitled to a war gratuity form the basis of the Register of War Gratuities, which is controlled by the Registrar of War Gratuities (see Section B2).
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
Creation Date: / 31 March 1921
Established By/Under: / Defence Act 1903, section 30
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The RAAF prepares for, conducts and sustains effective air operations to promote Australia's security and interests. It was initially created as the Australian Air Force, with the prefix “Royal” being granted by Royal charter on 13 August 1921.
Royal Australian Navy (RAN)
Creation Date: / 19 August 1909
Established By/Under: / Defence Act 1903, section 30
Annual Report Tabled: / No, but reports within the annual report of the Department.
Web Site: /
The RAN promotes and protects Australia's interests at sea using ships, submarines and aircraft manned by skilled personnel. The RAN was initially created as the Australian Fleet Unit and given the title “RoyalAustralian Navy” by Royal Charter on 10 July 1911.
Chiefs of Service – Chief of the Defence Force (CDF), Vice Chief of the Defence Force (VCDF), Chief of Navy, Chief of Army and Chief of Air Force
Creation Date: / 1903
Established By/Under: / Defence Act 1903, section 9 and subsection 9AA(1)
Appointed By: / GovernorGeneral
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The CDF has primary responsibility for the command of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). The CDF is also the principal military adviser to the Minister for Defence and provides advice on matters that relate to military activity, including military operations.
The VCDF’s responsibilities include assisting the CDF in managing the operational tempo of the ADF, development of policy and guidance for current and future commitments, management of joint capability, management of military joint education and strategic inventory matters. The Chiefs of Service are responsible for delivering Navy,Army and Air Force capability.
Chief Judge Advocate
Creation Date: / 14 January 2004
Established By/Under: / Defence Discipline Act 1982, section 188A,as amended by the MilitaryJustice (Interim Measures) Act (No. 1) 2009.
Appointed By: / Judge Advocate General
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Chief Judge Advocate assists the Judge Advocate General (seealso Section B2) in the administration of the military justice system.
The Chief Judge Advocate must be a member of the ADF holding a rank not lower than the naval rank of commodore or the rank of brigadier or air commodore and a member of the judge advocates’ panel.
Competent Authority for the purposes of the ExplosivesTransport Regulations 2002
Creation Date: / 22 July 2003
Established By/Under: / Explosives Transport Regulations 2002, regulation 10
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
This position is only activated when requests are made to the Competent Authority for a ruling on transportation of explosives. TheCompetent Authority must be either an officer of the Australian Defence Force who holds a rank no lower than Commodore, Brigadier or Air Commodore, or an SES employee of the Department.
Defence Force Advocate
Creation Date: / 1984
Established By/Under: / Defence Act 1903, section 58S
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence
Annual Report Tabled: / No
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Advocate advises the Chief of the Defence Force (CDF) on matters that have been, or may be, referred to the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal (see Section B1) by the CDF, prepares submissions to be made to the Tribunal on behalf of the Defence Force concerning any matter that is being considered by the Tribunal, andrepresents the Defence Force in proceedings before the Tribunal.
Director of Military Prosecutions
Creation Date: / 12 June 2006
Established By/Under: / Defence Force Discipline Act 1982, section 188G
Appointed By: / Minister for Defence
Annual Report Tabled: / Yes, section 196B of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982
Web Site: / No current web site available
The Director prosecutes service offencesand represents the Service Chiefs in proceedings before the Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal (see Category B1 in the AttorneyGeneral’s portfolio).
The position of Director is held by a legal practitioner of not less than 5 years' experience, who is a member of the Permanent Navy, Regular Army or Permanent Air Force, or a member of the Reserves rendering full-time service, holding a rank not lower than the Commodore, Brigadier or Air Commodore.