Floods NFI/Emergency Shelter Sector Report – North Sudan Page 1 of 4

Floods NFI/Emergency Shelter Sector Report – North Sudan (29/08)

State / Distributions / Stocks / Pending Distributions / Comments
Kassala /
  • 5000 sacks, 300 tents, 600 plastic sheeting, 6000 small sacks, 240 digging tools, 5 sucking pumps distributed by civil defense.
  • SCCW distributed NFIs from UNICEF & NFI CP stock to 1510 HH in five distribution points between Kassala and Aroma (647 HH), in Aroma town (400 HH) and in Airpap-Aroma locality (463 HH).
  • SRC distributed 300 tents, 576 plastic sheets in Aroma town and New Halfa, as well as 3587 mosquito nets in AromaTown.No info on HH served.
  • IRC has requested NFI for 172 HH in Kassala locality: 13 plastic sheets, 242 Jerry cans, 16 blankets for Shaheed Tag El Sir (122 HH) and 44 plastic sheeting, 100 Jerry cans, 100 blankets for Garb El Gash. Regarding NFI kits: up to nowIRC distributed fullkits to 121 HH in Hai Elsafa (38HH) and Wad Sharefai village (46 HH), full kits in 17 HH in Hillat tamas-Kassala locality and in 137 HH in Gerb ElGash.
  • Continuing distributions of UNICEF and NFI Common Pipeline stock by GOAL and IRC.
  • Distribution (from NFI CP) of 100 blankets and 40 buckets to 10 Cholera Clinics.
  • Up to now GOAL distributed to 7,400 HH: 1490 of 1500 NFI kits, and an overall of 4237 plastic sheeting, 1692 Jerry Cans, 282 tents, 1148 torches, 12,584 soaps in Kassala, AromaTown, Aroma rural area, New Halfa- Sabaa Arab and New Halfa -Al Geneed.
  • UNICEF has some stock in Kassala (cooking sets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets & blankets)
  • NFI Common Pipeline sent 3000 Jerry Cans to supplement UNICEF stock; 6000 Jerry Cans, 500 buckets and 15,000 blankets as contingency stock for RCO management, GOAL and WFP storage; and 3000 plastic sheeting (1500 to GOAL and 1500 as contingency stock).
  • RCO requesting 300 tents from UNHCR and 300 tents from IOM
  • UNHCR donated 3,000 blankets and 1,500 sleeping mats.
  • NFI CP stockpiles for quick dispatch in Kassala: 3000 HH, but uneven number of items - blankets for 7500 HH and plastic for 3000 HH.
  • GOAL has received 2840 plastic sheeting from Irish Aid.
  • Hillat tamas – Kassala locality: Pipeline UNICEF: 17 cooking sets, 34 mosquito nets, 34 sleeping mats and NFI CP: 17 plastic sheeting, 34 Jerry Cans and 34 blankets.
  • Gerb ElGash: Pipeline UNICEF: 246 mosquito nets, 246 sleeping mats, 173 cooking sets and NFI CP: 17 plastic sheeting, 34 Jerry Cans, 34 blankets.
  • GOAL has requested from NFI CP: 500 blankets, 250 sleeping mats, 350 plastic sheeting to be distributed in New Halfa, Nahr Atbara locality.
  • RCO is re-assessing 5 distribution sites on the road from Kassala to Aroma. May request more NFI.
  • Plastic sheeting is empty in the contingency stock. UNJLC looking at restocking needs.
  • SRCS is planning to distribute NFIs to 600 HH (funded through ECHO)

Red Sea /
  • SRC distributed 270 blankets, 270 plastic sheets and 4 tents from own stock.
  • WES got the green light from UNICEF-Kassala to use some of their stock for flood response and they distributed 100 plastic sheeting.
  • IRC has requested for NFI for 64 HH and it was transported to Port Sudan on Aug 20th, NFI kits but no cooking set or soap. Distributed in Hoshiery (Port Sudan locality).
  • NFIs have been transported to Oxfam for a distribution in Tokar, full NFI basket (1 plastic sheeting, 2 Jerry cans, 2 blankets, 2 sleeping mats, 2 mosquito nets, 1 cooking set and 3 bars of soap).
  • Oxfam distribution is ongoing.
  • To be served from Khartoumstocks.
  • Request received from SRC for NFI kits for 1513 HH for the following areas in Red SeaState; Tokar (shanty area); Gebeit (Sinkat locality), Sinkat (shanty area), Thamiam (Haya locality), Haya (urban/village) and Upper Baraka.(Approved and dispatched).
  • Request received from SOS Sahel-UK for NFI (full basket) distribution in 700 HH in Algunob and Awleib localities. (Approved. Dispatch on Aug 27).
  • JLC Logistics Officer returned from Port Sudan.
  • Assessment done in Ageeg; more NFI requests can be expected from SRCS for 500 HH.

Gedaref /
  • WHO received 100 tents from the NFI CP for AWD treatment centres in Gedaref.
  • SRCS is planning to distribute NFIs to 600 HH (funded through ECHO)

Blue Nile /
  • SRC distributed 30 tents, 100 plastic sheets, 140 blankets from own stock.
  • IRC distributed 130 plastic sheets and 1000 mosquito nets in Damazin from own stock.
  • Distribution of NFI for 85HH in Geissan (in the two affected villages Duro and Essiel) from NFI CP stock.
  • The government distributed to 201HH in Damazine with 129 tents and 50 pieces of plastic sheeting.
  • Damazin: 402 blankets from NFI CP dispatched to the 201 HH reached by the government with tents and plastic; distributed by SRCS. Complementary to that SRCS distributed another 334 blankets to 167 HH in the same location.
  • SRCS also distributed NFIs from the NFI CP to 330 HH in Wad Abok: 660 blankets, 660 Jerry cans, 660 sleeping mats, 330 plastic sheeting.
  • UNHCR has 371 sleeping mats and 162 tents in UNHCR warehouse in Damazine.
  • Additional NFI CP stocks will come from Khartoum as needed.
  • NFI CP stockpiles for quick dispatch in Damazin: 450 HH.
  • No assessments possible in no-go areas.
  • RCO has requested 140 blankets for Hai Alhijra (near Damazin). Distribution will be done by SRC.
  • Road transport of NFIs to Tadamon not possible. Awaiting transport solution.
  • JLC Field Officers returned from Damazine.
  • SRCS is planning to distribute NFIs to 400 HH (funded through ECHO)

White Nile /
  • ADRA/FAR distributed to 1000 HH with UNJLC/UNICEF/CARE stock on 05/07 and 06/07 in Kosti.
  • 884 tents, 679 plastic sheets, 1829 nets, 1358 basket food (State Emergency Committee)
  • SRC distributed 300 tents.
  • FAR and ADRA distributed from 500 HH contingency stock in Tendelty. HAC provided NFI transport from Rabak to Tendelty.
  • Sudan Aid distributing to 250 HH in Tendelti and 180 HH in Rabak;480 mosquito nets, 430 plastic sheets, 860 blankets, 875 plastic sleeping mats, 430 jerry cans, 430 buckets, 1305 soaps. (items dispatched on Aug 15th).
  • WFP requested additional 500 HH of contingency stock for Kosti. UNJLC/UNICEF/CARE waiting till Khartoum stocks increase.
  • Request received from SRC for 390 HH in Aljazeera aba locality- Tayba, Alrahmania SE, Beni Hussain, Alrahoul, Alrahmania SW. Approval pending assessment information.
  • SRCS reports that 800 HH in eight villages in Gezera Abba in White NileState are completely or partially affected by heavy rains.

RiverNileState /
  • SRCS went on assessment mission on Aug 22/23 to Mahaliyaat localities of Abu Hamed, Atbara and Ad Damer: 700 HH will be targeted (through ECHO funding).

Northern Kordofan /
  • Federal & State government has provided 1000 plastic sheets, 100 tents, 500 blankets and 1000 sack of sorghum for each of the six localities.
  • SRC distributed 50 tents, 400 plastic sheets, 400 blankets.
  • UN/INGO/HAC Emergency Response Committee coordinated the distribution of NFIs to 12,002 HH. Distribution by a) SUDO in Um Ruwaba (3,754 HHs), b) CARE in Sodari locality (1130 HH), c) SRCS in Sheikan (2774 HH), in Bara (2131 HH), in El Nuhud (1540 HH) and in Gabrat El Sheik (673 HH). From the NFI CP: 22,990 blankets, 22,990 sleeping mats, 6050 Jerry cans and 5,800 plastic sheeting; from UNICEF: 3,390 pieces of soap and 1,130 mosquito nets.
  • NFI CP stockpiles for quick dispatch in El Obeid: 10,000 HH – officially Darfur NFI CP stocks but can be used for ROS. Borrowed stocks from Darfur NFI CP in El Obeid to respond in NK.
  • SRC will receive 1,000 NFI kits from UAE. JLC suggests that SRC borrows these from CP El Obeid and replace them later by Emirates stock.
  • JLC observed 4 SRC distributions from NFI CP stock in El Obeid.
  • SRCS is planning to distribute NFIs to 600 HH (funded through ECHO)

Southern Kordofan / Abyei /
  • NFI CP stockpiles for quick dispatch in a) Kadugli: 1000 HH, b) Kauda (Kadugli locality): 250HH, c) Lagawa (Lagawa locality): 250 HH, and d) Abyei: 500 HH.
  • IAS requested NFIs for 850 HH in Hammadi/Delling locality: 1700 blankets and 850 plastic sheeting, to be distributed on Aug 27th.
  • IAS’ second assessment in Hammadi/Delling states 5,646 HH affected: distribution by Govt of gifts from people of Khartoum: 4,640 plastic sheeting, 1,400 blankets, 140 tents, 5.640 mosquito nets.
  • SC-US has requested from NFI CP: for 216 HH in Abu Gebiha/Abu Jubaiyah: 650 sleeping mats, 450 blankets, 432 jerry cans, 220 plastic sheeting to be distributed by CARE.
  • SRRC reported 850 affected HH in Kadugli and the NIC will distribute 640 plastic sheeting and mosquito nets, 400 blankets and 140 tents (20 large, 120 small).
/ JLC Logistics Officer to return to Kadugli on Aug 21st.
Khartoum /
  • CARE/SUDO/El Manar distributed to 3000 HH on 14/07 in Mayo and additional 1000 HH later after more houses collapsed. NFIs for about 200HH remaining from this distribution
  • CRS/SUDO/Al Manar distributed to 1,963 HH in Jebel Awlia on 16/07.
  • TdH requested from the NFI CP 20 plastic sheeting, 50 sleeping mats and 60 blankets for a school and relocation centres in El Fatah in Khartoum locality.
  • NFI CP stocks in Khartoumsufficient for 20,000 HH.
  • CARE donated 8,500 buckets to NFI CP.
  • IFRC/SRC has released funding appeal and expects additional stocks to arrive in Khartoumsoon. SRC will receive 2,500 cooking sets within two weeks from Nairobi.
  • OFDA flew in 13,000 pieces of plastic sheeting (from Dubai).
  • UNHCR donated 5,000 pieces of plastic sheeting to the NFI CP.
  • Malaria Consortium has 38,000 mosquito nets in stock in Khartoum.
  • IOM has requested 400 tents (for distribution in UnityState) from the NFI CP stock in Khartoum.
  • FAR-Sudan has requested (on behalf of NAHDA-Organization for the Disabled) NFIs for 200 HH in El Salaama locality: 104 plastic sheeting, 104, blankets, 104 Jerry cans and 194 sleeping mats. (Approved and dispatched).
  • FAR-Sudan has also requestedNFIs for 2,402 HH in Wad El Bashir in Umbada locality: 2,402 plastic sheeting, 2,402 blankets, 2,402 Jerry cans, 2,402 sleeping mats. (Approved and dispatched).
  • Medair has requested from NFICP:for 2,500 HH in Omdurman El Salam Camp: 2,500 plastic sheeting. (Approved, items to be dispatched on Aug 29th.)
  • SUDO has requested from NFI CP:for 858 HH in Mayo Camp: 1,716 blankets, sleeping mats and mosquito nets, 858 plastic sheeting and jerry cans, 58 cooking sets (Approved, items to be dispatched on 02/09).
  • FAR reports that govt is responding in Umbdawanban and additional NFIs may not be needed there.
  • IOM has offered its trucks for NFI transport within Khartoum.
  • JLC went to Umbdawanban area on joint assessment on 18/07 and confirmed that NFI assistance is not needed.
  • UNICEF is procuring 11,000 cooking sets locally.
  • SRCS is planning to distribute NFIs to 3000 HH (funded through ECHO)

Northern /
  • SUDO has requested from NFI CP: for 635 HH in Dongola: 1,276 blankets, sleeping mats and mosquito nets, 635 plastic sheeting and jerry cans, 25 cooking sets. SUDO coordinating SRCS whether needs already met by current SRCS distribution.
  • SRCS is planning to distribute NFIs to 800 HH (funded through ECHO)

Sennar /
  • SRCS distributed 50 tents, 200 plastic sheets, 200 blankets.
  • Al Manar distributed to 350 HH in Abu Geili and Wad Salim through community centres from 16/07.
  • SRC distributing to 3524 HH from NFI CP stock in Sinnar Altagatu, in West Sennar, Kennan, in Jebel Moya and Alnifidia.
  • Sudan Aid: NFIs distributed for 392 HH near SennarTown: 800 blankets, 392 buckets, 392 Jerry Cans, 395 plastic sheeting, 800 sleeping mats, 400 mosquito nets and 1215 soaps.
  • To be served from Khartoum stocks.
  • No pending requests.

Gezira /
  • SRCS distributed 160 plastic sheets, 320 blankets and 160 jerry cans.
  • SRCS distributed NFIs for 1730 HH in Gezira South, Al Managel and Madani.
  • To be served from Khartoum stocks.
  • No pending requests.


The Non-Food Items (NFI) Common Pipeline was developed to respond to displacement in Darfur in 2004. In 2007, the Pipeline was expanded to cover all of North Sudan. The operation is managed by the UN Joint Logistics Centre (UNJLC) to centralize procurement, transport and warehousing of non-food items, reducing overhead costs and administration by creating a single supply chain. Non-food items for the Common Pipeline are procured and shipped by UNICEF, after which they are delivered to CARE International, which acts as logistics service provider. CARE receives commodities, manages warehousing and arranges transport to state capital hubs and on to various distribution points. As of 29/08, NFI CP has assisted approximately 40,000 HH. Approximately 79,000 blankets, 7,400 buckets, 6,800 cooking sets, 55,000 jerry cans, 27,000 plastic sheets, and 56,000 sleeping mats dispatched.