Flint & Denbigh Hunt
Branch Pony Club Camps
Parents Duties
Without your help camp would not be taking place. Here are a few points to consider when on duty.
- Members are at camp to learn how to look after their pony. Please encourage the children to do as much as possible in caring for their own pony while at camp.
- Do tell the children what they need to be doing, encourage good behaviour and ensure that they are not putting themselves or others in danger.
- You will need to remind children of their duties.
Pony LinesMorning- 8am – 10.30am
- Arrive on time.
- Collect all children together to catch ponies. Make sure everyone has their head collar and leadrope with them when going to the field.
- At least 2 adults to supervise per group to fetch ponies in from field. Do not leave a pony alone in the field. No child is allowed to go into the field alone.
- Ensure that the pens are mucked out.
- Ensure that the pony has hay net & water at all time when in the stalls. Haynet must be high enough so that pony’s feet are not caught in it.
- Supervise grooming, ensuring that kit is removed from stall after use.
- Between 9.15 am – 9.45am children to tidy their sleeping area.
- Supervise tacking up and ensure that members are ready to ride by 10am.
Lunch time 11.45 am – 2pm
- Supervise un-tacking and ensure that tack is put away in tack tent.
- Ensure pony has been given hay & water
- Ensure that the stalls & area around are free of muck.
- Ponies to be allowed quiet time over lunch.
- Supervise tacking up for afternoon ride.
Evening time – 3.45 pm -5.30pm
- Supervise un- tacking. cleaning of tack, general tidying of stall area
- 4.30pm – Turn out 2adults per group, Daily ponies to leave.
- Penned ponies to pens. Ensure that they have hay & water.
KITCHEN Managers – Ann Jones
Please could volunteers ensure that they turn up on time and help.
ENCOURAGE GOOD BEHAVIOUR & MANNERS FROM CHILDREN at all times. Members must be dressed for breakfast, not to come in nightwear.
Breakfast – 7am – 10am
- Help prepare, serve & clear away.
- Encourage the children to clear plates and stack tidily ready for washing up.
- Prepare juice & biscuits for each ride.
- Clean shower area & toilets.
Lunch – 10.30am – 2pm
- Help prepare, serve and clear away lunch.
- Serve lunch at 12 noon – mini campers, 12.30pm main campers
- Tidy up after lunch.
- Prepare juice & biscuits for tea.
TEA - 4.15 – 5pm
Serve juice & biscuit
Evening Meal – 5.30pm – 7.30pm
- Help prepare & serve evening meal
- Serve meal at 6.30pm
- Clear away & tidy up kitchen.
Early evening supervision – 5.30pm – 9.30pm
- Help out with the evening entertainment
- Supervise ’poo’ picking on Sir Watkin’s drive.
- Ensure children do not wander too near local residences.
- Check that penned ponies have hay & water.
- 9pm – serve hot drink & buns.
- Tidy kitchen area.
- Handover to night watch.
Car Drivers
- A.m. 9.00am take children to stables
- P.m 5.30pm fetch children back from stables.
- Encourage children to wear their fluorescent tabards when hacking to & from stables.
- Arrive by 9pm.
- Take over from early evening supervisors.
- There should be 6-8 people on duty each evening,. Caravans available for the ones sleeping. Bring your own sleeping bag.
- Call out register of campers.
- Night-watchmen- please do not enter girls’ marquees on your own.
- Make a note of any members that leave camp for any reason. Ensuring that they have signed out.
- Encourage the children to settle down by 10pm for mini campers 11pm.for main camp Lights out at 11.30pm.
- Any bad behaviour from any child – ring parent to fetch their child home.
- On the window sill in kitchen there are contact numbers of each child’s parent or guardian.
- Emergency telephone numbers & confidential forms for members in file on the window sill in kitchen.
- Bethan Jones mobile no. 07887722583
- Medical emergency ring 999 for ambulance. DO NOT TAKE ANY CHILD ON THEIR OWN IN YOUR VEHICLE. Ring parent if needed.
- Please help with breakfast and you are more than welcomed to have breakfast at camp.
If for any reason you are unable to carry out your duty please arrange that someone else is covering for you.