Flexner – pathology is ultra important
Bichat – importance of dissection/autopsy
Virchow – father modern pathology
- importance of studying cells
4 disease aspects
- etiology = cause
- pathogenesis = mechanism
- morphologic change
- clinical significance = signs/symp
- atrophy – decrease SIZE/function of cell
- caused by: dec workload, loss innervation, low blood, bad nutrition, loss trophic stimulation, aging
- hypertrophy – increase SIZE/function cell
- caused by: inc demand in tissues unable of cell division (musc, etc) due to physiological (inc exercise, uterus during pregnancy) or patho (left ventricular hypertension) reasons
- inc size due to inc cell proteins and organelles
- hyperplasia – inc NUMBER of cells due to physio (hormonal, compensatory) or patho (excessive hormone/growth factor) – also inc size/func of organ/tis
- thyroid hyperplasia = graves disease
- panhypopituitaryism (Sheehan syndrome) = inc pres on pit gland causes death of gland
- protooncogenes – code for cell death/division
- bone marrow response to hemorrhage, repair broken bones (fracture callus), benign prostatic hyperplasia
- metaplasia – adult cell changes to different cell type (reversible)
- caused by chronic irritation/inflammation/stress to cell
- Barrett’s esophagus) – ciliated columnar change to squam epithelium
- precursor to cancer (as are most chronic inj cells)
- bladder – trans epith change to squam due to chronic infection/irrit
- modifying metabolism – fatty acid mobilization, osteoclast stim (via parathyroid hormone), hepatic enzymes for drug metab
Cell Stress Response – reduce coding for normal/structural prots (housekeeping)…inc prod for organizing/protective prots (cell stress genes aka heat shock proteins)
- HSPs label shit from cell to be removed (old junk and extra mitochon, ER, etc)
- ubiquitin binds shit to form “inclusion bodies” aka “Mallory’s hyaline” (pink from liver alcoholism) aka “Lewy body” in neural cells
- ubiquitin acts as cofactor for proteolysis (removal prots)
CELL INJURY – occurs to membrane, mito, cytoskeleton, DNA
-injury to 1 results in 2ndary injury to others
-ischemia/hypoxia, free radicals, viruses, chemicals
Mechanisms of Cell Injury
- ischemia/hypoxia/apoxia
- isc = red bl sup LEADS TO hyp = O2 deficiency
- hyp causes red ATP prod > depletes cellular ATP > failure Na/K and Ca pumps > K leaves, Na, H20, Ca enter > cell swelling, loss of microvilli, blebs, ER swelling, myelin figures
- increase Calcium cases activation of:
- protein kinases – phosphorylate prots
- ATPase – dec ATP
- Phospholipases – membrane damage
- Endonuclease – nuc chromatin damage
- Proteases – cytoskel/mem damage
- Depleting ATP > stim phosphofructokinase > + glycolysis > + lactic acid/-ph >
- Clumping of chromatin, release of lysosomal enzymes >
- detach ribosomes from RER
- dec prot synth
- degrade cytoplasmic/nuc components > damage mem
- cell death
- FREE RADICALS – formed by absorption of radiant energy, redox rxns during respiration (mito), metab of drugs & exogenous chem., intracell odidase rxns (xanthine), oxygen therapy, neutrophils
- Most important are reactive oxygen species
- Superoxide anion
- Hydroxyl radical
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Innate defenses to above
- Superoxidase dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalases, antioxidants (vit E)
- Damagine Effects
- Peroxidation of lipids > mem damage
- Thiol containing prot damage > ion pump damage
- DNA damage > impaired prot synth
- Mito damage > Ca influx
- Re-Perfusion Necrosis – blood supply re-established causing huge amounts of reactive oxy spp to be generated by mito and xanthine oxidase
- Xanthine oxidase – oxidizes xanthine to generate reactive oxy spp
- Iron – Fe3+ is normally reduced by superoxide anions to Fe2+
- FENTON RXN: h2o2 rxn w/ Fe2+ to prod hydroxyl radical
- Innate mechanisms unable to protect and cell damage/death occurs
- Cause injury by lipid peroxidation of mem, damaging DNA, damaging prot structure by cross linking sulhydryl groups
- Pen is small
- Directly cytopathic – pore in mem > chem. Equil > cell death
- Polio (ssRNA)
- Genome translated into prot, embeds in mem, forms pore
- Indirectly cytopathic – DNA transcribed into mRNA, then prot by host’s RNA polymerase
- Hep B (dsDNA)
- Viral prot plugs pore, Tcell recognizes as foreign > T cell disrupts hosts mem integ > cell death
- Directly cytopathic – chem act directly w/ organelle to cause death
- Heavy metals (Hg, Pb)
- mercury – binds to sulfhydryl > inhib ATPase dependent transport > inc mem permeability > death
- indirectly cytopathic – only toxic when body metabolizes them
- hepatotoxins
- CCL4 and acetaminophen
- Metab by P450 oxidase located in liver ER
- Cause mem damage via perox of mem phoslips
- Metab produces free radicals
Reversible Injury
- Swelling – 1st change recognized in almost all injuries
- Mem damage = loss of ability to maintain fluid homeo
- Aka hydropic change aka cloudy swelling aka vacuolar degen (from development of small intracellular vacuoles)
- Fatty Change – caused by metabolic derangement of injured cells normally handling lipids – usually seen in liver – 4 mechanisms
- Inc FFA mobilization – diabetes mellitus
- Inc conversion of FA into TAG – alcohol
- Red oxidation of TAGs into ACA – hypoxia, alcohol
- Deficiency of lipid acceptor prot (apoproteins) preventing export of formed TAGs – genetic disease, prot malnutrition
Lethal Injury : Necrosis = enzymatic dig of cell + denaturation of prots
- 2 types of enz digestion
- autolysis = intrinsic enz
- changes in cyto and nuc
- heterolysis = enz from other cells
- early necrotic cell
- inc cyto eosinophilia due to loss of cytoRNA
- pyknosis = nuc becomes small w/ inc basophils
- indicates that DNA transcription has ceased
- karyorrhexis = fragmentation of nuc
- karylolysis = complete dissolution of nuc
- Coagulative – dead tissue appearing FIRM and PALE – most common
- Preservation of structural outline of coagulated cells
- due to injury that denatures structural prots AND enzymatic prots, preventing protolysis
- characteristic of hypoxic cell death (except in brain)
- Liquefactive aka Colliquative – dead tis appears semiliquid
- Dissolution of tis by hydrolytic enz
- Necrosis in brain due to arterial occlusion (i.e. cerebral infarct/necrosis due to bacterial inf)
- Also occurs in infections
- Gangrenous
- Combo of coagulative w/ superimposed infection with liquefactive
- Called “wet gangrene”
- Casseous – dead tis is soft and white (like cream cheese)
- Dead cells form amorphous proteinaceous mass, but no original architecture is present (as it was in coagulative)
- As seen in tuberculosis
- Gummatous – dead tis is firm and rubbery
- Dead cells form amorphous proteinaceous mass w/ no original architecture (same as casseous)
- Only used to describe syphilis
- Hemorrhagic – dead tis w/ extravasated red cells
- Occurs when cell death is due to venous blockage
- Fat – chalky white areas
- Occurs when pancreatic enz released into peritoneal cavity during acute pancreatitis
- Enz liquefy fat cell mem and hydrolyze TAGs
- released FA combing w/ Ca to prod chalky, white areas
- also seen after trauma to fat i.e. breast injury
- Fibrinoid – fibrin deposits in necrotic vessel wall due to vasculitis and hypertension
Apoptosis – intentional, normal cell death by synthesis/activation of cytosolic proteases
- Examples
- Destruction of cells during embryogenesis
- implantation
- Hormonal-dependent physiological involution
- Endometrium during menstruation, breast after weaning, prostate after castration
- Cell depletion in proliferating populations
- Intestinal crypt epithelium
- Cell death in tumors
- Depletion of immune T cell populations
- Involution – physiological organ atrophy via apoptosis
- Stages
- Priming - Enz for apop synthesized
- Once primed cell only survives if “saved” by trophic factor (bcl-2)
- Cell surface specializations lost
- Nuc chromatin condenses (organelles remain normal)
- Endonucleases cleave chromosomes into indiv nucleosome frags
- Apoptic bodies – cell split into fragments (each containing good organelles and mito)
- Neighboring cells phagocytize frags
Subcellular Responses to Injury
- Cytoskeletal Abnormalities (cytoskel = microtubules, thin actin, thick mysosin)
- Reflected by defects in motion/organelle movements and sometimes accumulation of fibrillar material
- Microtubule Defects
- Chediak-Higashi syndrome = defect in microtubule polymerization giving leukocytes difficulty phago bacteria
- Male sterility – can be caused by microtubule org defect preventing sperm motility
- Bronchiectasis – microtub defect immobilizing cilia
- Intermediate filament defects
- Mallory body – accumulation of intermed fil in alcoholic liver
- Lysosomal Abnormalities – lyso contain hydrolytic enz synth in RER and packaged in golgi (called primary lysosomes)
- 2ndary lyso = primary lyso that is fused with phagosome
- break down phago material in 2 ways
- heterophagy – most common in neutrophils and macrophages
- handles shit taken up by endo/pino cytosis
- phagocytosis of bacteria/apoptitic cells
- autophagy – involves intracellular organelles/cytosol
- stuff packaged into “autophagic vacuole”
- formed from ribosome-free RER regions which fuse with pre-existing prim lyso
- used to remove damaged organelles…especially in nutrient deficient atrophy situations
- lyso also used to store things that cant be metab
- lyso deficiency is bad genetic disease
- Mito Alterations – change in #/size of mito
- Megamitochondria = huge mito seen in alc liver
- Cells w/ many or larger mito have a “eosinophilic” (aka pink) appearance
- SER Induction – SER hypertrophy
- Barbiturate abuse
- Increased SER volume leads to more efficient metab of drugs (tolerance)
Intracellular Accumulations
- Accum Processes
- Metab rate unable of removing normal endo substance – fat change in liver due to TAG accum
- Endo substance cant be metab or its deposited in amorphous/filamentous form – storage disease
- Abnormal exo substance accum – carbon particles
- Lipids – abnormal accum of TAG in parenchymal cells
- Steatosis = fatty change caused by prot malnut, diabetes, obesity, anoxia and alcohol abuse
- Foam cells – macrophages filled w/ lipids
- Atherosclerosis – fat under inner layer of artery (usually cholesterol)
- Xanthomas – intracellular accum of chol in macrophages
- Formed by Clusters of foamy cells in subepithelial con tis
- Cholesterolosis – accum of chol filled macros in gallbladder
- Proteins – less common than accum of lipids
- Russel bodies – eosiniphilic inclusions formed by enlarged ER of plasma cells synthesizing immunoglobulins
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin – deficiency causes accum of trypsin in liver ER
- Glycogen - seen in people w/ glucose/glycogen metabolism problems (diabetes)
- Pigments – endo or exo colored things that accumulate
- Carbon – most common exo
- Inhaled and picked up by alveolar macros then taken to tracheobronchial lymph nodes
- Anthracosis = blackening of lungs
- Lipofuscin – wear and tear/aging pigment
- Derived from lipid peroxidation of polyunsat lipids of membranes
- Not injurious itself, but indicative of free radical injury
- Prominent in aging livers and hearts, malnourishment, and cancer cachexia
- Accompanied by organ shrinkage (brown atrophy)
- Iron : Hemosiderin – hemoglobin deprived, gold/brown pigment where iron is stored
- Accumulates due to excess iron
- Normally iron is carried by TRANSFERRINS and stored in association with APOFERRITIN to form FERRATIN MICELLES
- excess causes ferritin to form hemosiderin
- Hemosiderosis – common bruise
- hemoglobin transformed to hemosiderin
- green color caused by biliverdin
- yellow caused by bilirubin
- Hemochromatosis – liver/pancreas damage
- leads to liver fibrosis, heart failure, diabetes
- Bilirubin – normal bile pigment; accum called jaundice
- Calcium – abnormal deposition of Ca salts
- Dystrophic – occurs in dying tis
- Sign of previous injury OR cause of dysfunction
- calcific valvular disease
- atherosclerosis
- Metastatic calcification – occurs in normal tissue when there is hypercalcemia > 11mg/dL
- When in lung can cause respiratory deficits
- Nephrocalcinosis – Ca deposits in kidneys
- leads to renal damage