UPR of France(2nd Cycle – 15th session)Thematic list of recommendations Page 1 of 53

Recommendation / Position / Full list of themes / Assessment/comments on level of implementation
Theme: A12 Acceptance of international norms
120.2 Step up its efforts to sign and ratify the other human rights instruments which it has committed to sign and ratify (Cambodia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 7 / Cambodia / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
Affected persons:
- general
120.50 Intensify its efforts to enhance the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities, particularly women and children and speed up the accession to the Optional Protocol to the ICESCR (Iraq);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Iraq / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
D1 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation
B51 Right to an effective remedy
F41 Persons with disabilities: definition, general principles
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
F12 Discrimination against women
S05 SDG 5 - gender equality and women's empowerment
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
- women
- persons with disabilities
120.22 Ratify the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (Slovakia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Slovakia / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
D6 Rights related to name, identity, nationality
Affected persons:
- general
- stateless persons
120.21 Consider ratifying ILO Convention 189 (Philippines);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 7 / Philippines / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
E32 Right to just and favourable conditions of work
S08 SDG 8 - economic growth, employment, decent work
Affected persons:
- general
120.20 Consider the ratification of ILO Convention 169 and the third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Costa Rica);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 8
Comments: In the Annex to A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 (available at France states: La France accepte en partie cette recommandation. En ce qui concerne la Convention 169 de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail, la France n’envisage pas plus de ratifier ce texte. En effet, la notion de «peuples indigènes et tribaux» est incompatible avec notre droit national.Les principes d’égalité de droit des citoyens, qui implique la non-discrimination, et d’unité et d’indivisibilité de la nation font obstacle à la reconnaissance de droits particuliers à des groupes spécifiques.La France envisage actuellement de procéder à la ratification du troisième protocole optionnel à la Convention relative aux droits de l’Enfant. Une phase de concertation interministérielle est actuellement menée dans le but d’aboutir à la ratification de ce texte. / Costa Rica / Supported/Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
B51 Right to an effective remedy
G3 Indigenous peoples
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
- Indigenous peoples
120.17 Consider an early ratification of the third Optional Protocol to The Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure (Slovakia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 7 / Slovakia / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
B51 Right to an effective remedy
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
120.18 Consider signing the third optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child providing for a procedure on the presentation of communications (Belgium);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 7 / Belgium / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
B51 Right to an effective remedy
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
120.19 Sign and ratify the third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Iran (Islamic Republic of));
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 7 / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
B51 Right to an effective remedy
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
120.143 Ratify the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages of the Council of Europe (Austria);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Austria / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G1 Members of minorities
E7 Cultural rights
Affected persons:
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
120.7 Apply the recommendations that, on the new immigration policy, have made several treaty bodies, particularly the request for ratification of the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Paraguay);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Paraguay / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
A23 Follow-up to treaty bodies
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.9Ratify ICRMW in line with the recommendations made by CRC, CERD and CESCR (Sudan);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Sudan / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
A23 Follow-up to treaty bodies
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.162 Ratify the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, improve the situation of detention of migrants and shorten the time they spent in detention facilities, punish all acts of violence against a migrant committed by any citizen, law enforcement officer, judicial or Government authority so that there is no room for impunity (Ecuador);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 11
Comments: In the Annex to A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 (available at France states: La France accepte en partie cette recommandation. La France n’envisage pas de ratifier la Convention sur la protection des droits de tous les travailleurs migrants et des membres de leur famille. Par ailleurs, la France s'engage à poursuivre l'amélioration des conditions de maintien en zone d'attente ou de rétention des étrangers devant être reconduits dans leurs pays. Ces mesures ont un caractère limité dans le temps, sont strictement contrôlées par le juge judiciaire ainsi que par des autorités indépendantes (contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté, comité pour la prévention de la torture du Conseil de l'Europe (CPT)…) et les étrangers y bénéficient de droits garantis par la loi ainsi que d'une assistance juridique et humanitaire. Les conditions matérielles d'hébergement, qui doivent obéir à un référentiel précis et tiennent compte des recommandations du CPT, font l'objet d'une attention permanente. Une réflexion est en cours sur l'amélioration des conditions de la rétention et du maintien en zone d'attente et une circulaire a déjà été prise prescrivant de ne pas recourir en règle générale à la rétention de familles accompagnées d'enfants. Enfin, la France condamne toute personne, y compris tout membre des forces de l’ordre, de l’appareil judiciaire ou d’une institution gouvernementale ayant commis un acte de violence contre un migrant. / Ecuador / Supported/Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
B51 Right to an effective remedy
D26 Conditions of detention
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
- persons deprived of their liberty
120.1 Ratify the other international conventions on human rights to which it is not a party, in particular the convention relating to the rights of migrant workers and members of their families (Burkina Faso);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Burkina Faso / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
E31 Right to work
S08 SDG 8 - economic growth, employment, decent work
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
- general
120.15 Continue to consider the possibility of ratifying the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, due to its universal nature and specific content, as well as ILO Convention 169, of 1989, concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (Guatemala);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Guatemala / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
G3 Indigenous peoples
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- Indigenous peoples
- migrants
120.6 Consider ratifying the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Peru);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Peru / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.8 Ratify the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Philippines);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Philippines / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.10Consider ratification of the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Trinidad and Tobago);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Trinidad and Tobago / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.11 Reconsider the ratification of the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Turkey);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Turkey / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.12 Follow up on the repeated calls to ratify the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Algeria);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Algeria / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.13 Analyse the possibility of ratifying the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Argentina);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Argentina / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.14 Accede to the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (Belarus);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Belarus / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
120.16 Ratify the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Indonesia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Indonesia / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
Theme: A13 Reservations
120.5 Withdraw its reservations to article 4 of the ICERD and article 27 of the ICCPR, and adopt immediate and positive measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination, xenophobia and stigmatisation (Bahrain);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 8
Comments: In the Annex to A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 (available at France states: “La France accepte en partie cette recommandation.La France n’a pas formulé de réserve mais une déclaration à l’article 4 de la Convention pour l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale. Celle-ci garde toute sa pertinence. En effet, l’article 4 ne doit pas être interprété comme obligeant les Etats à édicter des dispositions répressives qui ne soient pas compatibles avec les libertés d'opinion et d'expression, de réunion et d'association pacifique garantie par la déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme et l'article 5 de la convention elle-même. La France réaffirme que la déclaration n'a pas pour but de réduire la portée des obligations prévues par la Convention, mais seulement de consigner son interprétation de l'article 4 de la Convention. La France n’envisage pas non plus de retirer sa réserve à l’article 27 du Pacte. Ce dernier se réfère à la notion de minorité qui n’est pas reconnue dans le droit français (voir la réponse à la recommandation 120.3). La lutte contre le racisme, la xénophobie et l’antisémitisme est une priorité de l’action gouvernementale. Répondant aux recommandations du Comité des Nations unies pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale d’août 2010, la France a adopté un Plan national d’action contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme 2012-2014 en février 2012, complété par un programme d’action adopté par le Gouvernement le 26 février 2013 dont l’objectif principal est de s’attaquer à la formation des préjugés. Une large place est ainsi faite à l’éducation, la formation et la sensibilisation. Sont en particulier concernés les élèves, les étudiants, les agents de l’État, les personnels au contact du public, les associations investies dans les secteurs de l’éducation populaire et du sport, les internautes et les fournisseurs d’accès à Internet. Une place essentielle est par ailleurs redonnée au rôle de la mémoire et de la culture. / Bahrain / Supported/Noted / A13 Reservations
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
A42 Institutions & policies - General
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
120.136 Withdraw its deposited interpretation of Article 4 of the ICERD, and include within the updated national plan enhanced accountability measures on combating the religious and ethnic incitement and hate speech, particularly with respect to elections and media (Egypt);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 11
Comments: In the Annex to A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 (available at France states: La France accepte en partie cette recommandation. La France n’envisage pas de retirer sa déclaration concernant l’article 4 de la Convention pour l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale. En revanche la France lutte activement contre l’incitation à la haine religieuse et ethnique et les discours haineux, notamment par la mise à jour du plan national. / Egypt / Supported/Noted / A13 Reservations
B32 Racial discrimination
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
120.3 Consider the possibility of withdrawing its reservation to article 30 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in line with the principles of the French Constitution, especially after the 2008 reform (Italy);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Italy / Noted / A13 Reservations
D42 Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
G1 Members of minorities
G3 Indigenous peoples
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
- Indigenous peoples
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
120.4 Withdraw its reservation to article 29 of CRPD and engage in consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities to identify steps needed to implement the Convention (Slovakia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 9 / Slovakia / Noted / A13 Reservations
F41 Persons with disabilities: definition, general principles
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- persons with disabilities
Theme: A23 Follow-up to treaty bodies
120.51 Prevent any initiative contrary to General Comment 34 of the Committee of Human Rights (Turkey);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Turkey / Supported / A23 Follow-up to treaty bodies
D1 Civil & political rights - general measures of implementation
A42 Institutions & policies - General
Affected persons:
- general
Theme: A24 Cooperation with special procedures
120.55 Organize visits of the Special Rapporteurs on contemporary forms of racism, rights of migrants and torture to the country (Belarus);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Belarus / Supported / A24 Cooperation with special procedures
G4 Migrants
B32 Racial discrimination
D25 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- general
- migrants
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
Theme: A3 Inter-State cooperation & development assistance
120.52 Increase its Official Development Aid with a view to reaching the UN target of 0.7 per cent (Namibia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 16 / Namibia / Noted / A3 Inter-State cooperation & development assistance
S17 SDG 17- partnerships
Affected persons:
- general
120.53 Continue its efforts to reach the international standard of 0.7% of the GDP devoted to official development assistance (Tunisia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 16 / Tunisia / Noted / A3 Inter-State cooperation & development assistance
S17 SDG 17- partnerships
Affected persons:
- general
120.54 Step up its efforts to bring its ODA up to the international commitment of 0.7% of GDP (Bangladesh);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 16 / Bangladesh / Noted / A3 Inter-State cooperation & development assistance
S17 SDG 17- partnerships
Affected persons:
- general
Theme: A42 Institutions & policies - General
120.34 Continue developing the institutional framework with respect to the promotion and protection of human rights (Jordan);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Jordan / Supported / A42 Institutions & policies - General
Affected persons:
- general
120.35 Further strengthen its national framework for the promotion and protection of human rights (Trinidad and Tobago);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Trinidad and Tobago / Supported / A42 Institutions & policies - General
Affected persons:
- general
120.32 Take further measures to enhance relevant human rights laws and regulations (Oman);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Oman / Supported / A42 Institutions & policies - General
A41 Constitutional and legislative framework
Affected persons:
- general
120.38 Continue to strengthen the institutional and legal framework to combat discrimination (Romania);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Romania / Supported / A42 Institutions & policies - General
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
Theme: A44 Structure of the national human rights machinery
120.37 Establish the National Observatory of violence against women (Republic of Moldova);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Republic of Moldova / Supported / A44 Structure of the national human rights machinery
F13 Violence against women
S05 SDG 5 - gender equality and women's empowerment
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- women
Theme: A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
120.33 That every effort be made, given the importance of the Defender of Rights and the amalgamation of previous independent authorities, that it be given all necessary resources and powers to exercise its functions (Ireland);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Ireland / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
Affected persons:
- general
120.36 Give continuity to strengthening national human rights institutions (Nepal);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Nepal / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
A42 Institutions & policies - General
Affected persons:
- general
Theme: A62 Statistics and indicators
120.47 Find a suitable methodology for data collection, allowing a response tailored to the problems of vulnerable groups (Paraguay);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Paraguay / Supported / A62 Statistics and indicators
Affected persons:
- vulnerable persons/groups
Theme: B13 Genocide
120.41 Continue its efforts to contribute on the prevention of crimes against humanity, particularly genocide, and to the fight against negationism of past historical facts (Armenia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10 / Armenia / Supported / B13 Genocide
Affected persons:
- general
Theme: B31 Equality & non-discrimination
120.27 Review the law 228/2004 to guarantee equality and non-discrimination and protect the humane rights of all groups, including the right to education (Sudan);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 - Para. 10, 11
Comments: In the Annex to A/HRC/23/3/Add.1 (available at France states: La France accepte en partie cette recommandation. Concernant la loi 228/2004, la France n’envisage pas de revenir sur cette législation. En revanche, la France s’attache à promouvoir le respect de l’égalité et du principe de non-discrimination. Elle considère que l’ensemble des droits de l’Homme doivent être respectés, parmi lesquels elle inclut le droit à l’éducation. Elle assure le respect de ces droits pour tous les individus, indifféremment des groupes auxquels ils appartiennent. / Sudan / Supported/Noted / B31 Equality & non-discrimination
A41 Constitutional and legislative framework
E51 Right to education - General
S04 SDG 4- education
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
120.66 Further enhance the integration of indigenous peoples and communities of migrants by granting them more rights and by combating discrimination and racism (Oman);