Safari with Voyager Travel Adventures

Lions and Zebras

The goal of a safari is to view animals in their natural habitat. With Voyager Travel Adventures, you will have the opportunity to witness the most beautiful and majestic animals. Some of the most anticipated and thrilling encounters will be when we come across lions and zebras.


One of the most thrilling moments of a Voyager Travel Adventures African Safari is when you encounter a pride of lions. Lions are called the King of Beasts for a reason. At the top of the food chain, they are majestic, huge, and dangerous. They are found in savannas, grasslands, dense bush, and woodlands.[1]

Lions generally sleep during the day and hunt at night. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition) We often find them lounging on rock formations enjoying the sun. They live in groups called prides, so when we come across one lion there are likely to be others nearby. (Schaller) Usually, there is one male with multiple females. Viewing a pride with cubs is a particularly exciting event.


A zebra may look like a stocky pony, but it is a wild animal and will fight fiercely when it must. (African Wildlife Foundation) Zebra travel in large herds. The most distinguishing feature of zebra is, of course, the black and white stripes. The stripes help protect the animals by providing camouflage; when they stand close to one another, it is difficult for predators to see where one zebra begins and another ends. (Shah)

We will see many zebra while we are on Safari. Herds made up of tens of thousands of zebra have been known to migrate across the Serengeti plains. They often travel with herds of wildebeest.[i]

Photography Tips

We will see many other animals in addition to lions and zebra, including giraffe, wildebeest, and many varieties of birds. We recommend that you bring a good-quality digital camera with a sturdy camera bag. We also recommend that you bring extra memory cards and batteries for your camera. That way, you can snap away, taking as many pictures as possible to record your safari memories. We also help travelers to set up a photo-sharing site online so they can view and exchange photos with the others on the trip.

[1] “African Wildlife Foundation: Wildlife: Lion,”<http://www.awf.org/content/detail/lion>, Today’s date.

[i] The movement of wildebeest, zebra, and other grazing animals across the plains is known as the Great Migration.