Fleming County Schools Improvement Priority Plan/PDSA
School / Flemingsburg Elementary / Date / 10/29/15Vision / A positive team working with community partners to provide a caring and dependable safe haven where every student will strive for excellence.
Beliefs / We believe our students can be successful through hard work, high expectations, team work, and valuing education so that all student can be successful.
Goals / Novice Reduction and Proficiency
Increase the averaged combined reading and math KPREP scores from 46.8% to 52.7% by May 2016. Increase writing KPREP scores from 39.4% to 46.2% by May 2016
PLAN / Indicator:
3.7 Mentoring, coaching and induction programs support instructional improvement consistent with the school’s values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
Evidence (Benchmark, KPREP, MAP, EOC, Attendance, other data sources):
Advanc-Ed Diagnostic Review-Internal School Review Report
According to the Internal School Review Report Flemingsburg Elementary School (FES) scored 1 out of 4 which is Improvement Priority.
When the team came in, there was not a plan in place for mentoring, coaching and induction.
Staff survey
Parent survey
How are we doing? How do we know?
Priority Statement:
Develop a mentoring, coaching, and induction program for all teachers that supports effective teaching and learning aligned with our school’s values and beliefs.
Impact Statement/Measure of Success:
We need to develop a collaborative culture where everyone commits to reducing Novice scores across all grade levels evidenced by Benchmark (formative) and KPREP (summative).
Why are we here? What do we need to do well together? How will we know how we’re doing?
DO / Adopt and deploy an approach to continuous improvement. Action steps will be developed collaboratively with school staff and these steps will be monitored at least monthly with completed tasks highlighted in GREEN, tasks in process marked in YELLOW and tasks not started marked in RED.
Translate the approach into aligned action.
Steps / Actions to
Accomplish Plan / Person
Responsible / Date / Measurable Impact / Next/
# 1 / School wide ELEOT workshop
Revisit Mission, Vision, and Belief statements. / Jackson / 11/23/15 / Teacher knowledge of a learner centered environment / Grade level PLC discussion and reflection
# 2 / Meet with teacher leaders and member of the Leadership Team / Jackson / 12/02/15 / Awareness of teacher tool / Communicate the process school wide
# 3 / Teacher Leaders and Leadership Team conducting ELEOTs throughout the building.
Administration Team will complete ELEOTs on remaining certified staff. / Jackson / 12/18/15 / Teaching tool for school wide continuous improvement / Collect and analyze data; present at grade level meetings
# 4 / During grade level meetings all teachers will look at the data and select two focus items in which to target next round of ELEOTs. / Jackson / 01/13/15 / Strategic instructional improvement / Meet school wide
# 5 / During school wide meeting share targets and decide on two for school focus / Manning / 01/13/15 / Strategic instructional improvement / Dot diagram to determine two target areas
# 6 / During grade level meetings-two target areas discussion with research based data and share strategies / Jackson / 02/12/14 / Increasing effectiveness in order to increase student achievement / Reflection and refinement of teaching and learning
# 7 / Teacher Leaders and Leadership Team conducting ELEOTs based on results identifying two target areas throughout the building.
Administration Team will complete ELEOTs on remaining certified staff. / Jackson / 02/12/15 / Data to refine strategic instructional improvement
# 8 / During grade level meetings teachers will look at the data for the two target areas and determine if growth meets an average score of 3-4 on the ELEOT.
# 9 / Based on data in the above Do—either revisit the two targets or look at data from first round and identify two other targets.
# 10
# 11
# 12
Will this require additional fiscal resources? YES x NO / Estimate cost / $
Will this require additional human resources? X YES NO / Estimate cost / Substitute to cover for teacher leaders/Leadership Team Members to assist with ELEOTs / $70
How will we work together to get better? What will we do differently?
STUDY / Analyze results/Report progress (Insert narrative and charts/graphs, as appropriate)
1/26/16 Update
School wide PLC identified two areas in which to focus next round of walk throughs—B. High Expectations and E. Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment with Mrs. Jackson added G. Digital Learning Environment. Teachers brainstormed strategies, activities that would score a 3 or 4 in each area’s sub areas. Mrs. Jackson typed charts in one document and shared with staff. The next round of walkthroughs will be Feb. 11th.
ACT / Adjustments/Next Steps
What did we do with what we learned?