FleetKnowSys™ 2.1for Class 6 – 8 Vehicles

Revision 1.1Published by


125 Tech Park Drive

Rochester, NY 14623


This document provides guidance for the operation ofthe Vnomicson-board system for heavy trucks.

Guidance and specifications provided in this manual were in effect at the time of printing. Vnomics reserves the right to discontinue models at any time, or change design and specifications without notice and without incurring obligation.

For additional information, please contact Vnomics at: 125 Tech Park Drive, Rochester, NY 14623, U.S.A or send email to , or call 1.855.VNOMICS, or visit on the web at vnomicscorp.com.

© 2011 Liban Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication, in whole or in part, may be translated, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by an means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Liban Inc.

Liban Inc. d/b/a Vnomics

125 Tech Park Drive

Rochester, NY 14623

Installation ManualPage |1


System Features


On-Board Computer

Driver’s Display

Basic Operation

Log-In at Start of Trip

Operation while Driving (En-route)

Log-Off at End of Trip

Notification of System Alerts

Logging Duty Status

Checking Current Status

Changing Duty Status

Changing Trip Info

Reviewing and Modifying Log-entries

Reviewing Duty Hours Logged

Logging Fuel-Use

Upgrading Software


Do not attempt to make adjustments to the hardware while driving;
wait until the vehicle is parked in a safe location.

Attempting to do so may result in serious injury to you
or other drivers on the road.

System Features

The Vnomics on-board computer system performs a variety of functions to help vehicle operators:

  • drive conservatively to prevent wasting fuel & accidents with assistance from the Vnomics Real-Time In-Cab Advisor™
  • automatically monitor vehicle condition to prevent break-downs
  • perform routine tasks more efficiently

The system relies on data broadcast on within the existing vehicle network and additional data sources such as GPS. Using this data the Vnomics Real-Time In-Cab Advisor™ aides the operator by automatically monitoring vehicle data and reporting vehicle faults to remote maintainers. Depending on the components installed on the vehicle, operators may receive audible and/or visual information regarding their driving performance through the Driver’s Display.


The core of the system is comprised of the On-Board Computer (OBC) and interface to the vehicle network. Your system may also be outfitted with a Driver’s Display and speakers to provide real-time feedback and control to the operator of the motor vehicle.

On-Board Computer

The On-Board computer (OBC) is typically located under the seat or in a storage compartment. The OBC starts automatically when the vehicle (ignition) is turned-on, and shuts-down after a preconfigured delay when the vehicle (ignition) is turned-off.

The LED indicators on the front of the OBC indicate its current status:

A / Power – STEADY RED indicates OBC is on. / D / WWAN link – BLINKING GREEN indicates cellular activity
B / Storage Access – BLINKING GREEN indicates read/write / E / GPS operation – BLINKING BLUE indicates GPS activity
C / WLAN data transfer – BLINKING GREEN indicates WiFi activity

Driver’s Display

The (optional) Driver’s Display is typically located near the dashboard and provides the operator the ability to receive information from the system regarding their performance and perform routine tasks such as maintaining logbook entries or inspection records.

A / Speaker / E / Light sensor
B / USB port / F / Power LED indicator
C / Function buttons / G / Brightness controls
D / Touch screen / H / Power toggle switch

Under normal use, the operator should not need to use the power toggle switch; the display screen automatically turns-on whenever the vehicle (and OBC) are started.

To adjust a Driver’s Display that is mounted with an arm, simply:

  1. Loosen the adjustment knob on the mounting arm behind the display.
  2. Adjust the display to the preferred position.
  3. Re-tighten the adjustment knob.


If equipped with a Driver’s Display, the vehicle operator should follow thesebasic steps to use the Vnomics Real-Time In-Cab Advisor™.

Log-In at Start of Trip

  1. Start the vehicle.

Wait about 1 minute for the system to boot; the On-Board Computer (OBC) will emit some audible tones during the boot process. Once booted the Log In screen will appear.

  1. Log In to Vnomics system.

Press the ‘Login’ button and use the touch screen to type the personal identification number (PIN) provided by the carrier to login.

Once a valid PIN is entered, the system will confirm the identity of the operator:

If not the operator shown on the screen, select the ‘Cancel’ button to return to the Log In screen to try again.

Selecting ‘OK’ will complete the login process and display the Home screen.

  1. Begin driving.

Operation whileDriving (En-route)

Whenthe vehicle is in-gear and moving, the Driver’s Display will automatically switch to a black-screen. This is a safety precautionintended to prevent the system from creating a distraction to the operator. Once parked, the system will resume display of the last screen being viewed before driving started.

If enabled, audible tones may sound while the vehicle is in-motion to alert the operator to behavior within their control that is resulting in reduced fuel economy (MPG).Such behaviors that can generate audible alerts include:

  • Excessive idling; should shut-off vehicle
  • High RPM; should down-shift vehicle
  • Speeding; should reduce vehicle speed

The audible alert sounds only for a few seconds when the behavior begins and is only meant to notify the operator of the condition; it does not continue to sound for the duration of condition. For example, if the operator was continuously speeding for several minutes, the audible alert would only sound for a few seconds when the operator began speeding.

Log-Off at End of Trip

  1. Park and shutdown the vehicle.

The display will resume at the last screen viewed before driving started.

  1. (optional) Check your trip performance.

To check trip performance, select the ‘Driver Performance’ button on the Home Screen.

  1. Logout from system.

To Log out of the system select the ‘Logout’ button from any screen. The Login screen will then appear for the next operator to log in.

If the system is enabled to assist the operator with logging, a Logbook Confirmation screen showing summary information will display after the ‘Logout’ button is selected.

If logs are not correct and modification need to be made, select the ‘Review Logs’ button.

Selecting the ‘Logs Are Correct’ button represents the operator’s electronic signature and acknowledgement that log entries are correct, and completes the log out process.

Notification of System Alerts

If the system experiences an error, a ‘!’ alert symbol will flash in the upper-right corner of the Driver’s Display screen. To view the alert details and suggested actions, select the ‘Alerts’ button on the Home screen.

Once alerts have been viewed, the ‘!’ alert symbol will continue to be visible but will no longer flash. Once alerts are no longer present on the system, the ‘!’ alert symbol will no longer be displayed at the top of the screen.

Logging Duty Status

The system can assist with creating the driver’s daily log for recording duty status changes. If loggingis enabled, it is accessed from the Home screen.

Checking Current Status

  1. Navigate to the Home screen.

Selecting the ‘Hours of Service’ button will display the Status screen, which shows the driver’s current duty status.

  1. Select the ‘Hours of Service’ button.

The current duty status is shown at the top of the screen and by the button currently selected.

The maximum time allowed to remain On-Duty or Driving is calculated in the grid for the current day and week.

Changing Duty Status

Operators can designate their duty status as:

  • Off Duty - when not working
  • On Duty - when working (while Driving or Not Driving)
  • Sleeper – when using the sleeper birth to rest, if the vehicle is equipped
  • Personal Conveyance – when using the vehicle for personal-travel

The system automatically logs Driving status whenever an operator is logged-in with a duty status set to ‘On Duty’ and the vehicle is in-motion.

To change duty status:

  1. Select the desired duty-status button (in this example the ‘Off Duty’ button was selected):

The operator has the option of adding a Remark or changing the Start Time of the log entry.

  1. (optional) Add a remark to the log entry, by selecting the ‘Add Remark’ button:

Select the ‘Keyboard’ button to type-in the desired remark and/or select one from the list. Select ‘Done’ when finished.

  1. (optional) Change the start time of the log entry, by selecting the ‘Edit Time’ button from the Status Change Confirmation screen.

The start time of the log entry can be set earlier in the day, but cannot be any earlier than the last log entry.Select ‘Done’ when finished.

  1. Confirm that the duty status log entry is correct, by selecting the ‘Yes’ button on the Status Confirmation screen.

Changing Trip Info

  1. Select the ‘Trip Info’ tab.
  1. Enter information, by selecting the ‘Edit’ button for each desired field.

Reviewing and Modifying Log-entries

  1. Select the ‘Logs’ tab.

The details for each log entry display on the screen.

The total number of log entries in the system shows in the bottom-left corner of the screen (in this example, the current log entry being displayed is the first out of 6 total).

  1. Navigate between log entries, by selecting the ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ buttons.
  1. (optional) Add a remark to an entry, by selecting the ‘Add Remark’ button on the log entry to be edited.

Reviewing Duty Hours Logged

  1. Select the ‘Duty Hours’ tab.

The screen displays the total hours for each duty status for the past 8 days.

Logging Fuel-Use

The system can assist with logging fuel receipts and mileage for tax calculations. If enabled, Fuel receipt logging is accessed from the Home screen.

  1. Navigate to the Home screen.
  1. Select the ‘Fuel’ button to enter information about the fueling station.

Select the ‘Edit’ button to enter information for each field.

  1. Select the ‘Next’ button to enter receipt information.

Select the fuel type, amount , and price purchased.

  1. Confirm the fuel receipt information and Submit.

Upgrading Software

The system will upgrade its software automatically by downloading available updates before the On-Board Computer (OBC) shuts-down; no action from the operator is required. The upgrade process will take a few minutes to complete once it begins. The operator is given the option of postponing the upgrade in case they are still using the system.

While the OBC is upgrading its software, the System Upgrade In Progress screen will display and vehicle operator will not be able to use the OBC.

Once the upgrade is complete, the Login screen will display and the system will be ready for use.

Operator ManualPage |1