September 8, 2016 @ 5:00PM

Call to Order: Emily Mokelke 5:05pm

Board Members Present: Joth Jacobson, Jamie Miele, Kevin Tye, Emily Mokelke, Justin Loxely, Scott Robinson, Reuben Gibbs and Bill Kuche (arrived at 7:15pm).

Association Members Present: None

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Reuben Gibbs motioned, Jamie Miele second, Board approved.


  1. Update from meeting AAHA hearing regarding player suspension: The hearing occurred on September 7, 2016 in Scottsdale. We were represented by Ken Brendel, Kevin Tye, Reuben Gibbs and telephonically by Matt Gibbs. We will learn the result of the hearing within the next 14 days.
  2. Little Howlers: Is off to a successful start with full enrollment at 50 skaters.
  3. Justin Loxely will be present for the second session and will aid Sharon Enck the Social Media director for AAHA with identifying a “Little Howler of the Month” for October to be interviewed.
  4. League Games will be scheduled Sat. September 17, 2016 in Phoenix for the U12 and U10 teams. Mark Manone will be our representative at this meeting. He has been informed of the tournament schedules for the travel teams and will schedule games accordingly. He has also been informed of the “FYHA Night” hosted by the AZ Coyotes Jan. 21 which will spotlight our organization during the Coyote vs. Tampa NHL game and FYHA members will have the option to purchase reduced price tickets.
  5. All jerseys, shells and socks are ready for the travel teams playing in seeding tournaments.
  6. The bleeker box we approved purchasing will not be bought as the city doesn’t want another one on site. We will discuss other options with the city for storage. Kevin Tye will purchase the portable scoreboards next week.
  7. Jennie Palmer will be asked to send an email out to the members about Picture Day Sept. 19 and remind everyone about the practice schedule changes starting Sept. 19th also.
  8. Financial Report: CW submitted his report via email to BOD. The BOD will review the budget more closely and ask CW questions at the next BOD meeting.
  9. Scholarship applications were reviewed. The BOD has established criteria which guided scholarship awards. Justin Loxely will notify all scholarship applicants of the results of the vote September 9, 2016.
  10. Jamie Miele motioned, Joth Jacobson second and Board Approved that families receiving a scholarship for one player are not eligible for the sibling discount for a second player. The sibling discount applies only to players that have a sibling that has paid 100% of their registration fee.
  11. Update on U6/U8 house program: Kevin Tye will have a second meeting with the coaches of these teams before their season starts on September 19, 2016.
  12. Contract agreements for U16/U18 coaching positions: Bill Kuche will work on drafting these agreements and work with Ken Brendel to ensure they are legally binding.
  13. Locker Room Monitors: Lots of discussion surrounding how this policy will be implemented. Scott Robinson will draft guidelines for the FYHA Locker Room Monitor policy by Sept. 19, 2016.
  14. Discussion regarding youth coaches assisting younger teams: Much discussion surrounding this opportunity for our older players. FYHA will follow USA Hockey guidelines which indicate that junior coaches must be 2 age groups older than the players they’re “coaching” and they must be registered with USA Hockey. Jamie Miele will add a junior coaching application to our website for U14, U16, and U18 players interested in helping coach. These applications will be given to the coaches of the younger teams who will then select players to assist them on a rotating basis according to availability and coaching needs.
  15. Equipment purchases: BOD approved the purchase of cones for the coaches, not to exceed $200 and the purchase of coaching software for the U14, U16 and U18 teams to use with their players off ice to help illustrate drills and to plan practice sessions.


  1. Domain Renewal: Jamie Miele will work with Ken Brendel to try to renew our domain name before 9/10/2016.
  2. Tournament Director: FYHA will host the following tournaments and will advertise these in Rubber Magazine:
  3. 18U Veteran’s Day Tournament
  4. 10U Select Martin Luther King Day Tournament
  5. Club teams-President’s Day Tournament
  6. 6U/8U Jamboree in March
  7. Revision of by-laws (tabled)

SCHEDULENEXTMEETING:October 6, 2016 at 5pm