Fixed-term Turpin Junior Research Fellowship in HUMANITIES

Oriel College seeks applications for theTurpin Junior Research Fellowship in Humanities, for a fixed term of three years from 1stSeptember 2017 to 31st August 2020. It is anticipated that applicants will be at an early stage of their academic career.


Oriel is a friendly and attractive College located right in the heart of Oxford. Founded in 1326 by King Edward II, it is one of the oldest Colleges in Oxford. The student body at Oriel is made up of undergraduates and postgraduates studying a wide variety of courses in a broad range of subjects. The students come from all kinds of schools, backgrounds and countries, and the College is committed to selecting the best applicants, based on academic achievement and potential, irrespective or educational background, gender or ethnicity. For further information about Oriel College see

Duties of the appointment

To pursue post-doctorallevel study in one of the following areas of Humanities: Ancient History, Classics, English, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy (including Ancient), and Theology.

The Junior Research Fellow may be asked to play a part in the undergraduate admissions process (weeks 9 and 10 of Michaelmas Term). Admissions training will be provided.

A limited amount of teaching may be required.


  • A proven research track record and a clear programme of independent research for the duration of the Fellowship.
  • Teaching experience would be an advantage.


The stipend will be £21,534 per annum (as at the 16/17 rates) and will be subject to inflationary increases.

Contributory membership of USS (the Universities Superannuation Scheme) is offered.

The Fellow will receive a housing allowance of £8,088per annum or single accommodation in College free of charge, subject to availability.

The Fellow will also have access to an entertainment allowance and a research allocation of £1,119 per annum.

The Fellow will be entitled to free lunch and dinner in the Senior Common Room.

The Fellow may be invited to do a limited amount of teaching for the College, in which case payment will be made at the hourly standard tuition rates as set by the Senior Tutors’ Committee.


Applicants should submit their application via email attachmentto the Appointment Committeevia the email address: no later than12.00pm,21stJuly 2017.

Each application should include:a piece of published or unpublished work of no more than 8,000 words;a proposed outline of research; a CV giving a brief summary of the applicant’s career with details of their education and teaching experience; a covering letter; and names and contact details of three referees able to comment on their teaching and research.

Candidates are asked to ensure that their referees send their references, again via email attachment to: no later than12.00pm, 21stJuly 2017.

Informal enquiries may be made to Ms Juliane Kerkhecker, Senior Tutorat:


Oriel has a vibrant Humanities Community and has subject families across the Fellowship and students. The College will be hosting the Centre for the Study of the Bible in the humanities from the start of the 2017 academic year.

Oriel College, UK Registered Charity No. 1141976