Drop-in Services Manager
Fixed term: 1-year contract, 37.5 hours a week, Salary: £22,000
Reporting to WLCHC Senior Project Manager and CMC Narthex Manager
Chelsea Methodist Church (CMC) is used as a drop-in for the street homeless population of West London. This centre is open on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for 11 months of the year and caters for up to 100 people a day with a wide range of support needs.
From this Centre, WLCHC operates a clothing store, shower facilities and a laundry service. Working alongside the Narthex Manager and with the assistance of volunteers, you will be responsible for the smooth running of these facilities, so they operate in a fair and safe manner in accordance to the policies and good practise procedures that we have developed over the years.
Chelsea Methodist Church and Pastoral Centre will be your place of employment and you will be line managed by the WLCHC Senior Project Manager (SPM), taking day-to-day instruction from the CMC Narthex Manager.
You will receive supervision and the opportunity to attend training sessions.
Working hours will be:
Monday and Thursday: 8.45 – 4.45pm
Tuesday: 7.45 – 3.45pm
Wednesday & Fridays: Full days with flexi-time hours
To apply: Please complete the application form below and return it to:
Deadline for applications is 9am, Monday 1st July with interviews being held at the end of the same week.
Job Description:
The Services managerwill have the following responsibilities:
Service management
- Managing and organising the clothing store, including stock checking, recording distribution and generating donations.
- Overseeing the provision of laundry facilities 3 days a week for drop-in guests.
- Sourcing and managing a contract with an external company for the provision of bath towels 3 days a week.
- Managing the shower facilities, in a safe and fair manner, according to our best practise procedures.
- Document policies and procedures for access and use of all three services in line with WLCHC and CMC’s current guidance.
- Record accurate data electronically on use and stock needs of all three services – laundry, showers and clothes store.
Volunteer management
- Create volunteer roles to assist in the running of the 3 services and help with recruitment when needed once recommended procedures are in place (see above).
- Recruit and line manage a small team of volunteers to assist with the running of the 3 services.
- Build and maintain good, positive relationships with Centre guests and volunteers.
Operational support
- Make Regular trips to the catering suppliers to ensure stock levels for the drop-in are maintained. During winter this will expand to include providing supplies for the night shelter and 2nd drop-in site.
- Assist with stock control for night shelter churches during the winter months.
- Provide cover for days when the Narthex Manager is not available for work.
- Collect van in the morning from night shelter venues as and when required.
Other responsibilities
- Signposting and referring guests to our Casework service.
- Assist SPM with administrative duties such as petty cash reconciliation as and when required.
- Ensuring that the safety and security of all guests, volunteers and staff are maintained and reporting any issues of concern to the Narthex Manager.
- Ensuring day service activities meet all health and safety requirements
- Maintaining good communication with WLCHC and CMC, regularly reporting on progress and concerns.
- Maintaining ethos of Chelsea Methodist Church and Pastoral Centre.
- Undertaking any other duties to aid the good running of the Centre, as required by WLCHC or CMC.
Person Specification:
- Experience of working with - and awareness of the needs of - homeless people or similar disadvantaged client groups
- Ability to work independently and take the initiative to make important and well-judged decisions.
- Confident approach to, and experience of, dealing with challenging behaviour
- Effective, flexible and supportive team member
- Highly organised with strong time-management skills
- Experience of volunteer management
- IT literate, particularly the use of Excel, Word and Outlook
- Experience of maintaining good working relationships with volunteers
- Excellent communication skills
- Empathetic approach to people in difficult circumstances
- Ability to adhere to and implement Health & Safety, HR, Equal Opportunities and internal operational policies
- Knowledge of relevant support services available to homeless people
- Valid clean driving licence and willingness to drive the shelter van
- Ability to speak Polish, Russian or other Eastern European languages
- Relevant training certificates (1st Aid, Health & Safety, Fire Safety)
Application Form / Please post or Email to:
West London Churches Homeless Concern,
155a Kings Road,
London, SW3 5TX.
Please complete all sections clearly using black ink. You may type the form. CVs will not be accepted.
Position applied for: / How/where did you hear of the vacancy?
Personal Details
Title Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other Email
First Name Home telephone
Surname Mobile telephone
Address Work telephone
May we contact you at work? YES / NO
Post Code
Are you legally eligible for employment in the UK? YES / NO
Do you hold a current/clean driving licence? YES / NO
Please give the details of two referees, one of whom should be your present or last employer. Referees will only be approached after interview and prior to any offer of employment made.
Referee 1
How is this person known to you? / Referee 2
How is this person known to you?
Starting with the most recent, please give details of your education history and exam results.
From/To / Name and Address of School/College/University / Qualifications/Grades obtained if applicable
Please give details of any training courses attended and the outcomes.
TRAININGDates / Institution/In-house / Qualification obtained if applicable
Starting with your most recent employer, please give details of your employment history, including any voluntary work you have done.
From To / Name & Address of Employer / Position held and brief description of duties / Reason for leaving
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary
Personal Statement - Using the Person Specification please demonstrate how you meet the requirements of this position giving specific examples of skills, knowledge and experience gained through paid or voluntary work or personal experience. Please also explain briefly why you are interested in the position.
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
The post for which you are applying is exempted from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 Amendment Order 1986. This is because the work will include a significant degree of contact with vulnerable adults. Therefore you are required to provide full details of all convictions, cautions and bind-overs, including those regarded as spent under the ROA, and any pending prosecutions. Failure to do so may disqualify you from appointment or result in summary dismissal.
The post requires that you undergo Enhanced Disclosure, which will disclose any conviction, spent or unspent that you may have.
Disclosure of this information will not necessarily debar you from employment – this will depend on the nature any offence(s), frequency and when they occurred.
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or been subject to a caution or bind-over or have a pending prosecution? YES / NO
If yes, please disclose details
Are there any special arrangements we need to make in order for you to attend an interview?
If yes, please tell us what they are
I confirm that the information given on this job application form is correct and I understand that, if appointed on false information given on this form, I may be summarily dismissed. I give my consent to process the enclosed personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998 on the understanding that it is used to determine my suitability for the post applied for. Further consent will be required should you wish to verify any additional information in regard to relevant third parties.
Signature of Applicant……………………………………………………. Date…………………………………………...
In order for us to effectively monitor the fairness of our recruitment, we ask that you provide the information requested below. Please note that this is entirely voluntary, but we ask that you respond to this information request positively as it will help us ensure that our policies and practices do not inadvertently discriminate against you because of your ethnicity.
West London Churches Homeless Concern assures you that any information you provide here will only be used to monitor the effectiveness of our policies. We will ensure that the information you provide remains confidential and will be used for statistical monitoring purposes only.
Position applied for…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(1) What is your ethnic group?
Choose ONE option from A to E by circling the appropriate category.
A White
Any other White background: please specify ……………………………………….
B Mixed Heritage
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed background, please specify ………………………………………..
C Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background, please specify ………………………………………
D Black or Black British
Any other Black background, please specify ………………………………………
E Chinese or other ethnic group
Any other background, please specify ………………………………………………….
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as someone with a physical or mental impairment which has a substantive and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Having read this definition do you consider that you have a disability (please circle)? YES/NO
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