District Plan of Professional Growth Activities for Renewal of 5-Year Certification
2012 - 2017
Revised: 10/5/2018


I.OVERVIEW...... 3

A.Positions Requiring Certification...... 3

B.Types of Certification And Recertification Guidelines...... 3



IV.POLICY...... 4


A.Credit Limits...... 5

B.Time Limits...... 5

C.Prior Approval For Renewal Activities...... 5

D.Guidelines For Use of Professional Growth Activities...... 5


i.Academic Coursework...... 5

ii.Continuing Education...... 5

iii.Work Experience...... 6

iv.Approved Professional Growth Activities...... 6

A.Workshop, Conference, Seminar, Webinar...... 6

B.Teaching...... 6

C.Professional Service...... 6

D.Professional Speaking...... 6

E.Cross-Training...... 7

F.Alternate Assignment...... 7

G.Literary Accomplishment...... 7

H.Leadership Role...... 7

I.Educational Innovation...... 7

J.Consultant/Evaluator...... 7

K.Research and Development...... 8

L.Technical Updating...... 8

M.National and International Study Tours...... 8

N.Mentor/Professional Development Team Member...... 8

O.Community Service...... 8

P.Occupational Certification/Licensure...... 8

Q.Grant Writing...... 8

R.Service Learning...... 8

S.Miscellaneous...... 9


A.Purpose...... 9

B.Procedure...... 9

Request for Appeal to the District Certification Officer...... 9

Request for Appeal to the District Certification Committee...... 9

Request for Appeal to the State Certification Committee...... 9

FORMS...... 10



The Wisconsin Administrative Code TCS 3, more commonly known as the Wisconsin Technical College Certification Code, calls for a district plan of recertification activities. In compliance with the code, the above-referenced plan was approved by the Gateway Presidenton March 27, 2012 and the WTCS State Certification Committee on June 5, 2012.

A.Positions Requiring Certification

The following categories of employees require WTCS certification:

  • Instructor – An individual who has responsibility for the delivery of classroom instruction.
  • Instructional Supervisor – An individual who supervises certified staff and/or manages one or more instructional


  • Instruction-Related Supervisor – An individual who supervises instructional-related staff.
  • Instructional Administrator – An individual who has responsibility for administering the overall educational program

of the district or for an assigned portion of the overall educational program of the district.

  • Instructional-Related Administrator – An individual responsible for administering the overall instructional-related

program of the district.

  • Counselor – An individual responsible for counseling students on vocational/career and personal concerns through the

use of interview, test, and other techniques based on modern counseling principles.

  • Librarian – An individual responsible for operating and managing a library and/or library services program.

B.Types Of Certification And Recertification Guidelines

Five-Year Certification – Indicates a person has completed all of the requirements for certification. Applies to all Gateway full-time and adjunct personnel filling positions that require certification.

Requirements for Renewal of Five-Year Certification – The Five-Year Certificate may be renewed if individuals have documented evidence of completion of six semester credits, or two months of appropriate occupational experience, or other approved district in-service activities, or a combination thereof.

Provisional Certification – Indicates a person is working toward the Five-Year Certificate. Applies to Gateway full-timepersonnel filling a position that requires certification.

Requirements for Renewal of Provisional Certification – The initial Provisional Certificate shall be valid for three years and may be renewed for additional two-year periods if during the provisional certification period preceding the expiration date, the person makes progress toward meeting the requirements of a Five-Year Certificate by completing six semester credits or equivalent approved district in-service activities, and documented evidence of activities is submitted.

Part-Time Provisional Certification – Indicates a person working toward the Five-Year Certificate. Applies to all Gateway adjunct academic and occupational instructional staff teaching more than two program courses per renewal period.

Requirements for Renewal of Part-Time Provisional Certification – The initial Part-Time Provisional Certificate shall be valid for three years and may be renewed for additional two-year periods if during the Part-Time Provisional certification period preceding the expiration date, the person makes progress toward meeting the requirements of a Five-Year Certificate by completing two semester credits or equivalent approved district in-service activities and furnishing evidence of completed activities.

Approval Certification – Indicates additional areas of certification. Applies to all Gateway staff already holding Five-Year, Provisional, or Part-Time Provisional Certificates. The additional certification area or course would be limited to assignments equal to less than one-half of the annual teaching assignment.

Expiration and Renewal of Approval Certificate – The expiration date for the Approval Certificate shall be the same as the expiration date of the instructor’s Five-Year, Provisional, or Part-Time Provisional Certificates.

Part-Time Approval Certificate – Indicates a special, limited status for occupational instructors. Applies to Gateway adjunct occupational instructional staff who teach no more than two program courses per renewal period.

Requirements for Renewal of Part-Time Approval – The initial Part-Time Approval Certificate shall be valid for three years and shall be renewed for additional two-year periods if during the Part-Time Approval certification period preceding the expiration date, the person completes two semester credits to meet one of the certification requirements, or two months of appropriate occupational experience plus 10 hours of approved in-service activities and submits verifying evidence of the activities.

Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Certification Renewal Requirements:

#50 Curriculum or Course Construction

#51 Technical and Adult Education in the WTCS

#52 Teaching Methods

#53 Educational Psychology

#54 Educational Evaluation

#55 Guidance and Counseling

#69 Educational Diversity


Certification is an effort to assure quality education in the WTCSB system through a program of continuous participation in activities that will contribute to professional growth.

Certification renewal (or re-certification) refers to courses or professional growth activities that must be completed to keep a certification current. Each activity is assigned a credit value, based upon number of hours of attendance. Certification renewal is an ongoing process and credits must be completed every renewal period.

Renewal (or re-certification) period refers to the length of time allowed to complete the required number of credits for certification renewal. All activities must be completed during the given renewal period, which begins on September 1 and ends of August 31. The length of the renewal period varies with the type of certification.

Activities completed during the final summer of a renewal period, beginning no earlier than May 1 of that year, may be applied toward either the period expiring on August 31 or the next renewal period. This is the only allowable carryover.

Professional Growth is any activity of specific relevance to the staff member’s responsibilities in which the participating person gains professionally, either by attendance or participation in that activity, and/or which activity has direct or potential value to Gateway Technical College or the WTCSB system.


The objectives of this recertification plan are:

1.To stimulate professional growth of the staff.

2.To enhance the image of the college and district by encouraging staff to further extend their service to the community.

3.To ensure that staff members keep pace with ever-changing concepts, procedures, and practices in education and in their field of

technical specialty.

4.To meet the requirements of Wisconsin Administrative Code TCS 3.


The specific renewal requirements of this section of the plan apply to Gateway personnel holding a Five-Year Certificate. Six (6) credits are required to renew a Five-Year Certificate. (Policy I-200)


All individuals holding five-year certificates are required to renew their certification through one or a combination of the following:

  • Complete six (6) approved semester credits of course work every 5 years, OR
  • Complete the equivalent of two (2) months of appropriate occupational experience in their area of certification, OR
  • Complete the equivalent of six (6) credits of professional growth activity that is described under the section "Approved

Certification Renewal Activities."

A.Credit Limits

Credits may be accumulated from any or all categories up to the maximum credit limit established for each category.

B.Time Limits

All activities completed toward Five-Year certification renewal will be credited only in the applicable five-year period recognized for achieving certification renewal. Carryover of credits into a new certification period will be limited to those credits/hours earned after May 1 and before August 31 of the final year in a certification period. These credits/hours may be applied to the next certification period. All renewal documentation must be in the Certification Office no later than August 1st of the expiring year. (If the staff member is enrolled in a summer course in that time period, proof of enrollment will be accepted.)

C.Prior Approval For Renewal Activities

Requests shall be approved prior to participating in the recertification activity, except as listed below. All renewal activities must be related to the 4 objectives of the Five-Year Certification Renewal Plan.

  • GTC sponsored activities (i.e., inservice, committee work, etc)
  • WTCS sponsored activities (i.e., state-called meetings, committee work, etc)
  • GTEA members performing functions on behalf of the Union.

D.Guidelines For Use Of Professional Growth Activities

  • Professional growth activities are defined as credit equivalents for renewal of the Five-Year Certificate. All professional

activities have been designated a credit value.

  • Activities considered as part of normal job responsibilities are not to be used as professional growth credits.
  • Requests must be made in advance of the activity and approved by the District Certification Officer. Failure to obtain prior

approval may result in the activity being denied.

  • Documentation is required for all activities. Obtaining the documentation is the employee’s responsibility.
  • Employees may appeal decisions to the District Certification Committee in accordance with the attached appeal procedure.


i.Academic Coursework

Completion of a graduate, undergraduate, associate degree or vocational diploma course in a subject area related to the individual's current role is acceptable as an approved recertification activity on a credit-for- credit basis. Courses are not required to be part of a structured program leading to the awarding of a degree to be acceptable. Evidence of auditing a course is acceptable for credit equal to one-half the number of course credits. This does not apply to continuing education courses.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Six (6) credits, auditing is limited to three (3) credits

Required Documentation: Official transcript

ii.Continuing Education

Completion of a manufacturer's school or adult continuing education course in a subject area related to the individual's current role is acceptable as a recertification activity. Forty (40) hours of continuing education equals one (1) credit.

  • CEU = Continuing Education Unit
  • CEC = Continuing Education Credit
  • 1 CEU=10 hours of effort
  • 4 CEUs = 1 CEC
  • 1 CEC=1 credit

Maximum # of credits for this category: Six (6) credits (240 hours)

Required Documentation: Certificate of completion

iii.Work Experience

Two (2) months of paid appropriate occupational experience that updates or increases skills or knowledge applicable to the instructor's job will qualify as a recertification activity. Occupational experience will be equated to credits using the following formula. Hours of occupational experience must be documented on a non-teaching occupational experience form.

  • 1 Credit = 55 Hours4 Credits = 220 Hours
  • 2 Credits = 110 Hours5 Credits = 275 Hours
  • 3 Credits = 165 Hours6 Credits = 330 Hours

Maximum # of credits for this category: Six (6) credits (240 hours)

Required Documentation: Verification of Non-teaching Occupational Experience form (see Forms)

iv.Approved Professional Growth Activities

Approved professional growth activities may include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Workshop, Conference, Seminar, Webinar

Attendance at a workshop, conference, or seminar where the subject is related to the district's purpose and/or the individual's current role or performance in the district is an acceptable renewal activity.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Six (6) credits (240 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form (see Forms)


Teaching a graduate, undergraduate, associate degree, or vocational-diploma course will be an accepted recertification activity for non-instructionalpersonnel, based upon the same number of credits as earned by the student.

Teaching a graduate or junior/senior level undergraduate course will be recognized as an accepted recertification activity for instructionalpersonnel, based upon the same number of credits as earned by the student. Information from the college including course number, course title, number of credits, and academic level must be provided to the Certification Office.

Teaching a certification course or equivalent in-service activity will be recognized as an accepted recertification activity for non-instructional and instructional personnel, based upon the same number of credits or credit equivalents as earned by the student. The experience of teaching at the indicated levels is the basis for recognition of the activity for recertification purposes.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Three (3) credits each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form with course information from college (see Forms)

C.Professional Service

Performance as a chairperson, officer, committee chairperson, or planning committee member of a recognized national, state, regional, or local professional work-related association or committee is an approved recertification activity. Service on in-house committees designated as approved for recertification by the District Certification Committee may be accepted.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Two (2) credits (80 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form (see Forms)

D. Professional Speaking

Responsibility for making a formal presentation at a professional conference, workshop, or seminar may be recognized as an approved recertification activity with both the presentation and preparation time used to calculate professional growth. Credit awarded in this category is based on preparation and presentation time. Documentation of preparation, attendance and presentation time is required.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Two (2) credits (80 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form with documentation of preparation, attendance and presentation time (see Forms)


A formal cross-training effort or program in which a staff member interns, substitutes, or otherwise formally receives training or experience in a role other than his/her primary assignment within the Gateway District or the Wisconsin Technical College System is recognized for recertification credit. Appropriate cross-training work experience that updates or increases skills or knowledge applicable to the employee's job may be recognized for professional growth credit. Each credit must demonstrate at least 40 hours of work. A cross-training program must serve the district's purposes and/or the individual's current role with the district.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Two (2) credits (80 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form (see Forms)

F.Alternate Assignment

An alternate job assignment that is not related to the job or primary job assignment and/or which contributes to the professional growth of the staff member, such as an instructor who performs management-related responsibilities or a manager who performs in a faculty role may be recognized as an approved recertification activity. Lead and Chair duties cannot be used for recertification.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Two (2) credits (80 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form (see Forms)

G.Literary Accomplishment

Researching, writing, and having published occupationally oriented materials related to the staff member's role or to the purposes of education in general may be approved for professional growth credit.

The completion of a textbook may be considered for additional professional growth credits based on one credit for every fifty (50) pages up to a maximum of six (6) credits (300 pages). A manuscript must be submitted for review.

The revision of a textbook may be considered for additional professional growth credits up to a maximum of three (3) credits. One-half (1/2) credit for every fifty (50) pages. A revised manuscript must be submitted for review.

Maximum # of credits for this category: 6 credits (300 pages) or 3 credits (150 pages) each recertification period

Required Documentation: Manuscript or revised manuscript for revision

H.Leadership Role

A leadership role as an officer, member, or part of the governing body of a professional (non-work-related) or community service (non-sectarian, non-political) organization may be approved as a professional growth activity. Such leadership activity is considered because of its personal development potential and its public relations impact on the school, the community, and the individual.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Two (2) credits (80 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form (see Forms)

I.Educational Innovation

The development of unique and innovative methods in teaching and learning may be recognized as an approved recertification activity. A proposal describing the project, objectives, and final product must be submitted for approval, and the project must have an outcome that can be implemented.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Three (3) credits (120 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form (see Forms)


Non-paid service as a consultant/evaluator in the public or private sector may be recognized as an approved recertification activity. The activity must culminate in a written report provided to the client.

Maximum # of credits for this category: Two (2) credits (80 hours) each recertification period

Required Documentation: completed Professional Growth Record form (see Forms)

K.Research and Development

Conducting community studies, needs surveys, or evaluation studies not currently being conducted by the research department may be recognized as an approved recertification activity. A written proposal detailing the project, objectives, and desired outcome must be submitted for approval. The project must be conducted in collaboration with an established research department and must culminate in a written report and dissemination of information throughout the district.