Five WaysPrimary School
Job Description: Classteacher
Accountable to: The Headteacher and Governing Body of the school
Main Responsibilities
- To carry out professional duties covered by the latest School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. The post holder will be expected to undertake duties in line with the professional standards for qualified teachers.
- To implement agreed school policies and guidelines
- To maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school.
- To support initiatives decided by the Headteacher, Staff and Governing Body to ensure continual development across the school.
Planning and Teaching
To plan teaching to achieve progression in children’s learning through:
-setting specific learning objectives appropriate for the groups of pupils being taught.
-setting creative, inspiring tasks, based upon appropriate objectives which challenge pupils and ensure a high level of pupil interest.
-consideration of individual learning needs (including SEN, G+T, FSM etc), ensuring a range of teaching approaches and methods are used effectively to meet these needs.
-having high expectations for all pupils and planning and teaching accordingly to ensure maximum progress for every child in the class.
-providing opportunities for pupils to consolidate and extend their learning through a range of stimulating activities both inside and outside the classroom, through enrichment activities, use of school grounds, homework etc.
-utilising time and resources efficiently to maximise learning, including the effective deployment of additional adults within the classroom.
-using research, collaboration and professional judgement to work creatively to instigate and develop new teaching approaches.
To monitor and assess learning to inform future teaching and identify areas for development in teaching or learning through:
-the use of on-going assessment to ensure that pupils are making good progress in relation to their knowledge, skills and understanding in subjects being taught.
-setting clear, challenging targets for pupils learning based on prior assessment.
-the use of success criteria as a basis to promote self and peer assessment in addition to teacher assessment.
-providing regular, constructive oral and written feedback to pupils in relation to their learning and progress.
-analysing learning and progress with support from other staff and reporting progress to parents and other stakeholders as required.
-identifying pupils who may require additional support through intervention or SEN input (through the SEN code of practice).
Class Management and Discipline
To support the school’s culture of positive behaviour management through:
-setting high standards for behaviour and discipline in the classroom and around the school.
-supporting positive behaviour and discipline throughout the school by implementing the school’s behaviour and discipline policy fully.
-liaising with other members of staff, parents and outside agencies as appropriate to help promote good behaviour.
Personal Development and Well-being
To promote personal development and well-being for every child through:
-being responsible for the safety and care of classes of pupils being taught.
-being responsible for the pastoral care of registration group by monitoring, supporting and recording issues as required.
-liaising with other members of staff, parents and other agencies as required to ensure that personal development and well-being are promoted and that appropriate intervention is received where necessary.
-having good knowledge of school’s safeguarding procedures and taking prompt action when concerns arise.
Other Professional Duties
-To establish effective working relationships with stakeholders as appropriate.
-To act as a good ‘role model’ in terms of reliability, punctuality, presentation, professional and personal conduct around school etc.
-To take responsibility for own professional development and participate fully in the school’s performance management procedures.
-To work as part of year and curriculum teams across the school to promote consistency and development of teaching and learning.
-To attend meetings as directed by the Headteacher in line with school’s allocation of directed hours.
-To perform other tasks in line with professional duties as reasonably requested by the Headteacher.