Five Star ID supplies Quality Microchips
· Our components are produced in Germany, Switzerland and the UK.
· Our microchip numbers starts with 945.
· Our microchip number has a worldwide unique number.
· Our products are ISO 11784 /11785 compliant.
· Dr. J.J. van Voorst who is the head of the group (Business Inception Identification B.V. - Holland) has been in the industry for more than 20 years and they supplies microchips throughout Europe.
· The SPCA has acknowledged us as the third supplier of microchips in South Africa.
· Our readers read both FDX-A 10 digit (Alpha numerical combined with numerical numbers – American standard) and FDX-B 15 digit ISO standard (European standard).
The Database
· There is no cost to use the Five Star database; this means no entry fee, no annual fee, no registration fee, no hidden costs – not for the owner and not for the breeder
· By selecting KUSA, Canine SA or SADBA your registration certificate will be emailed to the respective organization automatically – No paper work. >
· Any breeder organization can be added to this list.
Other news:
Up loading of Pet Image . There is now a new function available on the registration page whereby the owner of the pet can upload an image of his pet.
Customizing of the MediCard . If you as a breeder would like to have the MediCard customized with your kennel logo, a picture of the type of animals you breed with and your contact details. Please contact us at should you be interested. There is no additional cost to this but you need to order a 100 MediCards at a time to make it cost affective. With every microchip you then buy from us, we will send you your personalized MediCard free.
Price Increase . Due to a rise in printing costs we unfortunately had to increase our microchip cost with R 3.00 per unit.
Remember - Five Star ID Chips: Perfect quality, fair price, excellent service, just what you are looking for in South Africa
Five Star ID Supplies Quality Microchips