FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Achievement Award
The James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant has a long history of engaging the students of Oswego County in learning opportunities and programs to publicly identify and recognize outstanding student achievement.
The purpose of this award is to recognize the demonstrated potential of students from each Oswego County School District who has demonstrated strong interest and ability in science, particularly chemistry and physics.
This award is being made possible through a grant provided by Entergy and a long-standing partnership established with the Weston T. Hyde Foundation.
A one-time award of $1,000.00, presented to the recipient upon graduation from high school.
Criteria for candidate eligibility:
1. A graduating senior from an accredited high school in Oswego County
2. Participated in a strong academic program that challenged the candidate
3. Maintained an academic average of at least 90%
4. Excelled in science and mathematics, demonstrating strong academic success in capstone courses such as physics and chemistry
5. Accepted in a two or four year school pursuing a degree in Engineering, Chemistry or Physics
6. During high school, the candidate demonstrated an active involvement in at least two of the following:
a. Academics
b. Athletics
c. Extra-Curricular Organizations
d. Community Organizations/ Volunteer Activities
e. Part time employment while attending high school
Application Process:
Each candidate must complete the following process to be eligible for the award. A complete application includes:
1. Application Form
2. Letter of Acceptance from the college you plan on attending
3. High School Transcript
4. Nationally Normed Standardized Test Scores
5. A list of school and community activities and/or awards during high school
6. A personal statement describing how you demonstrate the FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant’s Four Platforms for Success.
7. Two letters of recommendation from teachers confirming your eligibility for this award
8. Name and address of your employer and how long you have been employed, if applicable
Completed applications must be mailed by March 23, 2016 to:
Weston T. Hyde Oswego County Educational Foundation
P.O. Box 3124
Oswego, NY 13126
ATTN: Tammy Holden
FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Achievement Award Application
All required documents must be returned to WTHOCEF, P.O. Box 3124, Oswego, NY 13126, ATTN: Tammy Holden by March 23, 2016.
Last First Middle Initial
Home Address______
Telephone Number______
Applicant’s e-mail address______
Name of School Expected to Attend
City State
Curriculum to be pursued______
Signature of applicant Date
Personal Statement Requirement
Minimum 250 words
At the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear power plant we continuously strive for excellence. We adhere to practices in our everyday jobs and lives that promote a work environment dedicated to high standards and a drive to be the best that we can be. These practices include:
· Ownership and accountability
· Effective teamwork and inclusion
· Open and trusting
· Expert judgment and decision making
· Adaptability/flexibility
On a separate sheet of paper, please describe how you have incorporated at least two of the practices noted above into your own life to achieve personal excellence.
Revised: 1/29/16
FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Achievement Award Application