Fitness Plan Project

Your goal is to tailor a fitness plan to the individual (scenario) assigned to your group. This plan will last one month, or 4 weeks, for the exercise plan and 2 weeks for the meal plan. It is important to pay attention to detail when selecting certain exercises and meals for the individual assigned to your group.

Exercise Tips:

  • Be sure to use both resistance and cardio training for ALL scenarios.
  • Label sets vs. reps for each resistance exercise.
  • More reps = lighter weight, less reps = more weight for resistance exercises
  • Remember to incorporate the FITT principle for cardio AND resistance training.
  • Use a calendar format when putting this plan together.

Meal Plan Tips:

  • Use 3 meals and at least 1 snack per day.
  • Assume males will burn 2,500 calories and females will burn 2,000 calories a day without exercise. This is known as Basal Metabolic Rate.
  • All calories must be counted for each day. (Count Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats as well).
  • Make sure meals make sense for the individual assigned to your group.
  • Type out all meals, do not put this in a calendar. Only 14 days are needed for meals.


  1. 18 year old male who weights 200 lbs and wants to gain 20 lbs of muscle to play football in college. Assume he knows how to lift weights.
  1. 65 year old female who wants to maintain her physical fitness level.
  1. 35 year old male who weights 300 lbs and is obese (High cholesterol and blood pressure). He wants to lose weight in a healthy way by dieting and exercising.
  1. 25 year old female who is in average physical condition. She has not exercised since she graduated college 3 years ago and would like to start. She was a college athlete and is capable of lifting weights and other vigorous exercising.
  1. 21 year old male who is in college and wants to burn fat and gain muscle. (not a college athlete). Assume this person played sports in high school.
  1. 30 year old female with high blood pressure and is considered obese. She would like to lower her blood pressure and lose weight with diet and exercise.
  1. 40 year old female who would like to maintain her level of fitness. Has been working out regularly and is able to lift weights.
  1. 50 year old male who just quit smoking. Would like to start working out to improve his wellness.




Fitness Plan Project / 20 / 17 / 15 / 12
Exercise Plan / Selection of activities is appropriate to the situation your group has. All activities are relevant to the overall goal. / Selection of activities is almost appropriate to the situation your group has. Almost all of the activities are relevant to the overall goal. / Activities selected by student are not appropriate to achieve the overall goal. One activity is relevant, but overall the activities will not help reach the goal. / Activity selection is not appropriate to the goals set. All activities listed need to be re-thought and re-worked to fit the scope of the overall goal.
F.I.T.T. Principle / F.I.T.T for each activity is appropriate, relative, achievable and measureable. Number of workout days per week is appropriate.
(6 resistance, 1 cardio) / F.I.T.T. for almost every activity is appropriate, relative, achievable and measurable. Number of workout days per week is slightly either too much or not enough.
(4 resistance, 1 cardio) / F.I.T.T for few activities is appropriate, relative, achievable and measureable. Number of workout days per week is inappropriate
(2 resistance, 1 cardio) / F.I.T.T. is ignored for activities and does not apply to the work out plan. Number of workout days per week is extremely excessive or show lack of effort.
(0 activities)
Meal Plan / Meals are made out for two full weeks (14 days) and calories/nutrients are counted. All meals are appropriate and relevant to the overall goal. / Most of the meals are made out for two weeks and most calories/nutrients are counted. Most meals are appropriate and relevant to the overall goal / Few meals are made out for two weeks and few calories/nutrients are counted. Few meals are appropriate and relevant to the overall goal. / Meal plan is incomplete or calories/nutrients are not counted. Meals do not apply to overall goal of scenario provided.
Organization / Each page is completed and legible. Names are present and finished product is easy to navigate through. / Each page is almost completed and legible. Some days may be incomplete and may be a little difficult to navigate through. / Most pages are incomplete and illegible. Most days are incomplete and final project is not put together well. / All pages are incomplete or illegible. Plan appears sloppy and unorganized. The final project does not appear representative of passing work
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