Village of Pleasant Plains
200 West Fourth Street, P. O. Box 177, Pleasant Plains, Illinois 62677 (217)626-1024
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday

May 5, 2014

The Village Board of Pleasant Plains met in regular session on Monday, May 5, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall. President Jim Verkuilen called the meeting to order and roll was recorded:

Nicholas Bodine present Ian Magerl present

William Riggins, Jr present Duey Blair present

JD Harris present Wayne Heideman absent

President Jim Verkuilen declared a quorum present.

Staff Present: Jim Verkuilen, President

Judy Reiser, Village Clerk

Brett Keyes, Treasurer

Carl Draper, Attorney

Greg Miles, Streets Superintendent

Dave Stewart, Water Superintendent

Neil McCafferty, Assistant Water Superintendent

Visitor(s): Greta Myers, Mark Pruitt, Frank Sommer, Darrel Patrick

Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair made a motion to re-appoint City Attorney Carl Draper, Village Treasurer Brett Keyes, and Village Clerk, Judy Reiser. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr., seconded that motion. President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a unanimous aye vote. Trustees Bodine, Riggins, Harris, Magerl and Blair voting yea. Trustee Heideman was absent. President Verkuilen administered the oath of office to Mr. Draper, Mr. Keyes and Ms. Reiser.

The agenda was reviewed. The gentleman requesting an ordinance review on chickens in the village asked for a postponement until the June meeting. Mr. Darrel Patrick was present to discuss the chicken issue. Due to the postponement of this item Mr. Patrick took the floor expressing his concern for the danger children playing close to Cartwright and Main are subject to from incoming traffic on Cartwright Street. This section of Cartwright belongs to the county however his concerns will be relayed to the Chief Kesselring to work with the county to alleviate these issues. Frank Sommer, resident, was present as a spectator and to show his support of the of an alternative or amended liquor license. Agenda was approved.

Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Trustee Nick Bodine, seconded this motion. President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a unanimous aye vote. Trustees Blair, Magerl, Harris, Riggins and Bodine voting yea. Trustee Heideman was absent.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Brett Keyes presented the treasurer’s report. The board reviewed the Balance Sheet, Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of the General Fund, Receipts and Disbursements of the Special Revenue Fund, Receipts and Disbursements of the Water Fund and the Receipts and Disbursements of the Sewer Fund for the period ending April 30, 2014. Planning will begin for the FY15 budget.

Motion was made by Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. seconded the motion.

Ayes: Nick Bodine, Bill Riggins, Jr., JD Harris, Ian Magerl, Darrell “Duey” Blair,

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Wayne Heideman

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

The Board reviewed the bills that were presented for payment.

Motion was made by Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair to accept the payment of the bills as presented. Motion was seconded by Trustee Ian Magerl.

Ayes: Darrell “Duey” Blair, Ian Magerl, JD Harris, Bill Riggins, Jr., Nick Bodine

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Wayne Heideman

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

A Budget Committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 15th at 7:00 p.m. at Village Hall. All staff should be present.

An understanding of services received from Pehlman and Dold, P.C. regarding the annual audit was reviewed by the board. Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair made a motion to adopt the contract proposal for approximately $7,330. Trustee Ian Magerl seconded this motion. President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a unanimous aye vote. Trustees Bodine, Riggins, Harris, Magerl and Blair voting yea. Trustee Heideman was absent.

Police Department: Due to a death in the family Chief Kesselring was absent. Overall it had been a quiet month. Attorney Draper is working with Kevin on the Illinois Law Enforcement Warrant Mutual Aid Agreement. This cooperative agreement would allow any police officer or fire fighter to assist anywhere in the State of Illinois in the event of a disaster. It will be brought before the board for vote next month.

Water/Sewer Department: Dave Stewart, Water Superintendent, reports and EPA inspection at the water plant was recently completed. Procedures to rid the iron residue piles has changed from having the residue spread in a field to and it now being hauled to a “special” landfill. The residue will need to be tested prior to the landfill accepting it. There is still concern about nitrates in the wells however it is within limits.

Water Concern:

·  Circle Drive Issue- Ordinance requires us to give 30 day remediation. Carl will send a letter to the residents. Revision to clarify the ordinance or design a consent form pertaining to emergency sewer/water line repair will be discussed in the future.

·  Water payment deadline issue; customer did not appear – issue considered dropped.

Streets Department: Superintendent Greg Miles reports he has and will continue to regard various corners for the purpose of drainage. Greg and Neil started the park playground project but ran out of mulch. Evans Recycling has discounted their double ground mulch to $200 per load since it is for the village park. Steve Dudley has once again agreed to haul the mulch at a reduced rate. Greg has contacted Ameren for free mulch that can be used around the red bud trees on the east side. Straps have been ordered for the PVC pipe that will be used to border the playground. Dirt will be added and reseeded in various bare areas of the park. The question was asked as to what exactly the monies received from the road and bridge tax can be used for. This will be researched and on placed on the agenda for next month. Greg presented his Motor Fuel Tax plan for the year which is estimated at a cost of $23,727.50. Concentration will be placed on Cartwright Street. Due to the cost of oil we will only be oiling every two or three years. Greg passed out an estimation of various concrete projections for sidewalks. Trustee Riggins suggested Greg do a long range plan on projects and costs that need to be done.

A motion was made by Trustee Darrell ‘Duey” Blair to approve the Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations and it be sent to IDOT. Trustee Ian Magerl seconded this motion.

Ayes: Darrell “Duey” Blair, Ian Magerl, JD Harris, Bill Riggins, Jr., Nick Bodine

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Wayne Heideman

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

Old Business

Update on Emergency Water Hook-Up Property – The emergency water hook-up project is not quite finished. It was brought to the Board’s attention if the Village purchases this triangle shaped parcel as originally proposed from William Chestnut it would avoid any additional fees such as surveys, legal, etc.

Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair made a motion that the Village purchase a parcel of land from William Chestnut approximately .56 acres for $3,000 as originally proposed. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. seconded that motion.

Ayes: Nick Bodine, Bill Riggins, Jr., JD Harris, Ian Magerl, Darrell “Duey” Blair,

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Wayne Heideman

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

Radio Water Meters— Schulte Supply, Inc. will do a presentation on the radio water meters during the June meeting.

Aggregation: Mark Pruitt of Illinois Community Choice Aggregation Network (ICCAN), attended the meeting to present a Resolution addressing the following:

·  Authorization of a designee for the Board in the event a supplier and price are agreed to

·  Amend the Plan of Governance into two areas to allow:

  1. That a supplier may provide month to month service after

the expiration of a contract

  1. That the Village may convert the current Opt-Out program

to an Opt-in program.

After a lengthy discussion of the pros and cons regarding this Resolution the Resolution was presented to the board to accept or deny. Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair made a motion to adopt the resolution with eliminating section VI, part O. Conversion to Opt-In Program; and to add that the plan of operation and governance shall further provide that the Mayor is authorized to serve as the designee for the consortium. The Mayor is authorized to accept on behalf of the village of Pleasant Plains any bid that is equal to or greater than one full cent discount below the then current Ameren price per kWh. Trustee JD Harris seconded this motion.

Ayes: JD Harris, Darrell “Duey” Blair,

Nays: Nick Bodine, Bill Riggins, Jr., Ian Magerl

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Wayne Heideman

President Verkuilen declared the motion failed by a roll call vote.

The board’s decision was to go with Ameren for the next year because of the competitive nature of Ameren with what we can get from the outside suppliers.

New Business

Demolition Request/Intergovernmental Agreement: Reviewed the Demolition Request/Intergovernmental Agreement with the county pertaining to property at 114 West Fourth Street. If the proposed agreement is approved an inspector will review the abandoned property and determine if it is in fact a dangerous and unsafe building so we can proceed with the next step toward demolition. Cost of the inspection is $125. Upon receipt of the inspection results, a notice will be sent to the property owners. Demolition is routinely provided gratis by the contractors. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr., made a motion to accept the Intergovernmental Agreement Between County of Sangamon and Pleasant Plains Regarding Dangerous Buildings as present by Sangamon County. Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair seconded the motion.

Ayes: Darrell “Duey” Blair, Ian Magerl, JD Harris, Bill Riggins, Jr., Nick Bodine

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: Wayne Heideman

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

Liquor License: Attorney Draper will have a new ordinance for review at the June meeting dealing with the Board’s suggestions for a new liquor license classification.


Available to the Trustees was a copy of a letter from Menard Electric encouraging their members to let EPA know their concerns about future prices of electricity and their support regarding the “all of the above” energy strategy that uses renewable energy, natural gas and coal in an effort to keep electricity affordable.


There being no further business Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. made a motion to adjourn the meeting Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair seconded the motion. The motion was passed by voice vote. President Verkuilen declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Submitted by, Approved by,

Judy Reiser, Village Clerk Jim Verkuilen, President


Facebook: Village of Pleasant Plains

Minutes – Village Board – Regular Session –May 5, 2014 Page 5