Fishhawk Board Meeting
June 11, 2005
President Larry Boxman called the meeting to order at 9:47 a.m.
Approval of the May 14, 2005 minutes: Vic Dykstra moved to approve the May minutes. Steve Butsko seconded the motion.
Tim – Mist/Birkenfeld Rural Fire Dept. drills will be held June 18, July 16 and also in August. Chief Crawford would like to solicit volunteers by having the meeting here on the weekend instead of Wednesday evening to help recruit. Training will be hands-on for the fire hydrants, etc. Show up and practice with the crew if you are interested. There is no longer a requirement that you have to attend training out of the area.
Bob Yoder – Discussion of dramatic changes in Certification for Fire volunteers.
Steve Butsko – Drills will take place on Saturday
Tim – New fire truck is here
Old one is gone
Emergency response plane is complete and we are in full compliance. Thank you to
Dave White - thank you to all who worked hard
Especially to Bob and Dick and the 25 volunteers who worked on the fence and maintenance depot.
LakeManager report:
Tim reports letters have been sent to lot owners with tall grass asking them to mow
Aquatechnex is on standby with chemicals to treat the weeds until weeds have sprouted – most effective time to do so
No dredging this summer – there will be training and maintenance
Price of Blower motor work
$4872. - to rebuild
$9730. - to replace
Rebuilding should get us another 10-15 years
Tim recommends rebuilding
Motion- Heather Berg moves that $5000. be taken from sewer plant reserve to rebuild motors
Second– Bob Yoder
( Tim reports complaint of rust bucket of an old pickup with a bad muffler causing visual and noise pollution) - No action taken at this time
New Business
REO – Vic reports OK Hill has stepped down, Jack Schoenky and Vic will co-chair
The buyer is still interested in Lot 1
Treasurer – Heather reports $400,000. in bank – we are over budget by $15,915. (7%)
She set up a debit card with Washington Mutual
She needs to know how much money to reinvest in our two CDs
We currently have $195,000. in Money Market account at Wells Fargo Bank- we only have $84,000. remaining to spend this year
Legal - Gary reports 8 delinquent dues
Building and Grounds
Bob Yoder reports the lot next to the water plant has been filled?
Troy Horton is satisfied with sewer project
Vic starts discussion on “raises’ for employees to be continued below
He also discussed the expiration of term for Board Members
Are we looking for new board members?
1 vacancy currently
Bob and Gary’s terms are due to expire
We can have a maximum of 10 board members and a minimum of 3
Carla reports
One new house on Beach Drive has been approved
Some paint colors have been approved
Vera’s dog run to be constructed in black chain link with shrubbery to hide it was approved
The committee meets today at 1:00
Heather reports 8 people attended a meeting with Sheriff Justin Dimmick . He discussed his safety concerns for our community including methamphetamine use. He is not aware of Meth production here.
Implementing an official Neighborhood Watch might be a big management project.
Tom Mahar said he would be willing to manage it once he retires in March. He has had previous experience with such a program.
Tom reports for Diana
Treasure hunt will take place in August this year
3-4 houses have volunteered for the Dock Crawl
Linda is still taking orders for July 4th shirts
Lot 1 – turned in application for approval of a home
Lot 2 – stays up for sale
Larry reports Tim and Heathers truck was damaged during the work party
Cost to repair damage is $486.
Motion – Steve moved Fishhawk pay for damage
Second – Gary
Old Business
Tom has received verbal input from everyone
He will e-mail to all for final edits
Annual Budget
Heather reports her preliminary figures show a 8% increase over last year’s budget
She has questions about the reserve budgeted for the new dredging plan and the lease on the property. Will we spend that money this fiscal year? (by September)
Tim responds the time is dependent on the Permitting cycle.
He does not want to spend any money until he knows the plan will make it through the permit process
The board discusses the budget and makes the following decisions
1. Dredging and Spoils - increase Years needed to 15
2. Roads – increase years needed to 15
3. Weed Harvester – Delete future Amount needed
Discussion of Legal and Special budget – Garyquestions the necessity of having $37,054. in the account. Discussion followed. Gary will get back to Heather on this issue.
4th of July Party costs
Motion – Heather moves to donate money to cover cost of band for party out of social budget
Second– Jean
Vic asks the Board to establish a raise schedule for Tim
The current schedule is based on Certification Tests
5 tests available – a raise comes with each step
All agree Tim is doing a great job
Much discussion of whether we should have additional “bonus system” or “performance raise”.
Nothing was decided.
Vic will do further research and get back to the board for additional discussion