Council of Irish Adoption Agencies

Quarterly Report for IASW from the Council of Irish Adoption Agencies

December 2015

Membership of Council

Council representatives are voted onto council by a combination of regional and accredited agencies all of whom are members of the CIAA

Council of Irish Adoption Agencies’ statement in relation to adoption

Council regards adoption as a service for children and that the interests of the child in adoption should remain as the first and paramount consideration. We believe, as social work practitioners, that adoption legislation should respond in an equitable and comprehensive way to the needs and rights of all parties to adoption, adopted persons, birth/natural parents/relatives and adoptive parents.

There is still an urgent need for legislation in relation to information and tracing for adopted people and birth/ natural parents. Whilst the Adoption Act 2010 has not addressed this need in any detail or been more specific in relation to post adoption needs and services, we consider that the ratification of the Hague Convention and the Adoption Act 2010 allows for more transparency in adoption practice, ensuring that those children who are placed for adoption, internationally and domestically are eligible to be placed for adoption and that all appropriate consents are given. We continue to welcome the Adoption Authority’s investigations and their work in reviewing a number of different countries adoption processes and their compatibility with Irish legislation.

Council supports the view of O Halloran, that the provisions of the Adoption Act 2010, will ensure that Irish adopters will have ‘a greater degree of security in terms of processes and procedures and the reassurance of knowing that their adoption will be conducted in accordance with internationally agreed standards and safeguard’ ( xi, Adoption Law and Practice, K O Halloran, Round Hall 2010)

2015 A year of challenges and change.

2015 has been a year of change and uncertainty for the adoption community. The effects of the Adoption (Information and trace) Bill 2015 couple with significant realignment within the Child and Family (TUSLA) areas continue to impact on professional social workers as well as in the wider Adoption Community.

The Council of Irish Adoption Agencies represents social workers providing a wide ranging service and met to examine and discuss best practice in Adoption. Information is disseminated through meetings, training and through providing information on the website. A core function of CIAA is to share information on best practice, make representation to the AAI on issues of concern and to provide relevant training for all its members for which there is no charge.

Events in the last quarter

The AGM was preceded by the Executive Committee meeting on 21.10.2015.

The AGM was followed by a training workshop on Counselling Skills in the assessment process. This workshop was well attended with over thirty participants present. CPD points were awarded.

CIAA made a presentation to the Oireachtas Committee in preparation for the new Adoption (Tracing and Information bill)

CIAA produced an information leaflet as part of a series covering adoption and tracing for Birth mothers who are considering or are involved in tracing a child relinquished for adoption.

Executive Committee meeting held on 25.11.2015.

Cathal Clifford

Council of Irish Adoption Agencies December 2015