DATEDELIVERED VIA: ____ Fax____ Registered Mail____ in Person

DATEDELIVERED VIA: ____ Fax____ Registered Mail____ in Person


DATEDELIVERED VIA: ____ Fax____ Registered Mail____ In Person


Parent/Guardian/Educational Rights Holder Name(s)

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Telephone Number(s)

Email (if applicable)


Name of Director of Special Education

School District Name

School District Street Address

City, State, Zip

Telephone and Fax Number(s) if known

Email if known

Student NameBirth Date

Student School

School Address

I am writing to make a referral for additional assessment for special education services for [Child's Name], as required by 5 C.C.R. Sec. 3021(a).

Under IDEA the IEP team must develop appropriate, coordinated, measurable annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable my son/daughter to meet his/her post-secondary goals when he/she turns 16 (or earlier if appropriate), and the Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) developed by the IEP team must become an integral part of the IEP. Additionally, we must ensure that my son/daughter’s ITP meets the US Dept. of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) “Indicator 13 – Secondary Goals and Services” Transition compliance requirements under IDEA.

IEP/ITP goals and related services must be based on age-appropriate and comprehensive transition assessments. I am requesting that my son/daughter be given appropriate transition assessments at this time, so that those assessments can be completed, discussed by the IEP team, and used to develop appropriate transition goals and necessary services. Specifically, I request that a functional vocational evaluation be completed, so that we have an accurate picture of my son/daughter’s needs and goals as we move toward life after high school.

Specifically, I would like my son/daughter to be assessed in the following areas of need related to his/her appropriate transition from high school: ______

I look forward to receiving an Assessment Plan within 15 calendar days for my review and consent so that the evaluations can proceed. Please include on the form the types of transition assessments that the school intends to use with my son/daughter and the areas that will be assessed.

I look forward to these evaluations being completed promptly and an IEP meeting held at a mutually agreeable time and place within 60 days to discuss the results and plan for my son’s/daughter’s supported education.

Please ensure and confirm that IEP/ITP team members from appropriate adult-service agencies, institutions, independent living centers, supported employment, and post-secondary education are invited and will attend the IEP meeting to support and provide information so that the team can meet my [son’s/daughter’s] needs. I request the following invitees:


Also, please ensure that I get copies of the assessment reports at least 5 business days before the IEP meeting so that I will have adequate time to review them and prepare any questions I may have for the IEP/ITP team.

Thank you in advance for your prompt action regarding this request. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Parent/Guardian Signature(s)

COPIES TO: School Principal, and Other members of my child’s educational team as needed

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